Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

That's true. We can like drop him in the ocean or something. Wait, that's pollution. I don't know...

With Eric on night shift she won't be his boss. That or he can be a stay-at-home Dad.

I think Timmy and Marisol will be the first ones. After that maybe something Southern. I collect names to use for story characters so I'll look.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Drommie, blondes are definitely not dumb...sometimes I think I can make little jokes because I am blonde. Sorry, I was only kidding.

Eric's reaction to a pregnant Calleigh? Oh, it gives me butterflies. He's going to be so freaking cute. I like to think that there will be sweet scenes between them regarding little baby EC.

Names? Okay, I don't know why, but I could see them having a Sam (boy Sam) and, how weird does this sound: I could see Calleigh having a child named Molly, but not with Eric...I don't know why, but it just seems to make sense in my head. I could see them going for something simple but not super common too.

Calleigh with Jake's baby? Just say no!!!! I think Jake would have to fall off the face of the earth or it's going to be a pain in the butt. Anyway, that wouldn't happen (unless Emily is currently pregnant and we don't know it...)

As far as Calleigh's feelings towards having a baby go, I could definitely see her being okay (maybe a general nervousness) if she's settled and with Eric, but if it was some random sort of thing that wasn't supposed to happen, I'm sure she'd react like any woman: nervous, confused, etc.

Lucy, where are you getting all of this info? You're like our own little more accurate wikipedia! It's pretty amazing :)

So I'm watching Dispo Day right now...gosh I love that eppy. Emily does a really good job as Calleigh on crack, and I'm fairly certain one of my favorite lines is after the officer tells Calleigh she has to pee in the cup and she takes it, looks at him and says, "Okay, but I'm not doing it in front of you" I don't think it's so much what she said as the look on her face. Oh good times.

GillianSGrissom There is no spoiler and Calleigh isn't pregnant. We're all just dreaming. Maybe one day.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Caro, ohhhhh I LOVE the name Eva for a little girl and especially for E/ fact I've thought that that should be their little girl's name from the get go! :D

And yeah writer's strike = CRAP! :p PTB give them what they want already so we can have our shippy stuff already! :lol:

Lol, yeah Jacks Calleigh in Dispo Day was adorable...I loved her "hummingbird" impression! :lol:

Can't wait until our eppy tonight...fingers are crossed for some good E/C... :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Okay. Eric needs to be with Calleigh, if only for the sole reason that she can pick out his clothes for him. Seriously. :lol:

I could see Calleigh having a child named Molly, but not with Eric...

I totally get that. I've got different baby names for every one of my pairings, and I can't make myself give an EC name to any other pairing, or vice versa.

Timmy would be adorable as an EC boy name, aww. So sweet. :D I've never really thought about what they would name a boy though; everytime I've imagined it, they've always had a girl. I love the name Eva; that would be perfect. Like Caro said; it's simple, but it's elegant too, and it's not exactly a name that everybody else in the world has, like some names. When I'm writing though, I'm kinda partial to Emma. Maya would be cute, too.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lol, Jess you crack me up...hmmm, maybe it's one of many of Eric's secret ploy's to win Calleigh...
Eric: Note to self: Dress badly so Calleigh will come home with me and dress me better! :lol: Might work! ;)

Timmy would definitely be a totally cute E/C boy name...I think that would be very fitting! I really do love the name "Eva" for an E/C baby girl...Maya is really cute too Jess and I have always loved the name Emma! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I always loved the name Maya, and it sounds like something Eric would suggest. He'd be all excited about it and Calleigh wouldn't be able to say no.

I'm so exhausted. Should I stay up and watch the episode? I'm thinking of going to bed early, so let us West Coasters know if it's worth staying up!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

so far lots of E/C working together, which is always fun. They really work well together. :) Oh and Eric's in a peach and white shirt kinda like his red one with the flowers. Hmmm... Where does he find these shirts???
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I got home at like 9:57 and the whole bus ride, I was so worried I wouldn't get home on time. Addicted!

Jacks - I love genetics and I like checking out facts I'm not too sure about. Curious by nature, I guess. ;)

Okay, so I'm sitting here watching the episode and I can't get into it at all. I really don't care about the Horatio/Kyle story line. AT ALL.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

*laughs* jake jerkley... that's a good one

i go for isabelle as a girl's name

and just s you know, i have blonde hair, blue eyes and very, very, very pale skin, my kind are dying :(
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

That's why I might just skip it and watch it tomorrow. I so don't care about all the ho drama. I heard a promo of the episode over the radio and it sounded so lame. Whatever, Horatio.

Yay for E/C scenes, though. Uuuuh, I'm torn! I think I'll go to bed, though. I didn't get any sleep last night and I have to be at work at 7 am tomorrow.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah, there really wasn't enough EC to make up for the H/K drama. I didn't even pay enough attention to the episode to write a review.

Someone fill me in on the promo because CTV sucks in that department.

ETA: Okay, scratch the last part. CTV decided to show a promo today but it was more H drama. UGH.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Did I miss something??? Weren't we supposed to have a lot of real amazing drama with action scenes for the characters? Honestly, am I just on crack or what's the deal???

Eva is a cute name...though I think I'm more partial to spelling it AVA. I have this unbelievable fear that if the writers did give Calleigh and Eric a baby they'd name it Edna or Arlou or something...don't get me wrong, they're nice names in their time...but could you imagine?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Mmmmm, so I get the feeling that this wasn't the most amazing eppy ever...even with the E/C we get/got? I haven't seen it yet...(West Coaster and all :p ) but at least we get E/C...that's good right?

I don't hate the H and Kyle drama that much but I would WAY rather see E/C do anything (stare at paint dry together at the very least) than watch H try to talk to his yeah, that's my thought!

1 hr, 15 minutes til I get to see if the eppy is worth missing the sleep I'll miss for it!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Mo, it wasn't just wasn't what I expected. Definitely Horatiocentric, but Calleigh and Eric had a lot of scenes together...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Okay, so I got done watching tonight's episode a little while ago and unfortanately, H will have LOTS of screen time because of the whole Kyle deal. Although, I do like this twist they added to this season, gives it more drama and stuff. ^.^
At least we got E/C scenes this time, I was fearing there weren't going to be many and then..BOOM. haha. xD

I do think those writers are under paid, but still..WHYYY. l0l. Hopefully they give them more $$ to quiet them down and it'll continue on as before. l0l.
Let's just hope they don't get greedy with asking for money and try and pull it again. x.x

I'm hoping they will get their fair share and then it'll end, but who knows?!!

Also, my dad watched it with me tonight and he was laughing hysterically on how TECH they were in the department, The whole high tech stuff was making him laugh.
Especially when they tracked down the cell phone number and where the call came from..that computer was cracking him up. xD He's always gotta ruin the fun of the show. haha. xD
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