Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

*sends Kristine hugs*

Hopefully the Miami PTB will read that.

So what if Eric and Cal do get together. What do you think would happen? I think their jobs are very important to them, but so would their relationship. What if IAB comes down on them hard? Would one of them quit, or would they just break up?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think Calleigh would try to break up because she would see quitting as a sign of weakness. I can also see Eric not letting her, and trying to make her see that feeling isn't always a bad thing. I also see him quitting or transferring so she doesn't have to, because he's just that kind of guy. Her first instinct is always going to be to try to run because it's what's worked for her all her life. Eric is going to have to understand that, and that getting her out of that habit is going to take a long time. But the best things in life don't come easily, and I think each will see the other as someone worth the sacrifice. Calleigh will get used to being loved and eventually realize that she deserves that happiness, and Eric will learn how to bring her walls down.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think I would like to see Eric transfer to another department. Maybe back to underwater recovery. I've never gotten that Eric is absolutely in love with his job. It seems to me he's happy helping people in whatever capacity. Calleigh, however, is obsessed with guns and her job. I could see Eric happy in another department. Calleigh, not so much.

I also kinda hope Eric would make her realize that work isn't everything. Girl needs to have more fun.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I remember them saying treadmarks are his specialty, but I agree. Eric seems happiest in the water. And staring at Calleigh's ass :devil: Calleigh is the Bullet Girl. Not only is she happiest there, but the team needs her there because she's one of the best, if not the best in the country. I can see Eric's willingness to sacrifice for her making her think though, and maybe getting her to loosen up a little. Show her that she can feel and still be viewed as an equal in the workplace. She definitely needs to have more fun *goes off to work on the fic where she has some*
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I also think that she would end it. I don’t even think that she will need IAB to do so.
She has this deep sense of what is right and not and let’s face it having an affair with a close colleague is against the rules. In her eyes that would be hard to live with.
Then there is what the rest of the lab and especially H and Alexx would think of their relationship. I’m not sure she could handle their reactions very well and that whatever they will be (especially not with her and Eric’s track records). People would inevitably talk and that alone would cause her grief because she is a private person.

Then let’s not forget that she’s been used to be in charge from early on. From her back story, (yeah I still stick to that one ;) ), we know she took care of her younger brothers when her parents didn’t. It is then inevitable that she will make the first step to stop the affair.
At this point I also think that Eric will probably offer to transfer to another department. He knows how much her work means to her and he will very willingly make the ‘sacrifice’. And being the one is charge she will probably refuse to see him sacrifice his career for her. If Eric doesn’t explain at that point that she is more important to him than his job, they are toast!

Calleigh’s actions always remind me of a French song which says ‘Fuir le Bonheur de peur qu’il ne se sauve’ which means ‘Flee happiness for fear it will escape’. She has been unhappy most of her life. When things started to take a better turn something bad also happened and she was thrown out of balance again. If things become too good between them, she will inevitably expect it to end. She is the kind of gal who definitely ends things before going in too deep. If Eric is not persistent enough, this won’t end well…
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

After watching Pro Per, however, I don't think Eric would easily give up a relationship with Calleigh because of her insecurities. I think he'd probably see the whole thing coming, too. I don't know. Calleigh can push a lot of people away, but I don't think she could do it to Eric. Unless the relationship was going nowhere, I see him fighting for it pretty hard.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

With these 2 I really can't see it going nowhere. There is just too much there. I can see him trying to be the voice of reason and her eventually letting him. They both almost died she's gotta be rethinking things anyway. I think Eric knows what he's getting into with her, and that might have a lot to do with why he hasn't made a move yet. And it's been proven over and over that whatever rules she has for herself don't apply with him. He's the only one she apologizes to, and he's pretty much the only one that can crack her armor. They keep each other grounded, and I don't think even Calleigh would jeopardize that friendship easily. Or at least Eric wouldn't let her. I can see him being completely open and honest with her and challenging her to agree with him. But as shaken as she was in Man Down, I don't think she'll forget that easily no matter what the situation, because she is very very protective of her own. And Eric is her heart. Also, in Going Under, the first time she smiled after going in the canal was when Eric got there, and I might be dreaming but I could swear she leaned into him just a little when he touched her arm.

