Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Ok, this is totally unrelated to whatever you guys are talking about, but I just felt like talking, cuz I never do. I've always been a really huge fan of E/C, but I didn't really realize how much until today. I was watching some show on TV and someone drew a car on the chalkboard and wrote "EC" on the car, meaning "Electric Car", but I saw it and immediately thought of Eric and Calleigh...and then of course that lead me to think of Eric and Calleigh in the know where those kinds of thoughts can lead...

And, I dunno, maybe I'll try to post more often because I seem to be becoming more obsessed with them as time goes on...

Anyways, that's the end of my pointless ramblings. I'll try to post more.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome, June and Alison! I love having all these new people. June, I love your signature :lol:

Alison, same thing happens to me when I see "EC" anywhere. Or "Hip Huggers". I keep forgetting they're also jeans.

E/C fans are all over the age spectrum. Some are teenagers, some are in their 20s and 30s and there were a bunch of older people in their 40s and 50s who've disappeared. All races and ethnicities, too. It's like a rainbow in here. A demented, perverted rainbow.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome, June and Alison! I love having all these new people. June, I love your signature

Tehehe...thanks skylar!

Alison, same thing happens to me when I see "EC" anywhere. Or "Hip Huggers". I keep forgetting they're also jeans.

With me, whenever I hear a song, I classify it as EC song or not :D

It's like a rainbow in here. A demented, perverted rainbow.

Guess I fit right in! :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome, you guys!

I totally googled "hiphuggers" the other day and I was like wtf when I got a bunch of sites about pants. And also, yo!bling has an entry; why not hiphuggers?!

I will admit to being perverted but not demented. Take it back, Skylar! Heh, just kiddin'; I'm somewhat demented. Sigh. And for the record (or... whatever), since age/ethnicities were brought up, I'm 18 and I'm Chinese. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

You're 18, really? I thought you were in your 20s or even early 30s! We have a lot of mature people in here. That pleases me.

We should have an urbandictionary entry. And a Wiki entry. Who erased the E/C stuff from Wikipedia? Fiend.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Thanks for the kind welcome!! And June, I welcome you as well...even though we're both new, but whatever!

I think I'll fit in pretty well here, you guys seem cool. A rainbow...I like rainbows...16 and (half-French)Canadian! GO ME!

Glad to see it's not just me with the whole "seeing Eric and Calleigh where they're not" thing. I feel less weird. Or maybe just like there are other people as weird as me here!

The song thing, June, I do that too actually. I heard the Taylor Swift song "Cold As You" and was like "Perfect for Eric and Calleigh!!" So I made a music video for it...I love it. I actually found another song that would be good for a video for them too, but I lost all my clips...I'll get them back someday.

June, love your name thingy "hiphugaholic", it made me smile.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

See what I meant when I said people online always think I'm older?! Aha, it's all good. Maturity is nice. I turn 19 in two days, though. :) I look like I'm about 14, heh. I always always always get carded (drinking age here is 18).

Someone go make an urbandictionary entry. I don't want to, because a) I'm lazy as hell and b) I'm working on a computer without a working mouse. Yay for keyboard shortcuts.

EDIT: Hey, Alison, I'm Canadian, too! :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Hey, Alison, I'm Canadian, too! :)

GO US!!!

(wait that's not right...)

GO US!! GO HIPHUGGERS!! GO ERIC AND CALLEIGH!! really, go...together...

(That made ABSOLUTELY no sense, but I don't care)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome June and Alison! Hiphuggers are always welcome!

Sky, you're definitely right... E/C shippers are demented, perverted rainbow of people. I can't believe that I actually know that it's true... but it really is! Anyway, we still are a smart group of (young) women, no matter how crazy we are. And as far as the perversion goes, it's not our fault... it's all Adam and Emily's for being so damn HOT!

Oh, and as for the community... well I'm in, but I'm not in... does that make any sense? Anywho, I actually have a fic for the first prompt. It's about half-way done and it should be complete by Saturday/ Sunday night... I have a cross-country meet on Saturday, so it depends on how tired i am. So, Sky I'll be sending it to you sometime this weekend... y'all should be really proud cause I actually did it!

I'm stuck with a 15-page paper as of the moment so that's the all the writing I'll be doing for right now, besides the posts. Procrastination is great and horrible at the same time...this damn paper is due tomorrow.


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

18 and 16 year olds...young'uns! makes me feel old even when i'm not! :( good for you! (not so much for me) :confused:

Someone go make an urbandictionary entry. I don't want to, because a) I'm lazy as hell

It's like almost a requirement to be lazy when you're a hiphugger...i've never heard of one who is not (my older brother is also a hiphugger...haha!) I want to make fanvids but I'm lazy, and the fact that I've never made one makes me lazier...and I have theories why we're lazy (I'm kinda bored):

1) EC hotness is like laying around sun...mellow, relaxing and just want to soak it in and not do anything else.

2) EC hotness is like drinking hot get the warm feeling that makes you want to curl up under a blanket and not do anything else.

3) EC hotness is the center of the universe...nothing else exist...daydreaming about them results to us not wanting to do anything else!

4) We just want EC to do it! I bet there's a lot of fanvid and fanic pouring out after that scene!...or we'll just watch it over and over and over again...not want to do anything else!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Moriel21 said:
He's like an emotional vibrator.
*Mo is very thankful she wasn't drinking anything when she read this because otherwise I swear it would have come out my nose!* :lol: :lol: That is the best description of Eric I think I have ever heard! Sky you're brilliant...and that is SO true! The man has it all to satisfy a woman...emotional and well...every other way! :devil: And yeah, every woman would jump at the chance to fall in love with we just need Call to realize that she is in love with him! ;)

Well said. I could help but giggle and blush thiinking of how Delko is an emotional vibrator. Ok my mind is going totally into the gutter!!! :devil: ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

only_true_love said:
Moriel21 said:
He's like an emotional vibrator.
*Mo is very thankful she wasn't drinking anything when she read this because otherwise I swear it would have come out my nose!* :lol: :lol: That is the best description of Eric I think I have ever heard! Sky you're brilliant...and that is SO true! The man has it all to satisfy a woman...emotional and well...every other way! :devil: And yeah, every woman would jump at the chance to fall in love with we just need Call to realize that she is in love with him! ;)

Well said. I could help but giggle and blush thiinking of how Delko is an emotional vibrator. Ok my mind is going totally into the gutter!!! :devil: ;)
I think our minds have been in the gutter the second we saw him on screen... :devil: don't know about you, but I'm guilty as hell! ;)

Sky, you're just hilarious as... :confused: I have no idea what to compare you to! :D Is your penis still broken? Ha... I didn't forget about it! :lol:

Eric is an "emotional vibrator"... all he needs is a mini-blonde battery named Calleigh to keep him going all his life. :devil:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

hiphugaholic said:
18 and 16 year olds...young'uns! makes me feel old even when i'm not! :( good for you! (not so much for me)

Don't feel old! I always feel like I'm too young to be, like, talking to people in these things. Maybe that's why I've never really posted before.

I want to make fanvids but I'm lazy, and the fact that I've never made one makes me lazier

It's worth the work to make Hiphugger fanvids though! It takes a bit of work, but when they're done you get the total awesomeness that is Eric and Calleigh, and it all becomes worth it. Plus, I think it's fun to make them...I definitely need to do more!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

*pops in to say* Go Canadians! Also? Eric and Calleigh are far hotter than any other couple that could ever possibly exist. Though I do think Jake's cute...Calleigh can have Eric if I get Jake :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Anyone can have Jake as long as he is not with Calleigh :lol:
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