Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah it's only cuz it was with Eric...and with Eric thoughts of children, marriage, etc all come naturally for Cal! ;)

Lol, I like that decision there Jacks! Them having enough kids for one to look like her, and then him and then a blend sounds good to me! ;)

Makenna is a cute name! Awwww! I like that a lot! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

awww, cute kids!

I just read this and got all excited cause I was just thinking after monday's eppy how much Eric has matured, but anyways...from the review:

Delko and Calleigh get a charged and sweet moment when he says he would be a more hands-on parent than the Lamberts are. Calleigh seems surprised by the thought of Delko settling down and becoming a parent, but Delko tells her it's something he looks forward to when he finds "the right person." Delko has changed a lot since the days when he went "toothing" in the show's third season. Back then, the idea of settling down was likely at best a faint, abstract idea in the back of Delko's mind, but since his sister's death, his own grave injury last season and his feelings for Calleigh have bubbled to the surface, Delko seems more grounded and serious. I can't even imagine him playing the field anymore in the way he used to. Calleigh seems to be considering his new maturity as well.

The reviews have been great :) So yay for us!!!!

And there has been a lot of trouble with the bashing of ships, so yes we have to be extra careful ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

If all else fails, I would gladly let them borrow my baby to play Eric and Calleighs baby. That would be cool!

Eric used to be a bit of a player (Not so much one night stands as meaningless relationship to meaningless relationship) but I think he really has settled down. I think before his accident, he fancied Calleigh but now he is totally head over heels.


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ooh, me likey the review!
Funny story...I videotaped SYG, but now the VCR won't let me play the Eric/Calleigh hug scene because I played it too much. Every time I try to rewind it, the thing just stops.
Okay, now I'm off to find the beautiful scenes I couldn't previously see because of the horrors of dial-up! I just watched those clips (over and over again). Here's what I noticed: the smile on her face when she told him he'd be a great dad and that he'd never mentioned having children before. Someone definitely got lost in baby Eric land. "I just never heard you mention," (pause for butterflies in stomach followed by sheepish smile) "having children before." Speaking of stomach butterflies...I'm fairly certain that if Calleigh is like any woman who has ever liked a man the lip biting was caused by that happy little feeling deep down in her stomach. And then when she says he'd be a great dad? Oh, I'm sure Miss Calleigh Duquesne felt just like the rest of us at that moment. But hey, I'm down with that.

Okay...I'm done.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I love her reviews! Isn't she an undercover hiphugger? tehehe...

No bashing? Not even a little bit? Ok, but it's gonna be really hard not to shoot arrows at Jerkly :)

More EC babies!! Those pics are so cute! I can see Eric trying to be careful with Calleigh and hold her elbow when going down the stairs *when* she gets pregnant and she would be like "Eric, I'm pregnant not disabled!" and he'll be like "yeah, I know, I just want to touch you" with a silly grin :D at which point Calleigh momentarily become speechless and let him guide her.

Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I can imagine Eric will have to quell his natural urge to be overly-protective. Oh, I just love the thought of Daddy Eric! Perhaps someone should do a fic with little snapshots of Calleigh and Eric during a pregnancy...good times.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I thought about starting In Short Measures while Calleigh was pregnant, but I started with the night Calleigh had their baby instead of following them all or part of the way through - I would get frustrated with trying to write pregnant Calleigh; she gives me enough issues when she's not pregnant.:lol: But yeah, a story following them through her pregnancy would be the most adorable thing ever! Well, a tie between that and seeing Eric as a dad, aww. :D Who hasn't written in a while? *looks around expectantly*

Eric would so go to the farthest away, most expensive grocery store in town at 3 AM to get her a special kind of ice cream that they only have at that one store, because that would of course be the one kind she craved, heh. :D And he wouldn't even complain once because he loves her so much. :D Calleigh might actually feel bad about all the attention he would lavish her with, but Eric wouldn't think anything of it because he wants to. He's such a sweetheart. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

*sigh* too bad such a man doesn't exist in our world anymore...

I'm just sooo happy that even though we weren't getting any EC spoilers that writers managed to put the sweetest EC moments for us :) Hopefully, when the strike is over and everyone's happy, we'll go CANON!

Oh, and does anybody know what both Eric's parents' and Cal's mom's names are?

I can't believe that it's already Thursday and I'm still watching the bedroom scene :devil: with a stupid grin on my face! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jessica237 said:
I thought about starting In Short Measures while Calleigh was pregnant, but I started with the night Calleigh had their baby instead of following them all or part of the way through - I would get frustrated with trying to write pregnant Calleigh; she gives me enough issues when she's not pregnant.:lol: But yeah, a story following them through her pregnancy would be the most adorable thing ever! Well, a tie between that and seeing Eric as a dad, aww. :D Who hasn't written in a while? *looks around expectantly*

I know what you mean! Pregnant Calleigh is hard to write. (And just for the record, I've already got a pregnant Calleigh story out there, and I'm ready to shoot myself in the foot...though I suppose if I had gone with a cute story instead of an angsty one, there would be no shooting of feet). It would be cute to have a story that focuses on what is cute rather than all of the little drama surrounding it (that's what I loved about your story, was happiness)

I don't know Calleigh's mom's name, but I've heard that Eric's parents are Clorinda and Pavel. That's the word on the street at least.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Considering Cal described her mother to Alexx in monday's ep, I would love it if the writer's introduced her to us. I love when Duke interacts with Eric and I would definately love to see how Cal would react to her mother, who is more like a friend, saying something about her and Eric or just Eric in general.

I can totally picture her mom being spunky with a take no prisoners atittude :lol:

Looks like CBS has switched the air dates for Raising Cane and Miami Confidential. Raising Cane was set to air first but now Miami Confidential is going to air first on Dec 10th and Jake is NOT in the ep. :D I have no idea when we are supposed to see him again.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

delkolover said:

Looks like CBS has switched the air dates for Raising Cane and Miami Confidential. Raising Cane was set to air first but now Miami Confidential is going to air first on Dec 10th....

Isn't "Guerillas In The Mist" supposed to air on Dec 10th?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

delkolover said:

Looks like CBS has switched the air dates for Raising Cane and Miami Confidential. Raising Cane was set to air first but now Miami Confidential is going to air first on Dec 10th and Jake is NOT in the ep. :D I have no idea when we are supposed to see him again.

Maybe we'll get really lucky and, like, never see him again. :lol: Yeah right. I don't think things could turn out that well. Still, we can dream, can't we? Also, any idea what the episode is supposed to be about?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jellicle15 said:
Also, any idea what the episode is supposed to be about?

Episode description says: "While investigating the murder of a young woman, the CSIs uncover a meth lab in her apartment and an unscrupulous FBI agent with a secret life of his own" and it'll be on Dec.17th! Jackie needs glasses! Muahaha! ;p

Hopefully we'll get some more surprising E/C scenes like the one in "My Nanny". I just love it when nobody expects anything and then suddenly we get such epiphanal conversations! Is 'epiphanal' a word?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't know, but it has the word "anal" in it.

I love surprising scenes, too. Totally wasn't expecting one in CSI: My Nanny, but I had a feeling that something amazing was going to happen when they walked into that kid's room.

The only parent I'm really keen on seeing is Eric's mom. I don't know why, but she sounds like the kind of mom who fusses over her son and tells embarrassing stories. I want an embarrassing Eric story.
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