Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

How about the name Tiptoe?

And yes that scene was really cute.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Aww Tiptoe is a really cute name....good call Sab. We could also call him Hot Stuff !!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Killer duck. Rawr. :lol:

Adorable scene, given the fact that it was a less-than-excellent episode. Calleigh was amused, and she made Eric laugh! :D I still would've liked a bit of "hey, I love you and I just want to make sure you're really okay again" concern from Calleigh, you know, for the sake of continuity...but I'll take what I can get. :D

Also, during that scene, maybe it was just me reading too much into the scene since there wasn't that much else personal between them last night, but a couple seconds before she said "I'm gonna pay Alexx a visit," Eric gives her this sorta intense look...and to me it seemed a bit too intense for them to be talking about dead guys and killer ducks. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'm with you on the intense look. Whoa. And that duck is too cute! That whole conversation was just hilarious. :lol: As a whole I liked the episode, and I guess it makes sense for others to ask Eric how he is and notice stuff. We know Calleigh noticed first and is keeping the closest tabs on him. *C: Eric, honey, come to bed. I have a few things to um reteach you* :devil: And you know after the thing with Ryan about the new gadget that wasn't new, you just know he went to Calleigh. Because duh.

In other news, I posted the first chapter in one of my fics HERE So go tell me what you think. Good, bad, ugly? I'm not going to inflict all of the plot gators I've got going on you guys if they're painful to read... :lol:

Gotta go get ready for work. I'll put more up tomorrow if anyone wants me to.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Thank you! It's good to have something Eric and Calleigh realated to do now! :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Heh, that duck is awesome. Looks like somebody else might be getting wet, although not in quite the same way. ;)

What a suckfest that was! And I thought 'Broken Home' was bad.

I guess there was some continuity, so I can't complain too much about that, but there's less and less each week. I'm just going to pretend this is leading up to something big at the end of the season, although in all likelyhood Eric's injuries will go the way of Suzie and Madison, and all the other random plot aspects they decided were no longer of use and expect us just to forget about. :rolleyes:

Oh well, we got a couple of E/C scenes, and the second one was very cute. Even with everything going on, we still got smirk!porn. It's been said so many times, but with everyone else Calleigh is so business-like about her work, but with Eric she's gets all dizzy and smiley. And Eric's been in a less than happy mood lately, but she managed to get a little smile out of him too. Aww. :D

Jessica237 said:
Also, during that scene, maybe it was just me reading too much into the scene since there wasn't that much else personal between them last night, but a couple seconds before she said "I'm gonna pay Alexx a visit," Eric gives her this sorta intense look...and to me it seemed a bit too intense for them to be talking about dead guys and killer ducks. ;)

I noticed that, but I was a bit distracted Eric's unusual agape mouth thing. What the hell was up with that? I could have just been a really odd yawn, but is anybody else considering the possibility it might have been something to do with his injuries? I know Alexx said there would most likely be motor damage. Now, I'm not clued up about neurology, but I know head movement is a gross motor skill. Could that have been a sly bit of continuity right there? It would explain Calleigh's pretty intense look too...

There wasn't much to cap, but here:


Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I thought the episode was okay, it wasn't the best, but hey we still have the rest of the season later on. And hopefully some E/C, has Corey said anything at all or is he still being closedlipped?

I loved that part with the duck conversation and how Calleigh was able to make Eric smile!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jessica237 said:

Also, during that scene, maybe it was just me reading too much into the scene since there wasn't that much else personal between them last night, but a couple seconds before she said "I'm gonna pay Alexx a visit," Eric gives her this sorta intense look...and to me it seemed a bit too intense for them to be talking about dead guys and killer ducks. ;)

And he kept looking at her as she walked out of the room. Yes, I noticed that. No, I don't have a life, what gave it away?

Reruns all through March. We better start writing, or else it'll get really boring in here. I think I'm gonna add a new word to the challenge community. Would that get people inspired to write?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hey today I found another E/C shipper. I was talking about last nights episodes (and other things about the show) and they all told me they didn't like Horatio(everyone's telling me that!) and that they didn't like Boa. So this one guy is like "I think Eric and Calleigh like each other," and this is another reason how I know I am not just seeing and thinking things!

Overall guys, it wasn't such a bad episode to me. What didn't you like?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Got some spoilers for the 21st episode of the season.

