Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

yeah, I also hope that the writers don't mess it up.
Yes countdown for me is 3 hours and 45 minutes!!!! I have homework today, so I am trying to finish it before CSI:Miami, so I can enjoy it. This episode is going to be E/C bound, it has to be. *exited over the top* :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

delkolover said:
^ you are like the pic posting queen girl! :lol: Not that I mind...I love to see pics of E/C!! HMMM that cake sure sounds good....if I give you info will you give me cake? :D

Hmm, how good is this info, because this cake is like Santa, on prozac, at Disneyland, getting laid! [/pheebs] Actually, that's a pretty close description of how I'll be feeling if we get something great tonight! :lol:. Plus, I may still need the cake for strength during the ass-forking. So no deal, yet ;).

One of my wishes is to have Rambo!Calleigh hunting/interrogating Eric's other shooter. Wouldn't that be awesome? In fact, as this point, anything would be awesome if we could have it right now!

But I am still confident we will prevail in one way or another tonight :D

Heh, such optimism! As much as I seemed to have switched personalities recently, I can't push my optimism that far. It's getting there though, which is highly dangerous. Good job you guys don't like anywhere near me then isn't it? :D

What's the countdown at now?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I can't wait to see everyone's reactions tonight in the ep; especially Calliegh's of course :D I think emotions are going to be riding high and everyone will be on edge so I think as far as the regular cast is concerned it will be great and with E/C I think we will get something to sink our teeth into and keep us watching and waiting for more!!

2 hours 45 minutes
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

My optimism is at an all time high. Let's just hope that we don't come crashing down when we actually see the ep.

Distraction, to survive the *checks clock* 2 hour 30 minute wait. *thinks for long minute* OOO, I KNOW! I'LL GO READ THE NEVER-ENDING CIRCLE OF FICS!!! E/C HAPPINESS, HERE I COME!

Sorry, that was kind of nonsense. Off to survive.

(2 hours 29 minutes)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I can't stand to read anymore fics til this ep is over b/c every time I read I constantly think about what will happen between them in it!! I can't control my ehtusiasm.....I think I may explode :lol:

1 hour 17 minutes :eek:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Okay so I have been praying for so long that we will get some E/C time. Do ya'll think it's paid off? I mean it will definatly make me feel better. I will be cringing during thi episode!!! No matter what, we'll still explode on here right? We'll still stay strong?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Don't worry Xanessa, I'll still be here, even if no one else is. Though i pretty sure i'm going to get killed by everyone on this board for even suggesting it. We won't give up on E/C!

I read the rest of those fics and about died because i still had another hour before tonights ep was on. *Cry*

I was posting on the GSR thread and mentioned that we had however long before we found out if Eric is okay (He has to be. HE HAS TO BE!) and a person was like, "I'm going to sound stupid, but who is Eric?" and i explained and then started my post and ended up with like a half a page, which is a big post for me. And all that was from two scenes (IE and TOYD, for those GSR shippers out there.) And now i need to go analyze some Hip Huggers scenes so i can do that here.

I'm getting chatty, so i'd better go.

Gillian Sara Grissom

Edited to mention: 18 MINUTES!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I know only 7 more minutes!!! At least you'll be around and that is hilariuos that that person didn't know who Eric was. :lol: Of course I can relate because I don't know who all the characters are on the other shows!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

It's here!! :D :D :eek:

Is it so wrong of me to love the fact that, despite the fact that he was on a gurney and dying and stuff...Eric was, ahem, SHIRTLESS!! :lol: :D

Ahem. Yeah.

OMG!! How sweet was that bedside scene! Aww! I think this may be the first time a scene hasn't disappointed me after being so excited over a promo pic! And she looked reluctant to leave him too. The only thing that would've made it better...a kiss to his hand or his head. Then I'd have really died, heh. Or I'd have loved to see her talk to him, aw. But she so squeezed his hand. *squee* And it was all slow-motioned to give the whole "please wake up, Eric, please..." effect. *loves* And she was the only one who really got personal with him. Poor thing...both of them. That was just so sweet. :D Now, we just need our shaken Calleigh/motherly Alexx hug, and I'll be complete, lol! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Somebody shoot me now, because I can die HAPPY! OMG THAT AHHHHHHHH!!!!

And it's only been 30 minutes. Oh, God, guys, that was so fucking amazing. I don't care what happens in the last 30 minutes, the first were the BEST!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Oh my God, that second scene? Now that time I did want to cry!

Seriously; this is like Whacked twenty times over! :D

And Calleigh *almost* did, aww. I never expected her to anyway, but I never expected her voice to crack just barely the way it did. How telling is that?! And she squeezed his shoulder. And I'm sooo glad she's the one we got to see him with first when he woke up!

And then the scene with Alexx that followed? Seriously. Calleigh sounded so dejected when she told Alexx "He's different." Poor thing, might she be afraid that Eric's not the same man she fell in love with so long ago? Aww. :( And Alexx tried to catch her and warn her before Cal went in there, because Alexx knew what it would do to Calleigh. :(

My faith in this ship is totally restored. Nothing else even comes close now. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

She actually cried. During the second scene, you could see the tears in her eyes. Actually, I saw tears the first time around, too, when she went to see Horatio in the hallway, her left eye was moist. I'm gonna take screen caps.

I NEED the name of the song that was playing during that scene!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

OH MY GOD!!! I have never been so happy!!! Everything was perfect!!! Did you hear the way Eric said "Cal"?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa


Okay, when Eric said "Cal?" I nearly cried. When Calleigh started crying, I nearly cried. When the soundtrack went, "I wanna keep you warm," (or something like that) I nearly cried. When Calleigh talked to Alexx, I nearly cried.

Oh my God, we need to send Corey Miller A MILLION DOLLARS!!!

Was I the only one who noticed that when Calleigh and Ryan went to the scene for the first time and Ryan said something about the blood, Calleigh smiled and then told him go check something out over there, and then she kneeled by Eric's blood and kept staring at it? That was really subtle and really awesome and so IN character, that she didn't want Ryan to see her like that.

I need this episode now. Oh my God, Ali's gonna die.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Calleigh looked like she was about to lose it. She was so sad!!! I think she realized something when she was next to Eric in the hospital. I could sense it.
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