Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Don't worry Ali I'm sure everyone here will keep you informed! Because believe me I really would prefer not to have a pitchfork launched at me from the Atlantic. The sheer momentum alone would probably make it hurt just a weeee bit more! :lol:

So with that said, I will be sure to keep you posted about the anyone else out there going to help me?!! Please say you are going to help ass can't and shouldn't take all the abuse alone! :lol:

As for tonight I am remaining optimistic and totally being a 'the glass is half full' kind of girl.

11 hours 18 minutes
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Oh don't worry. I'm here all day (well, I have to eat...) and I sure wouldn't want a pitchfork launched at me from the Atlantic...especially at me ass, which belongs at the edge of the sofa tonight! :)

I will keep everyone posted if I can, probably in the Miami "Man Down" and spoiler lab. Or here, because this is where the party is. *throws confetti*

I am also trying to believe it will be a total knock-out and live up to my expectaions because I know it will *quavers and remembers counted times Miami has let down*

:D I am planted here, at your service.

13 hours! *squee*
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I'll be waiting on news, so, don't take your time or I may have to pitchfork your asses from all the way across the Atlantic

Like you can reach us from all the way over there. :p :lol:

I'm sure you don't have to worry about not getting news tonight...unless...something really super good happens and we're all dead from the awesomeness. Then I guess you'd have to wait for a while. :lol:

So tonight's gonna be awesome. Hand-touching...worried Calleigh...worried Calleigh needing a hug from Alexx...this could be our best episode ever! How telling would be if we got something like Calleigh wandering off and needing to take a minute or two alone just to breathe? I want so bad to see her shaken! Other than all the hand-touching and the Eric-worry, that's the thing I'm holding out most for. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Jessica237 said:
Like you can reach us from all the way over there. :p :lol:

You wanna try me? I'll have you know my old high school (butch, possibly lesbian, national-level javelin throwing) teacher just lives down the street from me. And she owes me a favour. :p

All of that makes me super excited, like pee-your-pants, giddy moron excited! The hug and the hand-holding could prove to be so important. This whole episode could be so important, not just for the ship but for both of the individual characters. If done correctly, this episode could be frickin' epic!

How long left now? :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

How butch is butch? b/c Jessica237 if she is as butch as I picture her then I am going to give Ali anything she wants short of money or my first born (when I have one :D) cuz something tells me that woman could reach us if she wanted to :lol:

This ep has 'stepping stone' written all over it for E/C if it is done right! And it definatetly is the giddy, pee in your pants type of episode that I have been wating for all season. I anticipate getting something as far as E/C concerned and I truly we get more than what we have seen in the pics and promos

8 hours 53 minutes :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

With something like CSIM to drive her? She could reach anywhere. *waits for pitchfork to shred through ass*
My spoiler code hates me so I'll just say I am so giddy and excited and ecstatic. People from the east coast- come PM me about it after it's over! I have to wait 3 more hours then you all! I can't throw a pitchfork but I do have superpowers... :)

10 hours and 43 minutes
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Wow, guys. Moon landing?

My cousin's birthday is today and we're taking her out to dinner and to a movie afterwards. I was like, I'll do the dinner, but I can't make it to the movies, I have, uh, something to do. Like I'm gonna miss this episode. I love my cousin, but she'll have more birthdays.

I'm not gonna get super excited about tonight, because this is Miami. They're bound to do something to piss us off. Then again, today is Feb. 12 and 12 is my lucky number. Still, cautious optimism.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

delkolover said:
How butch is butch?

Think Ms. Trunchbull from 'Matilda'. ;) But yeah, I may not even need her services. When it comes to E/C, I think I'm capable of just about anything. :cool:

I'm starting to get a little too excited again. I'm sure it doesn't help a big piece of the most sugary, sweet banoffee pie in history (topped with peanut M&Ms). Sugar High! *sings song from Empire Records* :D

Yeah, I know I shouldn't let myself get this excited, but the promo and bedside photo threw me over. I can't help it! Good news is, two is my lucky number which means we now have extra half of the luck we had before. :lol:

Anywho, here's some more picture, because they're the only thing keeping me (somewhat) sane.


Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

^ you are like the pic posting queen girl! :lol: Not that I mind...I love to see pics of E/C!! HMMM that cake sure sounds good....if I give you info will you give me cake? :D

Totally true that this is Miami after all and we could all end up being on the side of a WTF :eek: tonight at 11pm. But I am still confident we will prevail in one way or another tonight :D

6 hours 45 minutes
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

^great pic! Thanks so much- sure brightens this cold day. This waiting...arrhg.

I am as of now, squeeling every waking moment. This countdown hurts. Ahg. Especially when you all can see it first. (sorry UK people- I shouldn't be complaining- but we'll tell you what happens)

*taps foot impatiently*
(hey it's 1:11 here. Chopsticks. Make a wish. [I wish for E/Cal/ I wish for E/Cal/ I wish for E/Cal. I wish...])
8 hours 49 minutes
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Okie, for starters, 6 hours for those in my neighborhood. Can't wait!

I will not think about the number of times TPTB have let us down. It's just too much. (being a silent thunder shipper only adds to the let downs. *pout*) But that's okay. As long as AD keeps her greedy little 'ship-killing hands off Hip Huggers.

Going back to the pics from the ep who's name i can't remember now but was Calleigh and Delko in the wetsuit, just think about what H would do if Delko did steal his Ray-Bans. He would probably have some choice words for him as he dove overboard to rescue his precious Sunnies. And then Eric would be out of a job.

But we would get some real E/C smex, instead of the eye kind that keeps us hoping. :D (not that we don't like eye sex. some of us live on the stuff. *whistles innocently*)

Gillian Sara Grissom, who has stopped worrying about her hiatusing (it's a word because i say it is) father and is now worrying about Delko. :(

Now it's 5 hours 51 minutes!

Edited to say you people are failing me. You haven't posted any new stuff! (4 hours 37 minutes!)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

This will be posted in all the active shipper threads.

There have been lots and lots of newbies to TalkCSI and the Shipper Threads so I thought I would direct everyone to the Shipper Central Rules so those new to Shipper Central, please make sure to read them in their entirety. Thanks

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Thank you to all the pics!!! My computer shut down and erased everthing so it is good to add some more to my collection. :)

So less than 5 hours for me!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Sam here I have 4 hours and 23 minutes left to go!!

My good lord I think I am going to have a coronary :lol:
I really hope my expectations for this ep aren't too high cuz I don't think my high could take massive deflation like the one I would get if the ep sucks.

Did I mention there are only 4 hours 23 minutes left? Well cuz there is :lol: :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa people really are lucky. My spoiler code won't work for some reason so I'll just make spoiler space.
**Spoiler Space**PROCEED WITH CAUTION!**

Okee dokee. Since it really looks like Eric's gonna die (I know he isn't in the end, but everything makes it look like he is) and I saw in the promo H tell Cal- "Catch the guy" after she asked "what do we do now," so i guess Cal is gonna be after Eric's shooter. What kind of emotion fuels her search? :) She really cares for Eric and him dying (seemingly...) well she's gonna want the guy dead! I can't wait to see how Calleigh handles herself- without H to be there to be the big tough guy, cuz she's stuck with Ryan, there's great potential here.
I swear if the writers mess this up :mad: I'm bombing CBS studios. :devil:
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