Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Are you in Canada? Did you guys get a different preview up there? Or did you just see the extended one? The only bit of EC I saw in the promo was them at the beach (sex on the beach, anyone?) and were they both wearing white?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I saw the promo on UTube and it looks to me like Eric sees Speed on the beach, he "looks like he's seen a ghost" as Cal puts it, and she turns around too. Then a later scene in the promo shows Cal walking around in a bar, Speed is actually at the bar, and I believe that is Eric walking next to Calleigh. kind of made me wonder if when Speed (Speed the ghost because I don't believe he's actually alive) speaks to Eric, its about Calleigh. Like he's going to give Eric advise, tell him to go fight for her. A girl can dream, right?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I'm in Canada and I didn't get a preview at all, but they always show promos during ads during other shows. I don't watch enough TV to catch any of them though. But I think we'll get at least one REAL shipper scene, so I'm excited.

I wish I could write comedy, but I'm really not... funny. Where's Skylar? She wrote great humor.

And I want an update on your fic, Caro.

Kinda off-topic, I almost finished a Ryan/Valera fic, but then Ryan became an an ass on the show and I hate him too much to finish it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Ok, I've missed ALOT!!

1) The East Coast RULES!! Even if I'm not there right now. ;)

2) Yes, I think someting about lobsters is very fitting for our next EC title.

3) E/C are basically a better, hotter, more in love version of R/R and M/S. (Sounds like an equation ;) )

4) Ohh UPDATE!! *Scurries off to read* Loved it! Expect a review soon!

5) Miami is very busy.

Ok, caught up I think. MMM, Missed the promo. Must go to youtube and hope I can find it!

Hope you all are well,

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Could you possibly, pretty pretty please with cherries and strawberries and sprinkles and sugar and ice cream and chocolate on top pretty please put the link on for that promo on YouTube (Because i've just looked for it and I can't see it.)

I'm in despair (I have no patience) Drommie

P.S pretty please!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Grrrrrrrrr :mad: I just typed this whole thing out and it wouldnt let me submit and then this stupid error message poped up and the whole thing knocked off :mad:

I've missed loads :eek:
I cant remember what I typed :( ohhh well it will come back to me.

Eric and Cal have gone through enough crap so when they do get together they should just be happy which I think is how it will be played out.

'Cause Miami doesn't follow the characters home we should get more loving looks and subtle touches.
This ship has so much potential it can last for three or four years, no doubt about it.

They should definatly take it slow with the charecters. NO WAY!!!!!! should the charecters jump into bed with each other and resent eachother forever. That would such a bad bad thing to happen.

Ohhhh and pease please pretty please Could someone possibly put the link the promo on YouTube. :D

I think thats all of it............
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I missed a lot of posts, but school is driving me crazy!

Heather, these are all good ideas. :) I’d be really glad to see them happy after those troubles that happened in these seasons. They deserve that… :rolleyes:
I’d like to see some scenes in their home, too…it’s always good to see some E/C life outside the lab ;) and I also agree for the slow steps in their relationship, a bit slow is good because the relationships of those that run too much don’t last for a long time.

Yay! I’ve been excited for this episode since I’ve known that ghost-Speedle was in it. :D I think that they would talk about Calleigh, because the romance between her and Eric it’s important for him. ;) If Speedle is only an hallucination of his brain, they’d talk about important problems of Eric and one of them is that he loves Calleigh, but she’s with Jake. Probably Speed would personify the part of him that wants to fight for her. ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I kinda get the feeling Speed won't have a big role. I don't know, I just hope we get something (from Calleigh's side!) to hold us over because the few episodes after this one are going to be HELL for this ship and I really hope everyone hangs on tight and we don't have people giving up.

Also, it's a good thing I uploaded that ET video on You Tube because otherwise we would've lost it forever thanks to American Airlines' ineptitude. God, I want my files back. I can't believe I have to start TCOTE all over again.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

midnight I feel like I've jinxed you cause in a earlier post I said
Heather_lewis said:
Hey Caro! *waves* I hope your move went as you planned and nothing got lost.

And then your computer was broke. Please dont kill me :lol:

Did they replace it. Cause when the company we moved with broke my computer :mad: bed :mad: and sofa :mad: they had to replace it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Ohhh looks intriguing! I can't wait to see that '...saw a ghost' scene. I'd love to see their little looks and moments. I hope I don't miss it! :lol:

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Lucy, I loved the new chapter of time tells!!!

And I just posted a one-shot over at here's the link
Please read & review!!

I read that Speed wasn't a hallucination at all, but that they were going to find evidence that Speedle was still alive. Does anyone know anything about that?? I'm really confused!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

As far as I know and from what I read in spoilers and interviews, Speed is a figment of Eric's PTSD'ed brain. In other words, he is a hallucination produced by Eric. I also don't feel that Speed's role is going to be as big as everyone thinks. I think he will be in a few scenes and help Eric with the case and that will proably be it. On the other hand, I have heard that Rory is slated, at some point this season, possibly for a second hopefully if he does do another ep, he will discuss E/C with Eric in that one.

Oh, Brooke I read your oneshot over at was really cute. I would love to see Eric's mom in the show b/c I think she would totally meddle in regards to E/C.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I think it was something about someone (I know that's a bit vague) using speed's credit cards/information, and that's what makes them think he's alive, but as far as I know, he is dead. Don't hold me to that though.

Oh good times with the spoiler box. Heather, I had the exact same thing happen last night! I think I'm going to start copying my posts before submitting them.
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