Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I know, that thread is barely up anyways. I really feel that they're over but with the writers, who knows? They might have ADD or something. Isn't that where your brain doesn't focus on one subject. That reminds me. Remeber in Hard Time when Eric, Calleigh and Tim were in the lab and Eric got mad and Rory said "Okay Terette's(don't know how to spell it!) Syndrome," and I'm thinking wouldn't that be more bipolar?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

no people with terets just suddenly yell out things and most of the time they make no sense of have nothing to do with the subject being talked about. Why Speed said that was Eric just had an outburst and until he explained it to them, it seemingly had nothing to do with what the three of them were discussing. It is kind of like saying the first part of a sentence in your head and then speaking the second half of it outloud. People will look at you funny, like Speed did to Eric
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Eric: ...The emergency room is not the medical examiner!
Speed: You got tourettes or something?

Heh. I miss Speed. I miss exasperated Speed in the back of the Hummer thinking "God, not again" every time Cal and Eric start making eyes at each other each time they're stopped at a red light. :lol: ;)

Elicia said:
Let's hope they won't dance the tango, one step forward for two backward...

Ah, but that could make for great angst. ;) And I like angst, lol. I could be happy...for a while at least, lol... if something happened, and Eric did kiss her. But then afterward she backs away, but the whole fact that they did kiss makes the tension/lust/want/love/need between them rise tenfold.

So basically, one step forward, they kiss. Two steps back, and Calleigh avoids him and leaves Eric confused, but the amount of significantly intense gazes in the lab while they *should* be concentrating on work would go up immensely. I might be okay with something like that, because then we would know 100% that there is definitely something there.

...And the fic possibilities to come from those scenes would be endless. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

We were ship of the week once. Good times.

I don't think we'll get E/N 2. I mean, Jesus, he whored her up to his friend! If Natalia goes back to Eric, she's an idiot. Then again, she went back to the man who beat her up all the time. I think Eric cares about her, but that's it. I don't think they could go any deeper than that because of who they are.

Besides, Calleigh would seriously kill her dead.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well we all do that sometimes, right? I mean sometimes I make a fool of myself and while I know that Eric is really a sweet guy, you get the feeling you don't want to pick a fight on him. Good point though. I now understand, delkolover.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think E/N was more of a lust thing...ya know. It was two people who just met and decided there was sexual tension and had sex....there was no chemistry at all. They do make better friends and I am happy that they are friends...cuz I would kill her dead if she tried to touch him again. I think it was very significant that she didn't get a hospital scene with him.

But E/C has chemistry on so many levels. And they know eachother on a deeper level. E/N was just a fling but anything between E/C would be more than that and I think they both know that on some level. It would be interesting to see them have an awkward kiss b/c it would show them that the other's feelings go deeper than just friendship. Ya know, you kiss your best friend you immediately know if the chemistry is there or not and I think it would be an eye opener for both of them b/c both would be surprised in the other's reaction to it. That would be when the real fun begins with these two! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jessica237 said:
Heh. I miss Speed. I miss exasperated Speed in the back of the Hummer thinking "God, not again" every time Cal and Eric start making eyes at each other each time they're stopped at a red light. :lol: ;)
I know right. Calleigh would just be like "Wanna make out?" and Eric wouldn't be able to answer because she'd already be on top of him. :D

In my opinion, Natalia still has feelings for Eric, but I think Eric is over it all. But then again you never know...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't think she has feelings for Eric. I think she has feelings for Nick. After all, she couldn't even be bothered to go visit Eric at the hospital. They're okay as friends. As lovers they were an absolute disaster. When they broke up and Eric nearly danced with joy, I laughed my ass off.

Man, I really wish Apalachicola was updated :(. Best E/C fic ever. In fact, I think I'm gonna go read it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Do you see how much see tries to start up a conversation with him! :D She just needs to take some of that talking to Horatio. He'll understand. :D

You know what? I am probably about to get my butt whooped for talking about this. So I need to Eric and Callitize my brain.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Omg you guys write so much! I've missed you all so much. My comp has been unplugged for 3 weeks (well it feels like it but it was probably only 1) and I haven't had access to any internet! :eek: It was torture! Anywayz, I'm gonna be optimistic about Eric/Cal follow ups and stuff. They might fade away with his injury but have some problem come up later with it and remind us all. Like an after effect or an infection or something. Maybe he'll have to stay with someone. Maybe it will be Cal. Maybe she'll play nurse. :devil:
I'm loving what you guys have said so far about the storylines in the eps though. We may actually be getting somewhere!!! Btw can you please explain the killer duck? :lol: I was laughing my head off but I have no idea how that comes into the story.
Going Under is on in 2 days (im counting down) are there any good scenes to look out for???
And who's Jake????
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Just one quick comment on the other ship, if she had still feelings for him, I think they died when he didn't help her at all when she was arrested after her ex was murdered. I know that would have killed any remaining sweet feelings in my heart :lol:

Back to our ship :D
Well kissing your best friend is a scary thing. I did it twice and the results were... well I'm not sure, but I still talk to one of them and I won't go into details about the rest.
Seriously I also hope for a sweet kiss between those two. I'll probably fall from my couch when it happens and behave like a nutter for at least the following week :D
Let's face it if we get that we'll definitely get angst because all ships are angsty on CSI. But that is usually a good sign, it means the writers are up to it and want to play with our nerves. I'd definitely rather have that than a comfort sex kind of story which ends with a "well thanks, let's stay friends". That would be the least believable thing between those two, but then as many said, we don't always get very believable things on the show...

Killer duck? heehe yeah that was a good one. Eric found a feather from a duck on the victim, to what Calleigh said joking that after having a killer bear they now had a killer duck :lol: I couldn't help picture a giant duck going after the guys :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I too think Eric has no romatic feeling left for Natalia b/c if he did then he would have spoken up immediately about her innocence when she was arrested. The fact that he didn't, means he doesn't trust her they way he trusts Calleigh b/c if that was Calleigh in that situation he would have thrown himself on the floor and screamed about her innocence. I think they make better friends but I think Eric still tends to pull away from her maybe b/c he thinks she still wants to be with him in some way.

I totally laughed at his expression when she told him she wasn't pregnant....his epxression told you everything.

I too wish Apalachicola was updated...that story rocks. To writer of that story...if you post here and read this....PLEASE UPDATE!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I never said Eric had romantic feeling for Nat I said she kind of likes him. The way she talks about him and everything. I think Eric just wants to be friends.

Eric is not looking for a baby any time soon. So I am sure he was relieved that she wasn't pregnant.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Okay, so has anybody emailed Corey again. I'm just wondering because we have to keep
reminding him that we really want Calleigh and Eric together, I mean, who can deny it,
they have perfect chemistry :)!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I emailed him asking if they were going to do another Vegas/Miami crossover and he said no b/c the cast of Vegas don't want it b/c they have felt from the beginning that Miami was spun off too early.

I haven't asked him about E/C or the rest of the season b/c it seems futile right now. I highly doubt he will say anytin more than keep watching. But feel free to give it a try.
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