Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

*happy sigh* Now, THIS is the episode I've been waiting for since season three.

Well...maybe I could've done without all the drama. But our scenes? Were beautiful. Really, beautiful. :D

...I think I'm gonna have to watch this again tomorrow, so I can see our scenes again, and also because I kinda missed everything in the episode that wasn't E/C. :lol: What?! They're distracting!! :D

I wanted Calleigh in there at the very when the tear rolled down his cheek. I think that would've finally broken her down completely. And she would've held his hand again.

Alright! Who's writing the post-ep fic? :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

My hear totally flip flopped when he when he said her name when he woke was soooo sweet. And then of course I nearly cried when he asked where his sister was. Poor guy has to go through it all over again. But this time we know Calleigh will be there for him! :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

:lol: I'm okay with dying, as long as it happens soon! As in, I need to see this f'ing thing now! Do you have any idea how much I'm trying to avoid having a typing spaz right now?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Dude, this episode is going to kill you. I'm actually going to warn you not to watch it. I never get affected by anything on television, and even I nearly died. The second E/C scene is that beautiful.

Dude, Calleigh cried. How can you not freak out when CALLEIGH IS CRYING?!

I just realized, we never got the Alexx/Calleigh hug. But it's okay, because their scene was still awesome. I love how Calleigh was worried that Eric wasn't the same. That made her feelings for him more evident, I think. She loves Eric. She's wondering, would she still love him if he wasn't the same?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I noticed that too. I was wonering why we didn't see Cal and Alexx hug, but oh well. What can I say? Everything else was pretty good. And Calleigh was completely tearing up!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Did anyone else think Calleigh was going to shake her breasts on Eric's face to wake him up? Seriously, she was angsting so badly over Eric's shooting that her breasts were all pissed off and waiting to jump out of her shirt to help in the investigation.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think that might have done the trick. :lol: Might've healed him completely, come to think of it. :D

Well. I guess we know what his therapy's gonna consist of. :lol: :devil:

Wow, I didn't even notice that we didn't get the hug. Any other episode, I'd have been pissed about it. But the E/C total love/devotion/I-need-you thing was so good that I'm not complaining. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Hey guys....SPOILER BOXES please. This episode hasn't aired in the entire US yet. Please use spoiler boxes until after 2am EST. thanks
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

My friend Dee is going to tape the episode and get HD screen caps for us. She's in Seattle, though, so she's still waiting for the episode to air.

Eric and Calleigh in HD. I bet they're so so pretty.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I want to post a reply about tonight's episode but I was to be able to block it as a personal spoiler...but I don't know how to do a spoiler cut or whatever it's called...Can someone please PM and let me know how?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

You can either hit reply and click on the spoiler link under the comment box, or copy paste this code:

[*spoiler=what your spoiler is about]actual spoiler[/*spoiler]

Of course, remove the *s.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa


Hold on, give me a minute...

Nope, there are no more words. I'll be back with a more in-depth post later when brain fuction isn't so much of an issue. :lol: I'll leave you with these:





HEEEEEEEE! Yeah, uh, more later. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I wanted to post the lyrics of the song that played during the second hospital visit. It's so beautiful:

Enter One
by Sol Seppy

After a storm I want to be brave and keep you warm
And not fade away as we float from the shore

Into the Light
Into the Unknown

Like thousands of lanterns
Glowing with grace
In glorious silence
Descending through space
To a friend
A sister in need
Who is not alone

And they are surrounding her
And they will enfold her outstretched hand

In our love
Into the light

It's hard to believe it's always been ours to give and to receive
And I want to be shameless like the sun
Moving into your entering light


I think those are the whole lyrics, anyway. They're kinda hard to find, unless someone has the song and wants to transcribe it?

Off to work now.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

When she told Ryan she was at the hospital to get the bullet and find out how Eric was I totally slid to edge of the couch in anticipation :D

That scene was awesome and totally moving at the same time. When he said her name I was like 'awww' he is happy to see her. And Calleigh, well her emotions and facial expressions just said it all. You could soo tell that she wanted to say more but the question about his sister totally threw her for a loop.

It also amazed me at how quickly she noticed that he was different. It just goes to show how well these two know each other that she would pick up on that that quickly. I can't wait to see how the writers play this out in the reast of the season.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think my heart actually stopped once or twice in that episode. Stop hogging the defibrilator, Eric! Did it never cross your mind that some loony fangirls might need a shock or two? :D

I tried to calm down, I really did, but it just ain't happening. I'm going to attempt to type now, should be interesting. :lol:

Where the hell should I start? All the E/C scenes were phenomenal. Actually, I think that's an understatement, they need to come up with a new word for how awesome they were!

The first scene. Success! We got our hand-holding! Even at the start, Calleigh got to spend the most time with Eric, and her putting the cross in his hand was so perfect. The way she did it with such care and affection spoke volumes to me. The subtleties between them were at an all-time high in this episode.

During the investigation scene, I did see what Caro mentioned about Calleigh staring at the blood pool. Another small little detail that played out perfectly. I wish they'd gone in close on her face for this bit, but that might have made it too obvious. Still, Calleigh's fixed stare on it had a lot of meaning.

The second hospital scene - I died. It managed to be both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time! I never get emotional about, well, nearly anything usually, but I swear I wanted to cry.. The first bit was so incredibly sweet; Calleigh just looked so distraught about the whole thing. Watching how her face lit up when he whispered her name made me melt and grin like a fool. She looked so happy and relived, yet at the same time, still so sad. :(

I actually felt my heart wrench at Calleigh's reaction when Eric started talking about Marisol. Oh dear God, you could see the pain she felt for him all over her face! Emily was so on the entire episode! But yeah, broke my icy heart that did. :lol:


Hallway scene with Alexx - I lost it again. Alexx is pretty much the only person Calleigh lets herself be vulnerable in front of, and she certainly was here. Again, this made me think Alexx totally knows what's going on between them and the feelings there, she could tell just how cut up Calleigh was about the whole thing.

'He's different' = Heartbreak #2 Could she have been more distraught? I know as his friend she is obvious going to be pretty upset about him having to go through something like that, but there was something about her reaction that seemed more than that, y'know?

Look at her face here:

Two seconds away from losing it completly. That is not the Calleigh we know, or that she lets us know, at all. She's never been so upset in all her life. Emily did such a fantastic job of making Calleigh look so upset and on the verge of tears throughout the entire episode, but right there is the money shot.

God, there was just so much fantastic stuff in this episode! I can barely think straight! I mean, the shoulder touch, the romantic music, the fact that she threw her head in her hands as Horatio walked away, Calleigh trying, but failing pretty miserably to stay in control in the interrogation scene. (Did you see the way she was glaring at that guy?! :D) It's all too much for me. OVERLOAD!!! PLEASURE OVERLOAD!!!

Seriously, monumental episode right here. And Calleigh cried! CALLEIGH FREAKIN' CRIED! MULTIPLE TIMES!!! :eek:

Dude, that's it, I need to stop before I give in to the uncontrollable urge to have a complete capslock typing spaz. I'll be back later, I just need to go and mail all my worldly possesions to Ildy Modrovich. :D
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