Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I didn't read anything about her...sorry to say. I too miss her.

Ok read a little more on the spoilers:

From what I can gather Calliegh is explaining to Eric about either the shooting or garnishing of his wages. He says the doctor told him he may never remember the last few months. Calleigh tells him that he doesn't want to re-live the shooting and it might be a blessing but Eric is afraid that the shooting will come back to haunt him in someway. Calleigh replies by saying:"Not if you keep asking me questions. I'll fill in the blanks." Eric replies: "Thanks, Calleigh, Really." Pretty cool huh?! :D Better than nothing right? Goes to show that Calleigh is taking an active stance in his recovery.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Thank you for the spoilers! :)
Just keep hopes high guys. Maybe this is what Corey was talking about. I wonder if Eric will know of this lunch date and will have a reaction and is he gonna be in court most of the episode?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh my God! What great spoilers! After the depression season 4 caused me, I feel all happy and positive :D
I must say I'm a little bugged by Jake. Yeah that's pretty obvious as I like my shpis to be exclusive :lol: But I just think that physically they are just a poor match. Hagen looked kinda okay with her (of course not as good as Eric ;) ), but Jake I'm not sure. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bugged by his upperlip. I seem to be only able to look at that when I see him :lol:

I really like the sound of that comfort scene. I can't wait to see it. I love how Cal is constantly trying to reassure him after the ordeal he has been through. But I have to agree that sometimes it sounds as though she refuses to face the reality of Eric's condition. It's probably only a facade and that's why her smile wans or looks forced at times. She wants to cheer him up, to boost his confidence. He probably gets enough weird looks from the others.

About a jealousy scene, I sure want one :D It's been some time since we last had one. But I kinda doubt we'll be that lucky :lol: They don't like each other so I would expect both of them to react bad at Calleigh's attentions being focused on the other. I just think that Jake would probably take it worse than Eric. I honestly wouldn't want my boyfriend to constantly comfort and support a hot looking colleague. I'm also pretty confident that since he got shot, Jake probably heard Calleigh speak a lot about Eric ;)

I need someone to kick my a$$ and beta my stories. It's not that I lack motivation, it's just... well I don't know :( If anyone is willing, please PM me. Sorry to have written it here.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

ok I'm starting to squee with happiness. I'm getting excited and hopes are rising. lol I like the sound of the comfort scene. It shows that Calleigh is there for him and she probably blows off the lunch date with Jake to be with Eric in court. Wouldn't that be great?

thanks for the spoilers delkolover! Made my morning!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I try! :D

I know the spoilers can be confusing but believe me it takes a bit of concentration and attention to get through them and dicern what the hell is actually going on but the confort scene....that was totally easy to read!!

I will be sure to let you guys know if anything gets added or changes. :D

I don't think, even though I want it, we will see jealous Jake. We kind of got that with Hagen when he went off the deep end when he saw Calleigh and Peter together. So I don't see us getting something like that again. I mean I could see Eric catching Jake doing something bad and being torn about telling Calleigh and Jake confronting him about it....something like that I could see b/c they already did the jealous boyfriend bit. It also just speaks volumes about Calleigh's choice in men that she would pick another jealously filled guy
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

OMG, Elicia, I totally forgot to get that fic back to you didn't I! I am so sorry, hun! It must have slipped my mind because of exam season at college. Not only was it E/C, it was porn too. I damn near deserve to lose my Hip Huggers for that! Again, really sorry. I'll get it done and sent right now. :)

Ooh spoilers! And good ones, too.