If anyone has a fic craving, 5 chapters are up here
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think the relationship could work but it would take a great amount of effort from both of them. Calleigh, as everyone has said, is very closed off and true to her profession. She doesn't open up her heart easily and tends to find it easier to run than to stick it out in relationship. I could also see her choosing her job over a relationship.But at the same time is she very loving in the sense that she whole heartedly cares about those around her, especially Eric. So he could be the one to make her open up and change....again it wouldn't happen overnight.

So when/if these two get together I think it will be hard for Calleigh to let loose and relax. I could see her being constantly uptight about being found out or even opening up her heart to Eric. Which is why I have no doubt that she would be the one to break it off it came down to it; She is afraid of being totally vulnerable and admitting you love someone leaves you vulnerable and open to disappointment. She had that growing up, so she doesn't want it now. It is always eaier to run where matters of the heart are concerned

Although, Eric could be the one to break it off too b/c he wouldn't want to put her career in jeopardy and I think he would do whatever it takes to make her happy. He could also break it off b/c he opens up to her about his feelings but has a hard time understanding why she can't give it back to him.

But in the end they would realize they belong together and eventually they would come back to one another.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Ah a fic, nice :D

I don't believe it's going to end after it took them so long to start, but it's not going to be an easy road for either of them. I agree that Eric is probably the only one who can really go through to her. She cares and she listens, that much is very obvious (well at least to us). And she also very much will want to believe him.
But I still think that the main hang ups will come from the people around them. Eric is known to be a lady's man and I don't even want to know with how many at the lab he started something :roll: Calleigh is more the ice queen who poorly chose her past boyfriends. Those facts are well known by everyone and it will be hard to ignore.

Let's hope they won't dance the tango, one step forward for two backward...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think they've known each other for quite a long time, and if they get together I can see the relationship last, if they are both willing to fight for it, because it would not be an easy relationship. This is our take on it, but how the writers would decide this relationship could go, we don't know only the writers know.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I definately don't think they'd break up so soon after getting together. Sure, it's going to be really complicated, and both of them have a lot of issues they need to work out, but underneath that all, they still do love each other and make each other so happy. Yeah, I see Calleigh running from the relationship, it's her nature to do so, but I don't think she'd break up with Eric. I can see her distancing herself from him in the hopes that he'd break up with her, because if she's dumps him, there's a chance he'll still keep pursuing her. If she drives him far enough away for him to give up on her, then she'd feel pretty certain that he's never going to try and make another go at things with her. It would be her way of closing herself off again. Of course, Eric is never going to give up on her that easily, in fact, I think Calleigh may be the one thing Eric will never give up on. The current situation is a testament to that. Eric's is in probably the darkest and most awful place emotionally that he's ever been in his life, yet Calleigh and her actions still have such an effect on him. That really tells the story of how deep he feels about their connection, if you ask me.

Anyway, yeah, there will be ups and downs, probably quiet a lot of them at the start, but I think they will learn and grow together as a couple, not apart. In all aspects, they really do complete each other. Calleigh and Eric are so much better as a team than they ever will be apart. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Calleigh, to me, is unpredictable. I can't say she will break up with him all I can say is that I will die of happiness when they get together. I really think they could work it out. The writers should understand that there needs to be a solid couple on the show and to stop breaking up people. Hopefully they see Eric and Cal that way. I don't see why they should ever break up.

Although, if they were ever to, in order for Eric to want to finally be with Calleigh he should have matured and I think that she is a good woman for him. If she calls it quits because of something then he will hopefuly try to win her heart back. I would love to see that happen. Eric walking in with candy and a teddy bear (forgiving her the dorky way) and then she can't help but smile. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Dude the whole show is unpredictable!! But I see what you mean. We can be sure Cal is going to go one way and then she ends up going in the total opposite direction. So this a definite must watch, wait and see what happens type of situation...which totally pisses me off cuz I have zero patience!

I think Eric being with Cal would be a good move for him b/c it would mean he has matured and it is obvious she will be there for him no matter what and right now he needs someone like that. They just fit together.

Also, has our ship ever been the 'ship of the week'? cuz I am totally not loving who made 'ship of the week' this week. Actually, it makes me want to yak :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I am so not loving who the ship of the week is now, but gotta live with it. We have been ship of the week before so imagine how much pain they must have felt.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Why because their ship had a whole 3 or 4 eps together? Our ship has been aaround way longer and makes a helluva lot more sense in context of the show.

I still contend that the reason the writers didn't just have E/C sleep together, like E/N early in the series is b/c they want something meaningful to come out of it and not what we saw with E/N. And obviously by meaningful I mean more than 3 or 4 eps!
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