Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

midnight_tiptoes said:
Jaffy, just quit your job and hang out with us all day. Fuck bills and food and shelter. Just move into a Starbucks.

That would be awesome, actually, but what the hell would I do with Alfie? I don't think allowing him near any form of caffine would be a good idea...I suppose I could just like, put a hat on him and say he's my kid, and he has ADHD.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Well um first off, does it have to be in spoiler code? Because I don't know any spoilers on that and second I have not been to any other threads in a looooooooooong time because I just don't care. I'm not being rude here or going at you, I'm just saying I don't check out other threads because I don't care and I'll tell you why. You can't change the way people think no matter how annoying it can get. So I have to say they see it one way, we see it the other. Don't worry about it. ;) Obviously E/C has a lot going for them.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Jackie, Jake is the doubt about it! And hell yes... the J/C fans are a bit, well alot, delusional! :lol: (No offense to J/C fans here!) I think they know that inevitably E/C will happen, so they're a bit in denial... first step of the process is always denial, soon they'll get the hint and move into our ship! :D

I don't think they'll go down that road again with Eric and Natalia! You know what they say...Once you get bit by the snake, you stay the hell away from it! :lol:

Jazzy, we missed you... why does it have to be all work and no play? We need more E/C loving here... :) especially with the season coming soon... :)


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

There is no changing other poster's minds when it comes to their ships so I don't even bother trying...more power to those of you who try!

They ignore or change around the spoilers b/c they NEED to in order to make their ship be better and no offense to those of you who ship both E/C and J/C or E/N but we don't have to do that b/c we know from the spoilers what is going on.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but sometimes it can be frustrating when their opinion totally turns the facts around. i think what some people forget is that these forums are a way for people to post their opinions and debate but if you aren't willing to at least see some of the other's poster's pov's then you aren't really conversing, you are putting your thoughts and opinions out as something that everyone should agree with and that is not what these forums are about.

Now that I am way off topic...let's get back to talking about E/C and not be concerned with what other shippers think. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Guys, let's talk about ships, not shippers. The last thing we need is to start a shipper war.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

That's why I don't read those thread because I know I'm going to come out wanting to slap someone! :lol: But then again I don't care what other people think and that is true that EVERY ship is going to look deep in between the lines for their own ship. And it might not be too ridiculous because this is Miami and all of a sudden E/C has just popped up, so of course another ship is going to look at the opposite side of this.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Ok...I'm sorry but, what???!! Their spoilers just doesn't make sense at all! I mean first of all, hail to hottie Calleigh that two good looking guys are after her. But La Rue said that she's gonna have an instructor to certify her with guns, from what I got with her interview, it's a new E/N would not be resurrected. And I know CaKe started to have fans but I didn't know they've built such hard core ones for such few episodes that Jake's been on...I mean realistically, they should know that this one will be short live, or at least one would logically think right?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

About the new JW pictures:

His little beady eyes scare the shit out of me.

...vest, bracelet, necklace, belt, badge... what's up with all of the accesories? And the porn-producer-hair... why? WHY?

I'm sorry. That was somewhat uncalled for. I'll admit, he is an attractive guy. But yeah, my apologies for the above to any of you Jake fans out there.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

^^^ :lol: :lol: You are sooo on with the porn-producer hair thing! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

CSI: Miami isn't very subtle, so they're basically telling us Jake is bad news every way that they can. And that includes wardrobe and hair, etc. Cold Case did something similar last year with Lilly's ex-boyfriend, who was totally bad news, bad boy, unrealizable, etc. Basically a Jake 2.0. And they dressed him in the same way they're dressing Jake. He was gone by the end of the year.

Subtlety isn't their forte.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Subtlety has never been this show's forte.

You are right Midnight, they are playing up Jake's bad boy image and I really feel the longest he will last is to Feb Sweeps if he isn't gone by November Sweeps.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

xanessa said:
subterraneantwin said:

His little beady eyes scare the shit out of me.
Oh my god, what do you hate about this guy?! :lol: That is really funny.

I'm sorry, I'm being a jerk. I shouldn't bash the guy for his frightening pupils.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Well you know what I think? I think that CSI:Miami hottens up their cast and what I mean by this is that I have seen some of these guest and recurring stars off set and they SCARE me. So it's either Miami picks some terrible fashion sense people or I'm just seeing one side(if that makes sense). Who's with me! *crickets*

By the way, no offense to anyones favorite characters. :eek:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Hm, now that you guys are talking about it, wardrobe IS a really good tell. I mean, okay, Eric and Calleigh. They have a long history of fashion ying and yangs. When Calleigh's wearing black, Eric's wearing white and vice versa. Even back in the day, they seemed to match, in a way. They're always wearing clothes that make them look very elegant and professional, in the finale especially. In Burned, they were both wearing red. I'd say that most of the time, the wardrobe department choses clothes for Eric and Calleigh that makes them look like a couple. And we all know that on CSI: Miami the clothes are chosen to tell us something about the characters. It's not random. They're dressed like that on purpose.

Now check out Jake's clothes. Put his picture next to a picture of Calleigh. Calleigh wears suits and professional looking clothes. She does have the occasional cleavage, but she always looks very serious and put together. So does Eric. Jake, on the other hand, looks like he's going to a bikers bar or something. He doesn't look very hygienic. So the wardrobe department is purposely making it look like Jake and Calleigh don't match, whereas Eric and Cal match all the time.

And now I officially dare anyone to come up with a sadder observation. I really need to take a vacation from this show.
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