Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Did anybody catch that huge anvil at the beginning of the episode? Red head tells Calleigh that Blondie came to work and looked like she'd been crying, and said something like, "if you know what I mean," and Calleigh said yes. Then Ryan was all, "huh?" and Calleigh said, "the boyfriend."

Was that just me? The camera direction seemed to make a big deal out of it.

Horatio: Trust no one.

Ugh. Thank you for crapping all over my X-Files nostalgia, Ho. Die.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

AHAHAH. xD I knoww. It seemed kind of weird, but I kind of thought they were sending the point across of that woman intuition..boyfriend problems=crying at work..etc or whereever really. haha.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

It probably meant nothing, but I thought it was curious. Stupid episode otherwise. I'm so tired of all the HoDrama.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ehh, I didn't think it was stupid so to speak, but it wasn't one of the best episodes I'd seen.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I didn't notice when I was watching it but now that you mention it, it sounds likely that they did it on purpose. Jakey-flaky causing problems at home. I can see that. Not Calleigh crying about it, but the fact that she picked up on it right away, yeah.

There was only one scene that was worth it and it was the one where Calleigh and Eric go to bust the guy for smuggling heroin. Calleigh looked totally hot taking charge and Eric walking behind her like, "I'm okay not wearing the pants in this relationship."
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I did think the scene with the redhead was important. The way Calleigh inmediately reacted to the comment: *girl is upset because she has a boyfriend, know the feeling* I thought was very telling.

Although I hated that we did not get a great EC scene, at least they were together in a lot of them, cause the way the show started I really thought it was going to be another "Cyberlebrity :mad:" kind of episode.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Luce I totally agree...I wasn't even gonna review this eppy cuz really it was a complete non-ep to me felt like nothing really happenend! The only saving grace was that E/C was still onscreen together...and that one scene like you said where they go to get the clothing guy...that was awesome...Calleigh when she's doing her "Pissed-Crusader-for-justice" impersonation is freaking awesome! Her marching through with Eric in tow and her little "Merry Christmas" the guy as she hands him the warrant...that was perfect! You gotta know Eric was loving her taking charge and sashaying through there like nobody's business! :lol: :devil:

And yeah her knowing immediately the girl was upset about a boy...that was kinda a woman thing to know, but still that was pretty telling as far as how things are at "home" I'd say! (Sweet! :lol: )
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Is all this Calleigh being pregnant stuff just hypothetical??? cause I just thought you guys where just being hypothetical, but then I read that calleigh was pregnant on other sites aswell. my favourite being this one posted by lili06 at 'I dont know how true this is but i was told by a friend that calleigh is suppose to be pregnant by jake but its really not gona b jakes its ericks because she cheated on jake wit erick' awwww cute E/C baby. The down side to that though is it makes her look bad for cheating. same person same site (its a earlier post i think) 'Is calleigh pregnant a couple people said that if u lookin on really close in the 1st season 6 ep u can see her stomach is a lil pokey'. I've read others to but I cant remember where :confused:. So do you guy know if she is or isn't?????
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

The only positive thing I took away from this ep was what the future could hold for E/C. What I mean is with everything that is going on with Jake and them they are still able to work together without it obviously being awkward. Now granted Jake was no where to be seen but still if them working together last night just fine was an indication of how they could possibly work together and be together at the same in the future...thing are looking good for us ;)

They seem to be able to balance work and private life just fine and I think we really get a chance to see that when Jake isn't around. We also see how when Jake is around that things might be awkward but they are still able to be don't see any of that when J/C are in a scene together. They are like two high schoolers mindlessly flirting; ya know the quaterback and head cheerleader.

Overall, the ep was ok...nothing to brag about; other than E/C worked together. Joe Lebrock is boring nemeisis but I thought the end when H shows him the video of his son was a very L&Oesque twist. Plus Lebrock made the right decision b/c inmates no matter what they have done absolutely hate anyone who is associated with a pedophile or child molestor.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I also thought there was some correlation between Calleigh knowing the girl was upset due to a boyfriend, as she'd experienced the same thing with Jerkly.

My favorite part of the episode was the scene with Frank and his "favorite dust monkey" Ryan. Loved how Frank mercilessly teased him! :lol: The only other things I liked about the show was that E & C were working together, and Calleigh's "Merry Christmas" to the fashion dude as she handed him the warrant. Otherwise, the episode was blah...too much Horatio/Kyle/Lebrock. I knew we were headed for too much of that when the primary case was solved with 15 minutes still left to go in the episode.

Oh more good thing about the Jake Jerkly!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah I saw that too with Cal and the model...I thought that was a little telling.

I loved how they all gave Ryan a hard time :lol: Natalia was funny too "I got'em you watch'em" They are all sooo busting his balls b/c he is back. Did he think they wouldn't though given what he did? :rolleyes:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

This is my favorite scene from last night's episode, especially the second part. I like how Eric's always asking Calleigh to smell stuff. ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I just love Frank! I laughed so much when he was teasing Ryan. And then Calleigh reading right into why Ryan knew how to work with the 3D thing, yeah he was kind of picked on a lot during the episode. I liked that :)

I also thought Calleigh was given a more important role during this eppy. She was out there, interrogating, doing what she does best, busting everybody. And of course the scene with the merry christmas and her and eric was great. They just work so great together. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Any one else find that episode pretty pointless? Sure there were some okay moments, but it wasn't the best thing Miami's thrown out. I got bored half way through, Frank cheered me up though. Not to mention the sheer amount of Calleigh-ness. The characters get an 8 form me; the plot, a 4.

Names? Names? I like Lacie or Medalea (pronounced: med-ah-li-ah). But I like Paige too, but not for a baby with Eric. Medalea is my fave, ethnic and different. You guys like?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I like Medalea. Its pretty. I also like ... Adalia, Ana, Dana (I love X-Files!), Emily, Emma, Gretchen, Harlia, Helin, Isobela, Jorja, Juliette, Katie, Mara, Opal, Ophelia, Pheobe, Reinette, Sarah, Sophie, Tilly, Vivian, and Wendy. The episode sounds like it bombed. Shame.


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