Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh, I see. I don't go hunting for spoilers, so I just take what you guys offer. ;)

So basically, if they put E/C together at the end of this season, we might get four seasons worth of material if we're lucky. I can see why writers would want to break up their characters (for development/evolution), and I do foresee short gaps in their relationship where they'll argue and/or "break up," but I hope they'll be together at the end. It's the least the writers could do, after teasing us for the better part of five seasons. :<

I don't really watch LV, but from what I've seen of NY this season, D/L often have little flirty scenes. I'd love that with E/C. They had that with E/N kinda, but that's E/N so it might as well be renamed Controlling Your Gag Reflex 101.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Four years (or three, since they're not together now) is perfect. You got your honeymoon months, the awkward I love you, the first fight, the inevitable pregnancy scare, a brief break up, a reunion, and then a proposal and a wedding or what have ya. Spreading all of that through 3 years sounds pretty good to me.

The difference is that Eric and Natalia never felt anything towards each other, whereas D/L are in a relationship. I haven't been watching NY, but they're a lot more ballsy than Miami when it comes to shipping. Of course, they have better writers, too.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

That is why I think this ship has soo much potential to last. They could have their flirty scenes to let us know they are still together with the occassional kiss and maybe mention of whose house they are going back does't have to be "let's sneak off and make out" b/c again, these shows don't do that with their with characters. Now, if this was ER, they would be making out in every closet!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

It's not like the other ships are going to pan out, anyway. I'd go as far as saying that minimal attention would be perfect for me, because I tend to lose interest once the characters get together. Like Luka and Abby on ER, once they hooked up it was like, okay, now I've seen it all, I can move on. Even GSR, I think, got too much screen time. So you know, subtle is good.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Well b/c usually once the couple gets together they are all over each other, every little thing the other does is scrutinized by the other; but with this show I don't think we would see that b/c the 'ship' would be secondary for these characters and not primary like it becomes in other shows. In other shows, the characters then become defined by the realtionship they are in...I don't think that will happen with this one. B/C we have seen in the past that these characters can do their work and not be totally defined by what is going on around them. They tried it with Eric in season 4 and it bombed big time b/c they got too involved...they rectified it a little in season 5...putting personal things in there but not letting it interfere with the job...does that make sense? :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I think the good thing about EC is that the characters are mature enough so that every week we won't be subjected to their Issue Of The Moment. They could have a relationship at home and keep it professional at work if they so wanted. Whereas Natalia and Ryan are both so immature and self-centered and dramatic, a relationship between any character and them would be just a drama bomb going off week after week. No thanks!

I think Eric and Calleigh have also gone through enough shit and when they get together they should just be happy, and I think that's probably how it will be.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

This ship has enough potential to last for three or four years. I can't see them making it front and center, but more loving looks and subtle touches that sustain us without focusing all the attention on them. Especially since Miami doesn't follow the characters home. Just enough to let us know that they're together.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh sweet mother of mercy...I just typed out a whole freaking thing, and it wouldn't let me submit it. Oh well...take 2 (the way short version)
1. Time zones! Midnight, I feel the same way, but I'm in central, so I'm not quite sure how that works. Maybe I'm just not on at the right time.
2. Eric and Cal in a relationship: please go slowly and develop it so they don't jump into bed with each other and then resent one another forever.
3. Eric and Cal switching clothing--that would be cute...though I kind of see Cal as a yellow robe person.
4. There was definitely something else, but I don't remember.
That's all folks!

EDIT: Oh, I remember!!! Today I was going back and looking through earlier seasons of CSIM. I can't remember the name, but I think it's the one right before Death Grip and Calleigh has to go to a scene for Eric because he 'flakes out' or whatever. She was pissed at him (and please note that both Eric and Tim acknowledged that Cal was not happy with this) I don't know why this makes me happy, but it does. My little trip back took me to the land of Calleigh and Hagen, and I can't help but wonder what she was thinking. SOmetimes I think maybe while Calleigh wants to be perceived as tough and self-sufficient, she secretly loves being treated like a lady (though not an invalid lady) and perhaps that's what appealed to her in Hagen. Does that make sense? I would try to explain it more, but I imagine it would only lead to more confusion.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Eric and Cal swtitching clothes is awesome. Again we want them to jump each other like ASAP but then of course we wouldn't want them to break apart that fast. I just hope that the writers don't screw them over. Brooke I love your icon and I agree w/ you that little touches and such are going to be nice when they finally do get together. What if they do a morning scene like they did in NY with A.J or Adam (what ever his name is). Hehe that would be so funny Eric telling Cal to wake up or the other way around. :p
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Yay Luce, I saw that you'd updated and I got giddy...even if it is angsty as all heck, I just wubs your story! :D :D

Okay saw another longer promo for looks freakin' awesome! Looks fairly steamy and hopefully full of the E/C moments it looks to hint at! :devil: Sweet!! :D I'd love it if we got a scene at the end where Cal and Eric are standing in front of Speed's headstone saying thank you and goodbye...that would be sweet and bonding! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

That's how I hope the episode ends, too. People have been hoping for a scene like that since Speed died, but considering this is Miami, I wouldn't get my hopes up. It'll probably end with Ho making it All. About. Himself.

I'll read it tomorrow when I can, Lucy. I can't handle angst tonight. I'd love to read some comedy, though, but there isn't much out there right now.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Yeah Caro that would be the best way to end it in my opinion...*shrugs*

I decided by the way while watching the lovely bits of E/C we got in the promo that I am done with Jake...he needs to be done and to that end I'm organizing a tactical strike to take him out...who's with me? :lol:
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