Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Wohoooo! My creative orgasm transformed into a thread title... Indeeeed!

Caro, I'm really impressed with your opening!
Ok, wrong... *coughcough* ...let's try again:
Caro, I'm really impressed by all the work and energy you put into the opening post for this thread!

I've got a little thread-warming present. Just made it.
Adam and Emily! Ayayayay!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Aw, Adam and Emily. Our heroes. We love them, yes we do. They always look so happy together.

We never got those season 6 promo pictures. That's so unfair. Hopefully they'll still do something nice for us.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Sweet go to Maryland and get a new thread!!

one of the main reasons this ship soo perfect and these two are perfect for each other is that their friendship *is* so deep...those tend to make for the best romances.

I want the promo pics for the second episode to come out...I am hoping we get a good E/C moment in that one.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hey Jackie! Had a fun trip???

Eric and Calleigh's friendship goes beyond words can express. From a strong, unbreakable bond, there lies a better outcome... romance. These days Calleigh is concerned that they may ruin their friendship if the romance doesn't work out. (Not the "we work together" crap she's letting out, cause we're a lot smarter than that!) She still has a long way to go when dealing with her emotions, who can blame her with her track record? But in the long run, I think she'll realize that there isn't a better basis for romance than an intimate friendship, which she so clearly has with Eric.

Perfect is the perfect word to describe this ship! We go beyond the exterior appearances and actions of E/C that we can actually establish something definable by the two characters. The attraction built up by the two of them comes from not only thier gorgeousness, but what's inside, what the've been through together, and basically their enitre lives... past, present, and future!


Luv yall…

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Wow Anna that was so...well thought! I agree that it is perfect but then again nobody is perfect.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I wonder how long the writers can drag out Calleigh/Jake...

Either way, this is one of the rare ships that I'm actually happy to wait for, no matter how long it takes. Time only makes their affection grow stronger, and I'm looking forward to possible tense moments that I can grab and run off to write fan fic with. ;)

Plus, it's always a bonus to see jealous Eric.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

ITA with everything you said. I'm willing to wait for E/C because they are worth the wait. You're right jealous Eric is always a bonus....maybe we'll see a little jealous Calleigh too??
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

If Eric tries to move on with some other girl, I'd like to see Calleigh's reaction, although I bet she'd still be hard to read. Then again, she's always allowed Eric that extra little intimacy that just kind of flirts with the fine friendship/romance line they have going on.

Which reminds me, what the heck is a good-looking guy like Eric doing being single? I mean, brain injury aside, he was totally pining. How cute.

Until, you know, Calleigh face-planted onto Jake's lips.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

somethingsdont said:
Until, you know, Calleigh face-planted onto Jake's lips.

Dude. I'm choking back vomit just thinking about that. I don't know how much of Jake I can stand before I explode into smithereens.

This fine line between friendship and romance... NEEDS TO BE CROSSED NOW, DAMN IT!

Ah... this is such a nice, crisp, spanking new thread.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Either way, this is one of the rare ships that I'm actually happy to wait for, no matter how long it takes.
Somethingsdont I SO totally agree with you on that! I am the first to admit how utterly impatient and how freakin' badly I want this ship to happen right this very second...but like you said, even if I have to wait, I will. Because these two are so perfect together that you can't do anything but wait for them to be together...even if it takes a long time (which hopefully it won't dang it!) (But the way somethings I ADORE your ficcies!! You rock!)

Lol, Subterr I totally agree...that freakin' fine line E/C is walking not only needs to be crossed, it needs to be erased by their hot sweaty bodies pressed against eachother in the sand it's drawn in! :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Jesus Christ guys I may die of alcohol poisoning tonight.

Jake/Calleigh, I don't need to see that. I survived Hagen/Calleigh and Peter/Calleigh, don't ask me to make it through this. I'm sorry, but Calleigh/Any White Guy = not hot. Calleigh + Cuban Guy = hot. It's a fact.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I kno right! Totally like Calleigh and a white guy=tease so don't worry bout anything cause Calleigh must have some brains to know who's right and who's wrong right? OMG! I haven't been here in like forever like literally! Please tell me what I missed in I TRUST YOU WITH MY LIFE shipper! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Guys we've made it through so far, we can hold on a little longer. They're so worth it! Even those quotes from the interviews (which were wonderful by the way :) ) show that everyone is in for this. Actors, crew, random bystanders - everybody!
We've made it through the various other relationships for these 2 (e.g. Peter, Hagen, Natalia etc.) but I get the feeling that they're at the end of the line. I feel like we won't be waiting much longer. We're almost there!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Someone just posted this on LJ.


This is a public announcement, one of great importance!!

Are you a Calleigh shipper? Are you happy with her lovelife? Do you want things to change? Do you want her to be happy? Are you tired of seeing her choose the wrong men?

If you have answered yes, no, yes, yes and yes to these questions, than you too see a real problem with Calleigh and with the show that cannot be ignored any further. It is a certain character that has caused the scales of CSI: Miami to tip dangerously, and who has caused great deal of hurt for many people.

Since Season 5, his presence has been overbearing and stifling, his character has snuffed out chances for shippers the world over, DuCaine, HipHugger, and CaRWash alike.

His name is JAKE BERKLEY.

I know shippers have had their differences over the years, but now is our chance to unite and rid CSI: Miami of a character who has nothing to contribute and can only spell total disaster for Calleigh Duquesne. He not only showed a trace of concern for her carcrash in "Going Under", but as a result of Jake's impulsive, rash behaviour, Calleigh was shot at the pier in "Going, Going, Gone". His ethics and morals do not suit Calleigh's, and if we allow him to continue to poison her, she will end up getting seriously hurt, physically, or even heartbroken.

Even as an ATF agent, his methods are unorthodox, and even Horatio has expressed concern that he will go the same way as his brother Raymond. Eric has watched Calleigh and Jake in the lab, and if Ryan was still there, he surely would have expressed worry over this recent development. He has used a young girl as means of gaining entry into a party to get to a suspect dealing drugs. A real man wouldn't even contemplate such methods. He refuses to help CSI, putting his own goals and his own investigations above theirs. I believe that all 3 men may be worried about Jake hurting Calleigh since they all care for her so much.

We have watched Calleigh choose the wrong men over the course of the show, but this time it has gone too far. Whoever any of us believe Calleigh should be with, be it Ryan, Eric, or Horatio, it should be anyone but Jake.

I propose we start a petition to get rid of Jake once and for all, if not for our sakes as shippers, but for Calleigh's sake as a character, because her personality changes since Tim Speedle's death have been terribly saddening. She needs someone who will take care of her, love her for who she is, someone who will bring back the old Calleigh from seasons past.

I will start the petition in the next few days, and your support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking time to read this. Please post it on to your fellow shippers and friends.

Spread the word, JAKE HAS TO GO!!!!
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