Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

If you're shipping Jake and Calleigh, I believe that there's a thread somewhere for them! ;)

GrueGilsGal said:
Why screw up a wonderful friendship with sex? Especially when a break up would cloud the judgment of two of Miami's finest?
Who says it'll screw up their friendship? Who says that they'll break up if they were to get together? After everything they've been through together, this isn't just about sex... it's more than a physical attraction, it's love. A connection that only they can have with each other.

I've said this once, but here it goes, again...
fadingintherain said:
Eric and Calleigh's friendship goes beyond words can express. From a strong, unbreakable bond, there lies a better outcome... romance. These days Calleigh is concerned that they may ruin their friendship if the romance doesn't work out. (Not the "we work together" crap she's letting out, cause we're a lot smarter than that!) She still has a long way to go when dealing with her emotions, who can blame her with her track record? But in the long run, I think she'll realize that there isn't a better basis for romance than an intimate friendship, which she so clearly has with Eric.

Perfect is the perfect word to describe this ship! We go beyond the exterior appearances and actions of E/C that we can actually establish something definable by the two characters. The attraction built up by the two of them comes from not only thier gorgeousness, but what's inside, what the've been through together, and basically their enitre lives... past, present, and future!
Life is about trying things to see if they wrok! With what they have for each other, it'll definitely work! In order to win in love, there always have to be a certain risk of loss! Even if Calleigh and Eric were to "hypothetically" break-up (which they won't) after they get together (which they will), the risk they would taken would be much worth it or they'll question it for the rest of their lives!

You guys do remember the saying, "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." Well, of course, with E/C their won't be a "lost," but yall know what I mean...


Luv yall…

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Well, person coming in here bringing this up :D, even though the sex is hot, who said it was all about the sex? Eric and Calleigh obviously have so much potential with romance that this a risk worth taking. How many deep friendships have you known turn into romance? When you care about someone so much, to a point you realize that it could be something more.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Moriel, thank you! By the way, my name is Lucy, if that's easier to use, although I notice there's a mod here who shares the name.

If Jake becomes a regular this season, I will actually boycott the show. I've said before (somewhere else, I think) that I don't mind Jake appearing for a little while and injecting some (more) angst into Eric/Calleigh (not that they need it or anything), but my tolerance for him ends at six episodes.

Regarding the ethical standards, I'm not sure what rules MDPD has on their CSIs, but let's face it: this is primetime drama. As true as the writers try to stay to the real thing, a lot is just invented. After all, I challenge anyone to find one Lieutenant who really stands there making witty remarks that always lead the team to the killer while being completely emotionally devoid unless he's talking to children while also sporting a pair of swanky shades. There are none. So I say boot those ethical standards to Zimbabwe, where they really do need them, and let Eric and Calleigh have what they want, damn it.

And finally, the orgasmic look on Eric's face is making me giggle like a little girl.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Exactly. I can't picture them making him a regular. If they make him a regular, this show is nuts, but Corey did say that there would be some complications going on between E/C long before Jake came back into the picture and we could kind of guess it would be him. So I think he is just being used as a storyline and I can't picture them adding him, but you never know. Nat may have been a stoyline at first and then they added her and that's another reason why I think that they wouldn't add him because of Nat and Frank becoming regulars. And would't it being tiring to have another office fling just pop up out of nowhere?

By the way, Eric and Calleigh are no random fling. :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Jake adds nothing to the show. Some cheap drama and that's it. And they're not gonna make him a regular - that would be a horrible thing to do to Tripp, who barely gets any screen time as it is.

Eric and Calleigh can get flings with other people, but not with each other. They're too close and there are deep feelings involved. If they get together, that's it and it would be pretty serious. It's probably the reason why Calleigh's so scared.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Tripp is awesome. He totally cracks me up. If anyone should become a regular, it's Valera, dude.

Just to make this post not completely off topic, I'm curious to know how they'll further play out Eric's brain injury and how Calleigh will help him (or not help him, but that's not likely given how close they are).

The one thing I'm worried most about E/C is that I'll be disappointed by how they eventually/finally end up together. Reading too many fan fics has put this grand (and very unrealistic) scene in my head. I hope the writers get that perfect, because if it flops, I highly doubt it'd be the fault of Emily and Adam but rather the lines they're forced to say.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

It's CSI: Miami, so I don't know. Something tells me we'll probably be a bit disappointed, although I think they've handled the E/C storyline very well.

