Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think that would interesting to see....Like the scene in Wedding Crashers with Vince Vaughn....classic!!

Natalia and Eric are working the lab and she makes the comment that Calleigh has taken an interest in Eric since he came back. Eric, slightly naive says yeah everyone has been great. Natalia says to him that that is not what she meant and he catches on and says "You think Calleigh and I?" but it ends there b/c the machines chimes and they get their results!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie


Man, I hope that doesn't get cut! And I'm really interested to see how Adam plays that. Eeeeeee! Okay, need to calm down. I am now starting to wonder if Eric will take Calleigh's concern as something 'else' and will eventually get crushed when he finds out about Jake. Yes? No? I don't know, but this is awesome. I hope they don't sink the ship to death, though. It could go both ways with a comment like that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

delkolover said:
Natalia and Eric are working the lab and she makes the comment that Calleigh has taken an interest in Eric since he came back. Eric, slightly naive says yeah everyone has been great. Natalia says to him that that is not what she meant and he catches on and says "You think Calleigh and I?" but it ends there b/c the machines chimes and they get their results!!

OH MY GOD!!! *dies* Are you freakin' serious?!?! *dies again*

If I wasn't in shipper heaven before... *happy sigh* :D I think Natalia might've just won some points from me, lol.

God, I can't wait for the very first EC scene after that little exchange. 'Cause really...if the sparks weren't flying before... :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie


ok so it is kind of hard with this b/c I can really give you the actual dialogue/scene b/c that is considered copyright infringment....but I can get pretty close. Let me set the scene for ya: they are at the crime scene and Eric gets a shard of glass in his hand. Calleigh rushes over concerned and grabs his hand. He says it is nothing and he is fine but she ignores him and pulls the shard out of his finger. And this is partially a direct quote if you will "Their bodies are close. Another awkward moment. Something palpable in the air. Eric feels it. The two don't make eye contact" Eric feels the moment and Calleigh looks up at him ans smiles but the moment is gone when she relaizes that the shard is actually a piece of evidence. And then that scene is over! I know it is evil but that is the way the script is. and bare in mind all these spoilers are bound or subject to change.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie



You just gave me a heart attack. ARE YOU HAPPY?! Holy shit, I need to watch this episode now, and I need to know what happens in this episode

Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

^Slow down I don't know if we are getting that yet....Although I wouldn't mind if we did :lol: :D

the scene is set up on the page that it is supposed to be an awkward moment between them. so that is a plus. when Eric cuts his hand Calleigh is all concerned and from how I read it, Calleigh asks him what is wrong and rushes over. and grabs his hand to take a look and he says it is no big deal and then we get the scene I described
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I have nothing intelligent or coherent to say right now...I'm just in total SQUEE!! mode. :D :lol:

So, has almost losing Eric in Man Down finally knocked some sense into Cal? :lol: Has she finally realized what it would be like if she didn't take her chance with him? Has she finally realized life is too short to resisting jumping him on the spot any more? :lol: :D This is like the best thing ever!! I know we've had moments of awesomeness before, but have we really had a Moment of Awesomeness like this? Bodies close, palpable tension...I don't think I've ever been happier to read those words, lol! So Eric feels it, but I want to know Calleigh's reaction to the moment! If she's really feeling things for him...she's got to be unnerved. A good kind of unnerved! Gah, I can't wait!

Can we pleasepleasePLEASE jump ahead to this episode?? :D

They'd better not cut this one. We've waited far too long for them to cut something like this. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

We really, really, REALLYreallyreallylreally need a time machine right now. Really.

I'm slightly worried, though. The title of the episode is Burned. What if Eric realizes he has feelings for Calleigh and she turns him down? What if she tells him she's only concerned about him and that she's seeing Jake? Poor Eric, that would kill him.

I'm not too worried because a) it's very weird for Calleigh to freak out like that over a stupid cut; b) there's a 'moment' and for it to be a moment both characters have to be participant and both have to feel it; c) I don't think Calleigh's the type to fall for those type of situations. My guess is that yes, they're doing a love triangle with Jake, Calleigh and Eric, with Jake being the bad lover who comes back for a second chance, Calleigh being torn between giving him a chance or taking a chance on the guy she actually loves, and poor Eric slowly realizing he has feelings for Calleigh. Oh, man. It's gonna be AWESOME!

I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I just left for a little while and all of this happens? OH MY GOD!!! This freakin' awesome! I am just gonna die! I mean today was so bleh and then I hear this!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'll be totally pissed if they cut this scene. But things seem like they will be getting interesting to say the least. And I am not trying to be a party pooper here, I just want you guys to realize that spoilers do change and things do get cut. But yes, SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! :lol:

to answer your question she smiles at him when he calls her name but then she suddenly realizes that the glass is actually a piece of evidence. So I think the smile she gives him is important to how she reacts. If she wasn't comfortable with it, you know Cal she would have backed away and just gone straight to evidence and totally ignored him. But she *smiles* and I think that is importaant.

I also hope the title has nothing to do with what might happen between E/ about ripping our hearts out then huh?That would just be really mean and not nice of the writers to do.

Yeah I sooooooo want this ep right frickin now!!! :lol:

That song: "Let's Give Them Something To Talk About" by Bonnie Rait keeps coming to mind!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't think it'll get cut, because it seems to be an actual plot, rather than a lose scene. Natalia has already noticed there's something between them, and Eric is starting to realize it, too.

Man, I still worry. I'm worried that it's happening so soon and they're only doing this to please us for a couple of episodes and then they'll drop it. Calleigh's smile... I don't know, I have mixed feelings. I think her smile tells me she's still clueless, though. If she knew, then her first reaction would be to pull away. BUT, I don't think this is bad news, I think it means it may start to develop slowly. It looks like Eric will develop feelings first, and then maybe will start pursuing Calleigh. Or, the season will end with Eric realizing he's in love with Calleigh, and then we'll see an exploration of their relationship next season.

I think it'll be bad for Eric for a while, though. He'll realize he LIKES Calleigh, but then he'll find out about Jake and will realize he had it all wrong, that she doesn't actually have feelings for him. BUT, of course Calleigh and Jake are going to break up, and I wonder if Eric will make his move then, or will keep his feelings a secret. SO MANY POSIBILITIES I WANNA DIE!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hey Midnight, I just sent you a is very interesting you so want to check it out!!!

sweetie you need to calm down or you are going to have a heart attack. There are many possibilities and I agree that we *could* get a love triangle but I still don't think that Calleigh was totally oblivious to the moment nor do I think she wasn't reciprocating in some way. She smiled. If she didn't feel it, she wouldn't have smiled!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'll tell ya what, though. This certainly inspired me to write. Now I'm working on my fanfic all frantically.

Ali is going to DIE when she reads this. Good thing we have an EMT on staff :lol:.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Except that your EMT just read all this and had a heart attack over here :lol: :lol: :lol: HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! Just whoa. I'm not entirely coherant right now...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well, who's gonna take care of us now? I'm experiencing tachycardia and I'm sweating a lot, and I can't stop going 'squeeee'. What's your diagnosis?

When is this episode airing? Nevermind. Whatever the date, I can't possibly wait that long.

This is when we most rely on fanfic to get us by *writes faster*.
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