Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

...Or there may not be anything significant to happen between them for the rest of the season, and Corey could just mean they work together "professionally" for much of the remainder of the season. Oy, pessimism. :lol:

Not that I wouldn't take them working together lots more, of course. ;)

I'm still waiting for Eric to have a dizzy spell or some other aftereffect of a head injury, and Calleigh get all worried about him and force him to sit down so she can keep an eye on him. And then call somebody to take over whatever they were doing so she can give him a ride home, despite his half-hearted protests. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

And then the naughty nurse costume makes an appearance? Boom chicka wah!

I'm sure we won't get what we're hoping for, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing. So I'll just wait patiently, I guess. Well, I'll wait, I don't know about the patiently part.

Anything new on I don't know why I ask about fanfics, it's not like I have the attention span to read them. I just like to add them to the C2 community.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well this season we may not get a whole lot, but at least it eleminates the other characters. Like we always say, hopefully 6 is our lucky number!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

You can put mine on there, Caro. I-95 South. Should get updated this weekend.

I watched Nailed yesterday, and pardon me for stating the obvious, but dude. Calleigh and Eric have a pretty strong friendship. Marisol is his closest sister. How did Calleigh not know her??? Am I just an idiot this week?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

It already is :)

Well, I guess they needed an excuse for Calleigh to be jealous. Maybe. Probably they're just stupid, but I like the other theory better. Poor Mari. It's a miracle Calleigh didn't kill her right there.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well for the most part, like nobody talked to him about his sister's death. They all just let things go to quickly it's like they're trying to become robots or something.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well I'm behind, I didn't notice that :) You want to beta a new one that's not posted yet? I can;t ask my normal beta right now cuz her dad just died.

Jealous Calleigh is fantastic, I mean the look on her face with Eric's random anonymous sex was hilarious in that one. But come on! I can't believe that teh 2 most important women in Eric's life didn't know each other.

I was driving on the beltway today and all of a sudden the only thing in my rearview mirror was the grill of a Hummer and I almost crashed laughing about how I wouldn't mind at all if Cal or Eric pulled me over! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I know one time I was talking about CSI:Miami and A hummer pulled up outside and I was like "Eric and Calleigh are coming to get me!" and everyone started laughing! But I would so not mind if they pulled me over, made me get out of my car and searched me with their hands! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I can picture it now. Eric gets off the Hummer. Approaches your car all threatening and manly. You begin to sweat, wondering why they've pulled you over - did you exceed the speed limit? Did your license plate fall off? Dead body in the trunk of your car starting to reek.

Eric approaches your window and taps it with his index finger. You pull the window down. He inches down to your level.

"Ma'am... do you happen to know where the nearest motel is? We're kind of in a hurry."

You look through your rear view mirror; Calleigh looks embarrassed but expectant.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well you know what? I would ask if they'd mind me joining them, haha. ;) Play with the handcuffs. Wouldn't that be hilarious seeing Eric and Cal all tied up like that?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

StarDuquesneEMT - I can beta for you, but I can't tonight cause I'm working on something. I'm actually writing for the first time in... eons and I don't wanna jinx it.

Calleigh probably ties Eric up all the time. I imagine he loves it. He probably just lays there with a huge smile on his face. "Whatever you want, baby."
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Okay cool. I doubt it's gonna be ready tonight, I keep tweaking. I'll PM it to you when it's done. I just need another opinion I keep thinking I suck.

Dude I would so let them get it on in my ambulance. :lol: :devil: :lol:

I can see Cal tying Eric up, but I can also see him tying her. Girl's gotta lose control *sometime* :devil:

I saw someone last night wearing a Duquesne Law School shirt. I so completely took that in naughty ways :devil: :devil: :devil: I bet Eric would like that school :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I once saw a Duquesne College sticker down here on a car. It was the most random thing ever.

I can see Calleigh letting Eric tie her up, but only after much begging from him. And I mean weeks if not months of begging. After the first time, though, holy crap, I think she'd love it. If there's one thing I'm 100% sure of is that Eric is fucking fantastic in bed. And that he's a giver ;).

Needless to say, after the first time she'll come to him with the ropes.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Calliegh has quicker reflexes she would have him tied up before long before he even had the chance to get his shoes off :lol: And then of course she would probably torture him for a little while :devil:

Calleigh is a control freak by day but I could see her being relaxed enough with Eric at night in the bedroom to let him tie her up. She is soo uptight I wouldn't be surprised if she was into kink :lol:

Ep 522 is called Burned. The ep is about a woman who is being stlaked by her ex boyfriend when her house, who she hares with her new bpyfriend burns to the ground. Her new boyfriend ends up dead. The ex becomes a suspect. There seem to be some interesting twists in this one.

For instance, the fire was staged to get away from the stalker ex and so the woman and her new boyfriend could start a new life but something went wrong. Ryan apparently owes a bookie Ten Grand from playing Texas Hold'em, who becomes a suspect and offers for the debt to go away if Ryan cuts him loose. He doesn't cut him loose but does go and pay him while he is still on duty; so he gets into troubel for that. Yelena is back in the ep. I can't quite make out what her role in the ep is yet.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I can see Eric settling down for a nap and the waking up an hour later with his hands cuffed to the headboard. Surprise! Calleigh wants some.

That sounds cool, Jackie. Any EC scenes?
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