As for the brain thing, I'm pretty sure they'll go there again. Either he'll get injured or will start getting headaches -- I'm really excited about it because I love Eric angst. As long as Adam stays put, I'm up for it. And I'm 100% Calleigh will worry her heart out and move heaven and earth to be near him. The writers might even use this to reveal to Jake there's something fishy going on between EC.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Yeah, I agree that they've handled the E/C storyline well, although I think there were hiccups here and there, like that one season where we got no valuable E/C scenes because Calleigh had to drag around that new guy and stir up a rather irrelevant ship (in my humble opinion, of course). Don't get me wrong; I like Ryan. Just... not that much.

Eric angst makes me happy, too. Especially when there's a comforting Calleigh involved.

I almost took a Human Cognition course this semester where I would've learned all about brain lesions/damage and how it affected a person's personality/memory/motor skills. When I saw the course outline, I got excited because I actually thought to myself, "I'm going to learn about what's plaguing Eric!!" Yeah, too much CSI Miami for me.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Considering this is Miami they seem to be handling the E/C storyline very well; they are actually putting some deep thought into it and for that reason it will be sweeter when they do finally get togehter. It means they aren't/won't treat E/C like a fling. They are going to treat it as something special b/c it is.

I think in the long run, b/c the show probably has about a ten yr run, that they will get E/C together, maybe break them up but they will more than likely come back to them for the end of the show....then again who knows they could keep them together; the relationship between these two opens sooo many doors and possibilities that could be played out for a long time and to be honest it would be nice to see a regular serious relationship in a show b/c now a days all the shows seem to like to get everyone to sleep with each other and nothing is serious or permanent.

And they could so get away with that with E/C. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

That sounds really interesting! I'm fascinated by the human brain. I think this is a great storyline, too bad the writers handled it so badly. I would've killed -- KILLED! -- to see Eric go through physical therapy, etc. Corey Miller said Calleigh was there with Eric every moment, but dammit, I wanted to see that! Why did it have to happen off screen?

Glad to see I'm not the only one who loves Eric angst. I'm a whore for it! Adam is so good at it. I gotta say, I don't understand the people who want Eric to go back to his manwhore days. I never liked that. I like that he's evolved into a very mature man.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I think they should break the do-not-go-home rule more often. The cases do eventually get repetitive, especially if you watch all three CSIs. It'd be nice to take a few minutes out of each episode to show us what the characters are up to away from work aside from what little we get from subtle and quite often flat hints dropped here and there.

I think somewhere earlier in one of these E/C threads, you mentioned Martin/Sam from Without a Trace. What I like about WAT is that they show a little of what's happening when they're not looking for missing people. You know, cute eye candy scenes meant to keep us shippers happy. Sigh.

Back on topic (I'm really bad at that today), I really didn't like how they made Eric out to be a "player" when the show first started. Eric has shown that he has a huge heart and has nothing but respect for women who deserve it. And Calleigh always knew he was better than all the sleeping around he did.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Oh my god I know! Everyone sees Eric as a dirty player when he is acutally a very sweet guy. I said this before and I will say it again, the only obvious player right now is Horatio.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

He really has developed a lot from the past season like seriously the other seasons especially season 3 that was a bad one but seriously he has developed.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

It was just kinda weird, cause he seemed to hang around the women he slept with and he seemed to treat them well. So it wasn't just about the sex. I don't know, sometimes people like Eric, who grow up in such a big, loving family, have problems adapting to loneliness. I think maybe that's why he slept around so much. But it really didn't make much sense, considering his character.

You need to get to know your characters intimately. Otherwise, what's the point in having them there? Miami's best scenes have always been the personal moments between the characters. That's what you remember, really. Who remembers with detail what the B case was about in Wannabe? I do remember that Calleigh revealed she's scared of ants and Eric helped her overcome her fear. That was a great moment. The case? Not so much.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Yea Wannabe was great. But I wish that Cal in Brokne Home would've said that "I can't do this without you" instead of "We can't do this without you" That would've been so awesome.

And Eric he also has developed a lot since the shooting and I know other people have said this before. The people that see him as a player or whatever should like see how he has developed.
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