The title of the episode is "Just Murdered"Jake is in the episode and he and Calleigh were supposed to have lunch but she had to cancel b/c of the case

There is a murder surrounding a couple who is going through a bitter and nasty divorce who are constantly trying to get 'one up' on the other...think 'War of the Roses'

Eric is put on the stand by one of the couples attorney's (think Pro Per) b/c they are scrutinzing the lab's work and evidence in the case b/c they become suspects. While on the stand the attorney calls Eric's creditbility into account b/c of his brain injury. He asks Eric why his wages are being garnished and while he remembers being in a fight he can't rememeber why they are being garnished.

The attorney wants all eveidence that Eric handled thrown out b/c of his memory lapses and injury and that he was allowed to return to work without supervision and new proficiencies. Eric attempts to defend his work. We find out he returned to work only weeks after the incident and the judge asks him if he was cleared to return....Eric confesses that the doctor wanted him to take at least a month off but he was going crazy so he came back early. The judge puts him on desk duty until he can interview his doctor to determine if he returned too early and if the defenses' claim holds water. Calleigh later tells him that he didn't do anything wrong and she even comments earlier (before court) how prestine his collection of a shoe print is.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Sounds interesting, thanks!

Sounds like Calleigh's more in denial than Eric is. I wonder if they're going somewhere with that.

BTW, I think your spoiler code isn't working because of paragraphing. I think every paragraph must have its own spoiler code.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well, I have no idea what to say. In a way, I guess it's okay that she's with Jake because it could spark some jelousy from Eric, and maybe even keeping the Eric/Calleigh thing until further into the season, so they can end together and not have to break up. Well, I have no idea what to say. In a way, I guess it's okay that she's with Jake because it could spark some jelousy from Eric, and maybe even keeping the Eric/Calleigh thing until further into the season, so they can end together and not have to break up.
But then again, there is probably not going to be much hope for E/C for the rest of the season, I don't know if having Jake is really a good idea. I was hoping for E/C. We will have to wait and see what happens, but in the end I am hoping that she breaks up with Jake later and goes to Eric, but that's just me, sounds interesting though.

I guess this is what Corey was being closed lipped about!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jake is in the episode

YES. *shifty look* *small voice* What, I like the guy. :D

Ahem. Eric and Calleigh. :D

Well, I'm glad to finally see some continuity, in that Eric's obvious lack of doctor clearance to come back to work is addressed. I'm glad to see Calleigh standing up for him though...whether that's because Eric's CSI abilities are still excellent, or because duh, it's Eric, of course she's gonna stick up for him because she loves him and she doesn't want to face the consequences of what happened to him, because that would remind her that she almost lost him. And obviously, that hurt enough the first time; she doesn't want to remember it. :D Either way, I'm glad to hear that.

I want Calleigh comforts and reassures Eric scenes. :D

And I agree with carolinam91. If we were to get any Jealous Eric at all... that would make me happy. I don't even care what he might be jealous long as he's jealous, I'd be happy! Maybe not so much as it would've a season ago, before he went through all this hell, but hey, I'll still take it! :lol: :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I wouldn't mind some E/C comfort scenes either!! It is nice to have some continuity with Eric too.

Like I've said before is the road to getting E/C together is rough and tough it will make the end result all the more sweeter. So if we have to go threw Jake to get there then, well bring it on!! It will be hard to watch but at least we would be getting some E/C couple drama. I don't think Calleigh is in denial about Eric's injury I just think she doesn't want him to lose his confidence and have him leave and therefore lose him. I wouldn't mind seeing some jealous Eric though :D

And yes this explains why Corey has been sooooo tighted lipped about everything.....damn him!! :lol: I still want to know how everyone else's life is going to be changed by the end of the season....cuz we are nearing the end of the season here!!

I'd like to add that I don't like Jake. Not b/c he might be a threat to E/C but just b/c there is something about him that irks me. I feel like he constantly has some hidden agenda, ya know like to get a promotion or something and he will step on anyone who gets in his way....even Cal. I just feel like he is hiding something.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jake's just wanna shifty. And that thing in his upper lip? Jake, you're no Joaquin Phoenix.

But if we get jealous Eric out of the whole thing, you know, awesome.

Actually, I just kinda want Calleigh to focus more on Eric and maybe get jealous Jake instead of jealous Eric. Considering how shifty Jake is, I think Eric would be pretty confidence that the relationship wouldn't go far. And he had no problems causing problems for Calleigh and Hagen. Not that he'll break Jake and Calleigh up on purpose, but you know. I think jealous Jake is more probable than jealous Eric, especially since Calleigh is so involved in Eric's recovery.

Is Valera in this episode? I've suddenly grown concerned that they're writing her out.
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