Those spoilers make me totally happy, dude! Calleigh's falling over herself to help Eric again, and being there to comfort him is awesome. I'm really enjoying the conflicting emotions going on between them at the moment, especially Calleigh, who from these spoilers, still looks like she's gonna have a difficult time being strong for Eric yet at the time trying to keep herself together. This was probably what Corey was hiding, and it's looks like they're keeping their promise that by the end of the season Eric and Cal's friendship would be 'stronger than ever'. Really, we can't ask more than that. There was no way they were going to get them together between now and the end of the season. But, it does make me all excited for Season 6 already. Looks like we're gonna end on a high note this season, and have a great lead in to the next. Could 6 be the season? :D

I'm not bothered about Jake showing up at all. In fact, I'm rather pleased. It does open up an interesting situation. Calleigh's ditches Jake to work on the case, as in, the case that Eric's being ripped apart in and she comforts him in? Right, the case is so her main priority. :D As for possible jealousy, I'd love to see it again, but I don't think we'll get anything much from Eric this time. I think he'll be a little too preoccupied with everything else to engage in some petty (yet totally awesome ;)) spitefulness with Jake. As for jealous Jake, I could see that happening, especially since Calleigh ditches him earlier in the episode. Imagine if we came into the lab to talk to her, and walked in on her comforting Eric. I'd get jealous if I were him, because it pretty much looks as though she blew him off to be with Eric (which she totally did, BTW :D)

Like I said, I don't see a re-appearance of jealous Eric, but I could see him perhaps walking in on them talking, or something like that. He's just finished being consoled by Calleigh, walks around the corner all happy, sees them together, and just gives them a really sad look, and walks away. I'd love that. Simple, but it would speak volumes. But yeah, either way I'm excited about the whole thing. So many possibilities! And Jake won't be around for long guys. He's up to something. Calleigh will bust his ass soon enough, don't think she hasn't picked up on the shifty-ness. Then she kicks his ass. Problem solved. :D

Kristine pimped us in her review again! *huggles Kristine* I love it when she does that. Here, have some free mojitos. :cool:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Wow Ali, you really got my optimistic side going!! Jake, while I may not like him, doesn't seem like a threat at all. But I agree that he has something going on or he has a hidden agenda but either way he is just sooo shady. I just hope Cal sees it before it is too late. But of course we all know Eric would be there for her to help pick up the pieces if Jake did hurt her in some way! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Okay, anyone who is wanting new E/C fic there is 3 chapters of one of mine up in the starduquesneart community on Livejournal and also on Title I-95 South and I'd like to know what y'all think. Please?

I think the fact that Calleigh was involved with Jake when she was just starting out says a lot about her. I think maybe, based on his character, she had spent most of her childhood closed off, trying not to break, and with Jake she could just *feel*. Also makes me wonder if the reason she's so distant now is because her relationship with him hurt her career. Maybe that's why she's so freaked about people seeing her as less than perfectly capable. Just based on what we've seen so far of him. And a note for Jake from Going Under, you do not "let" Calleigh take you down. :lol: She's just that good. And I bet Eric wishes he was there to see it :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't care about Jake. He does nothing for me and he never will unless he does something that will make me mad. Other than that, I don't love him and I don't hate him. I am just glad that my Calleigh will be around my Eric.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yeah. Clearly Cal has matured and now only has eyes for Eric. I almost wonder though, with Hagen and Peter and now Jake, if she's maybe surprised and flattered that they're interested? Like she doesn't see herself as desireable and she doesn't see any way in hell that Eric would want someone so broken and damaged, so she goes for what she thinks is all she deserves? Just speculating here. And now that Eric is injured he may be thinking she won't want him now. But they'll come to their senses and do the horizontal mambo eventually because they are just perfect together and they make me happy.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Aww, nobody likes poor Jakey. Whatever, that just means more of him for me. :lol: ;)

And a note for Jake from Going Under, you do not "let" Calleigh take you down. She's just that good. And I bet Eric wishes he was there to see it

Or that he was there in Jake's place. ;) Except, not on his stomach. And not in such a public place. And with fewer clothes. :devil: :lol:

Also makes me wonder if the reason she's so distant now is because her relationship with him hurt her career.

That's a good point. She dated him while in the academy, and according to Jake, was so distracted that she finished second to him. Maybe that bit right there has taught her that relationships with those she works with causes her to lose sight of her job and not do as well as she could had she not been distracted. And now, you look at her and Eric, and the definite...well, the definite something between them. And maybe that's the reason she's holding back when it comes to moving forward with Eric... she'd want nothing more than to be with him, but we all know how much she values her career and wants to do nothing but her best. It's a toss-up; Eric would make her happy, and her job would make her happy, but it's not a guarantee that she can have both at the same time.

