Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Leela... :p I don't need glasses :p

What I should have said was that Miami Confidential is going to air on Dec 17th instead of Raising Cane. That is what I meant when I said they swtiched the air dates. Guerilla's in the Mist is still set to air on Dec 10th

I want to see Eric's mom too...she seems like she would play matchmaker and totally tell Cal embarassing little Eric stories :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Somethings, you're so funny! **still laughing at 'anal'** :lol:

I also want embarassing Eric stories! That'd be fun! And I want to know if Eric ever mentioned Cal to her. But I also want to know what Cal's mom think of Eric.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

If Eric's mom is spanish, she would totally tell embarrassing stories about him :lol:. Trust me my mom is Dominican and everywhere we go she has to tell some story about me or my brother.

I know this late but I loved the scene they had in the latest episode. Eric was hinting at Cal that maybe one day they will be together happily ever after!! :rolleyes:

I don't want them to get together in an easy way. Like they are doing now. They are taking it slow and giving little clues, kind of pushing them slowly together.

I hope that they have more scenes together in the future episodes.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh I definitely see Eric's mom as playing match maker. She'd be one who would pick up on what's between them instantly and immediatily start digging to find out everything. Then she'd go to Calleigh and tell her how perfect they are for each other!!

Delko has changed a lot since the days when he went "toothing" in the show's third season. Back then, the idea of settling down was likely at best a faint, abstract idea in the back of Delko's mind, but since his sister's death, his own grave injury last seasonand his feelings for Calleigh have bubbled to the surface , Delko seems more grounded and serious. I can't even imagine him playing the field anymore in the way he used to.Calleigh seems to be considering his new maturity as well .

these lines make me smile!! :D

I'm watching Bait on A&E, when Eric is covering for Frank after finding his finger print at the scene. And I love how when he is conflicted about what to do he goes to Calleigh. It really shows how close these two are and how much they trust each other, even back in season two!! And their love has only grown through the years.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I rewatched the bedroom scene again from Monday's ep...this time watching Eric...and he totally looks up and says "the right girl" line as if to be ready to listen for her reaction...he sooo said it to mean her and he didn't mean it in passing; he meant 'she' was the right girl.

Watch it again but this time watch him closely and not her and you will see what I mean ;)

I love this ship :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

delkolover, I'm with you! He paused so he can emphasize "the right girl" so she would know that he's talking about her. And by how I gauge her reaction, I think she got it ;) Ayayayay!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I rewatched the bedroom scene again from Monday's ep...this time watching Eric...and he totally looks up and says "the right girl" line as if to be ready to listen for her reaction...he sooo said it to mean her and he didn't mean it in passing; he meant 'she' was the right girl.
I noticed that too! Hopefully she picked up on that and she can ditch Jake.

Something else I've noticed is that he is somewhat softer around her. He's like "the man" around Ryan and whoever else. But when he's with Calleigh, he's different and its so cute. Let's hope they start something! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah, he definitely speaks differently when they're alone together, especially if he's saying something honest and open. It's so adorable. He really does look like a man in love. Do you think if I write enough fics, I'll get my own Eric? To keep?

I noticed Eric looking up and around, too. It was one of the first things I commented on after the episode ended. He really wanted to see her face. I think that if he saw that, saw her biting her lip and the little almost guilty look on her face, he'd have a damn good indication of what she wants, too. But I think the silence was equally telling, so Eric probably knows that he's pretty much got her. Matter of time!

This is totally irrelevant, but today, I programmed a Sudoku solver from scratch.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

He paused so he can emphasize "the right girl" so she would know that he's talking about her.
Ohhhh yeah he was TOTALLY talking about her and the way he paused and looked up and was quiet to catch her reaction...he was definitely talking about her! And I think he knows that she got his point! :D And yeah Luce I totally think the silence was telling, and I think he knows that he's got her!

Matter of time...oh I soooooo cannot wait! :devil:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I have no idea where Caro is, but I really want to get the Christmas challenge started, so...

Not including the single elements, we have:

- leaking tube
- melted smores
- pregnant santa
- ant infested mistle toe
- a poison ivy wreath
- someone climbs something that's not a ladder
- a rat terrier that insists on being in the bathroom whenever someone is in there
- two people playing Chutes and Ladders
- someone singing "All I Want for Christmas Is You"
Leela (SIGH)
- William Shatner
- a pink Rabbit Pearl

If you posted a single element (cat, horse, etc), please expand on it a little bit and it'll be added immediately.

I only skimmed the last couple of pages, so if I missed any, let me know, but otherwise, if your name isn't on that list, *shakes fist*. Suggest something! I don't want to pull the fairness card, but nobody's asking you for your left arm, just a couple of words to get us started. It's all about tossing around ideas, anyway. Who cares if your idea doesn't end up being used?! It's always nicer if we have a whole bunch we can vote on and really get a consensus on what people want to write about, so c'mon, don't be lazy!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok, I've got one. Just came to me.

Two people playing Chutes and Ladders.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ooh, I like that one.

I'm pretty sure that even the ones that don't end up being used for this year's challenge can be used as regular prompts, so it can't be a bad thing to have a whole bunch. Hell, I may even use some after Christmas to write separate, non-Christmas-related stories, so keep 'em coming!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lol, the "ant infested mistletoe" sounds so scary! I'm not even afraid of ants and that sounds horrid...poor Cal! :lol:

Okay so we just post fandom ideas that might prompt a fic? Be warned if I do this, the possiblity of the suggestions being cheesy are really really high! :D

Like the first thing that popped into my head was...

Someone singing "All I Want for Christmas is You"....

And then the image somewhere wearing just a Santa hat and nothing else popped into my head! :devil:

So there ya go! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oi! Where's my Pink Rabbit?
And William Shatner?
I demand to be listened to! Epiphanalially!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Is the Leela going to write a fic this year? Yes? Then I shall add those to the list. No? Then goodbye!

I can't stop watching the bedroom scene. Like I often find myself with it on repeat, just 'cause it's so goddamn cute.
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