Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

My diagnosis is acute Callericitis :lol: It's brought on by the realization of one's sweetest dreams. The only cure is viewing of the episode in question. Treatment includes fic (and y'all are gonna FLIP at my newest one), shipperific pictures, and liberal application of hip hugger jeans. Also trying to breathe slowly and rest to slow the heartbeat. Dying of a cardiac episode before the ep airs would be criminal :lol:

It would rock if it was in April, because it would be the most fabulous birthday present ever. But just the fact that it exists makes me happy. And frankly, the longer we wait, the more chance that they will respect the perfectness of the pairing and not just throw away the potential. At least we can hope.

Okay, I have this incredible urge to write an Eric ties Calleigh up and discovers her secret stash of toys fic. Anyone want to read it if I do? :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

That sounds like the best treatment ever. I watched Man Down and aw. I love that episode so.

I think this episode is airing during May sweeps, which is even BETTER! It means the E/C relationship is becoming an important aspect of the show. Also, if they were going to bring it up and dismiss it, they would do it during April where nothing much is going on. But the fact that it's happening in May, and one or two episodes away from the season finale, gives me hope that this is going into next season and possibly the rest of the series.

Dude, I don't read many fics because I have no attention span, but if you wrote a bondage fic? I WOULD GO ON RITALIN JUST SO I CAN READ IT!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Okay I'll write it :devil: I have to deal with my NCIS crossovers that are killing me because I started the sequel before I finished the first one, and my Man Down fic, but I will write Calleigh in bondage. Because I can :devil: I mean you know that girl has a stash of like every toy ever invented :devil: The trick will be writing it so it's not so kinky it scares people :lol: :lol: :lol: Hell, she lives in Bal Harbor, there might be a dungeon in her basement :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Okay, I have this incredible urge to write an Eric ties Calleigh up and discovers her secret stash of toys fic. Anyone want to read it if I do?

Um, well, YES!! :D :lol: Write it now!! :D

Ooh, May sweeps. :D Look what we got in February sweeps. :D Now really, why would they emphasize the whole Eric-Calleigh "thing" during both sweeps if it were going nowhere? Generally, sweeps is when they like to bring in random stuff and blow it up for no reason whatsoever other than audience interest. So the fact that we're getting this during sweeps? Uh, huge! :D

God, it's been like two hours, and I'm still over the moon. :D I don't think I'll ever calm down, lol! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I already know I'll be up all night, cuz working night shift has me all screwed up. And last night was well brutal isn't the word, more like cruel and unusual to the point that it gave me nightmares and I visited my friend at work and ended up crying telling her about it. So I'm planning on losing myself in fic and maybe getting some peace eventually. I'm working on like 5 stories at once, we can tell I'm a bit ADD over here :lol: But there will be bondage :devil: soon :devil:

Well look at it this way. Both Adam and Emily want it. And it is possible to make a relationship work in an office environment long term. So who knows?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'm still up, too. Actually, I just went for a work out and I probably still have the energy to go for round two. Sick. And I'd been so bleh these last couple of days. This is like Christmas. Christmas for losers.

Star, I'm offended by your question. WE WOULD NEVER TURN DOWN PORN! Porn is like our fuel, man. Come to think of is, we haven't written anything porny in a really long time, huh? It is your duty, then, as a Hip Hug, to entertain us until May gets here.

My birthday's in May! I'd die if this episode aired on my birthday, lol. My birthday's on a Sunday this year, though. Oh well. Belated present.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

What?! I mean... WHAT!?!?

Oh wow, I can't even describe that sequence of emotions that I experienced while reading all your posts...

It was like "Holy shit this is so awesome... but what if... nahhh don't be so pessimistic, Leela.... This is so cute.... BUT maybe... NO! I love tptb... I can't wait... They better not ruin it... I know they're gonna ruin it! ...Ah forget it, I LOVE tptb! ...Holy shit!..." Something like that. I hate Miami! Turns me into a nervous sack of emotions.


I'm kinda torn. I don't know if I should explode from happiness or start being really really concerned. I mean, after reading all those spoilers and your reactions, it could definitely turn out to be Eric falling for Calleigh, but Calleigh being completely oblivious about it. Corey said not too long ago, that Jake would be Calleigh's love interest. So it could be pretty likely that Eric gets really badly hurt, when he finds out that Calleigh's actually interested in Jake....

... from what we've seen of Jake in the last episode he appeared in, the writers turned him into quite an idiot. So yeah, maybe there will be something between Calleigh and Jake that'll end horribly and, finally, make Cal realize her true feelings for Eric!??? Pretty please?!?!

I'm gonna stop for now, because I'm supposed to be working here...