And Calleigh's a "mind over heart" kind of girl, and in her mind, it's an easy choice to make. A secure career, or jumping into the unknown with Eric?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Calleigh is pretty freakin terrified of the unknown. She trusts herself with her job but not with her heart. She doesn't deal well with feelings because she's so desperate for control. I don't remember which ep, but there was one she said "this is why I like bullets, it's an exact science." Relationships aren't exact, they're messy and high-emotion and you can end up feeling things you don't like or want. For someone who is so fiercely in control that's gotta be terrifying. But the fear of it can be just as frightening. And another thing. She gets shot and gets up and goes about her business. Eric gets shot and all hell breaks loose. But for a few inches, that's her in that hospital bed. And Eric has always been very emotional, heart on his sleeve, so a part of her might even equate the emotion with the seriousness of the injury. Almost as if she can will herself to be bulletproof just by refusing to break. The fact that Bullet Girl is famous in her field she probably thinks happened in spite of her shortcomings and she's bound and determined not to let anything get in the way. She's tiny and hot and probably used to not being taken seriously because of it. If she gets involved with someone at the office, people might think she's in her position because of the relationship and not her competence. I mean when Hagen told Horatio she was hurt by the gun, well I wouldn't have wanted to be him at that moment. There's always risk and Calleigh isn't one to accept that. Wow I'm long winded today.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well after reading what you guys have said, having Jake for a while doesn't seem that bad at all. I think that he is a transition into what could happen with Calleigh and Eric. Also we are only in season 5 so we still have a long way to go, maybe the writers want to keep the E/C thing till the end so they will end together. Jake could create some drama in the lab, and I agree that Jake has a hidden agenda. I just wonder how the writers would end the relationship with Calleigh and Jake later on, b/c with Hagen, he comitted suicide, Peter things got awkward and got engaged, so how would the relationship end up. No matter what happens I think Eric will be there for Calleigh when she needs conmfort or someone to talk to, just hope that Jake doesn't hurt Calleigh bad because that would make me sort of mad. We'll have to see, I'm still hopefull for season 6 and the rest.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

since we all seem to think that Jake has something to hide then maybe that will be the reason Calleigh gets rid of him. Ya know she finds out he is doing something bad or he tries to destroy someone in the lab etc. Something like that. It is also possible that she will realize that she has outgrown him. Ya know she dated the bad boy at the academy b/c she had just gotten away from her deranged family but now that she has grown up and it seems he hasn't changed all,she might realize she doesn't want to be with that type of guy. There is a line in the spoilers for Just Murdered that can be interpreted in sooo mant different ways. When Calleigh is interviewing the wife she asks Cal if she is seeing anyone and Cal responds that it is none of her business. The woman replies that she can tell she is and gives her the advice: 'wahtever you do don't marry him' I take it that the wife read Cal's reaction and based on her own experience is warning her against marriage. I just thought I would throw that out there. I don't think she and Jake are going to get anywhere near the alter!! (Check the next spoiler box for why) And if they do.....Corey is going to be getting some hate mail!!! :devil:

After Jake and Calleigh leave their repsective interrogation rooms, after the wifre says the comment to Calleigh and Jake interviews the husband, they meet outside and Jake says something about how marriage is an institution and that you have to be crazy to go through with it. Calleigh replies that they arren't exactly the best role models to which Jake replies by asking 'do you know any couples that are?' Unfortunately Cal doesn't know anyone who is and it is described that she luckily doesn't have to answer b/c she is cut off by H's arrival
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I really do think that Calleigh is matured and I hope that she realizes that this bad boy thing was such a fling and a thing of the past. And it seems that Eric will be getting more mature himself. Also, have you ever noticed how Horatio is interupting everything? :lol: Maybe sometimes it's a good thing but oh well...
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