Ahhh questions, rumours, expectations... I'm really dying of mixed feelings at the moment...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh my!!!! :eek:
I haven't slept enough to process that information properly I'm afraid... But this is so damn awesome :D

I mean she takes his hand?!!! She never does that, this is like... I'm in overdrive :D I mean can I get canon on two ships? :D I don't think they are going to cut it out. They have several little scenes so they really intent to show us some E/C. It's more like they building it up. Calleigh is more and more concerned to the point Natalia realizes it!!!! We thought Valera or Alexx were going to give them the little push and now it's the damn Snake. I guess they did that because they want us to like her. Damn that might actually work :lol:

Okay I'll leave my comments at that now. My brain is in a spin and I need to leave soon. Maybe if I hadn't been sending my unfinished fics until 3 in the morning I might have said something more intelligent :p
But of course after giving us that info how could I hold a grudge? You're awesome :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Leela, I understand you even though I don't wanna wory about it.Hopefully Jake won't last long (and I don't think he will) and Calleigh will realize her feelings. This episode is a little way away so depending on the next episodes, maybe Calleigh will realize Jake is not for her. Or they could make this big love triangle thing which heaven forbid.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yeah my birthday's on a Saturday. But still. I actually get a convention for my birthday this year :lol: I told my mother I want a motorcycle. She thinks I'm kidding :lol:

Well I don't want to offend so I must do my civic duty here :lol: I fell asleep writing last night, so I'll pick up where I left off as soon as I let the dogs out. If having one puppy is a full time job, 2 is just crazy. But I love them. It's funny, they're both deaf so I sign to them, and now my cat is starting to respond to sign language :lol:

There will probably be a love triangle, but I think Calleigh will realize she's outgrown Jake because they're at 2 completely different places in life. And she's friends with Natalia and he was an ass to her and if I remember correctly completely ignored some critical evidence, and what broke her and Hagen up (besides the fact that it was just a SPECTACULARLY bad idea to be with him in the first place) was the way he treated evidence and her job. So yeah.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well right now today is Saturday so Happy Brithday! And have and Eric and Calleigh day!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jeez I go to bed and you guys go nuts! :lol: Although, i am glad I stirred the pot a little b/c we were lacking in the posts department and fic department!

We keep this up and we are going to need to come up with a new thread title and fast!! My vote..."Eric & Calleigh#21--Papalble Situations."

I don't think I made this clear earlier.....according to the script Natalia and Eric have their convo before the scene in the glass shard. So it is possible that Natalia, the Snake that she is, gets Eric thinking. Of course, something else must have happened that I couldn't see to get Natalia to say something to Eric like that. There is no mention of Jake from what I read, which is also a good sign but means nothing. The feelings are there between them and I think Cal sees it in that scene but rememer Eric has always been more of 'where my heart on shirt sleeve' kind of guy and Cal is the opposite. It is always hard to know what she is thinking until she either says something or does something about it. But again, I gonna go back to the smile....I think it is important b/c in her own way, Cal ackowledged it.

Seriously, go listen to Bonnie Rait's song "Something to talk about" b/c after reading these so fits them!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Elicia said:
I mean she takes his hand?!!! She never does that, this is like... I'm in overdrive :D

Oh my God...I was so excited about the whole thing that I never even processed that part! :lol: :D This is gonna be awesome... :D

What if Eric teases her? You know, just a little while before something actually happens. 'Cause I could see him doing that, Natalia mentioning Calleigh's interest (which, I don't know about y'all, but it totally makes her a likeable character in my book :D ), and then Eric going out of his way to tease brushing by her when he has miles around her in which to walk. Or brushing her hand "by accident." Or lightly touching her in any way. Or just constantly giving her that smile of his that makes her melt. If her "interest" is anything like Natalia apparently says, can you imagine how flustered she'd be? All squirmy, nervous, possibly out of her element like we've never seen her before? :D

I'm so looking forward to this!! I'm of the mindset that there's just far, far too many good ways this could go for them to make it something bad for us. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I haven't been here in way to long (Carol will never forgive me), but these spoilers re episode #22 just meant I had to post something! It goes without saying, but I really hope all this materializes. :D
It will be so significant if we get a hand holding scene! Thinking about it, when have any of the characters held hands, even if only in a 'you're hurt, let me help you' sense? The only other scenario (apart from 'Man Down') I can think of was Horatio and Yelina at the end of Season 1's 'Body Count' when his hand had been cut. This sounds very promising in terms of implied feelings between Eric and Calleigh. Can't wait to see this ep.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

That is the problem there are sooooo many ways this can down for us!! I just hope that it goes down in our favor. :D Which I think in the long run it will. If we don't get anything substantial (and by substantial I mean physcial contact or verbal acknowledgment) by the end of this season, then I think next season is our season. It really looks like the writers are setting it up that hopes :lol:

Where the HELL is Ali? I would have thought she would have been posting like crazy by now!!!

Guys the hand holding scene is not them holding hands like a couple of teenagers....she grabs hand to see the injury and pulls the shard out. Now granted he says it is no big deal and in the past she probably would have let him pull the shard out himself but I just want to make sure you guys understand that they are not holding hands like teenagers do on a date :lol:.....although believe me I wish they were :D and like said int he past she would have just let him pull the shard out himself so I think it is important, as far as their 'relationship' is concerned that she rushes over and pulls the shard out herself.
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