Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I know! I haven't seen it in SO long XD Aw, thanks for posting that XD I miss it so much. Corey Miller's the writer, right?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I leave for a coupla days and you people go crazy. Wow. I came back and was like, okay, what was the last thing i read? I eventually used the search to figure out I had missed TWO PAGES of posts! Holy CRAP!

Okay, we've kinda stopped talking about this, but oh my god, we have got to have some definate handholding! I will cry if we don't! WE NEED RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT! (now that i've typed this i don't even know if it really needs spoiler tags. Oh well, better safe than sorry.)

Off to hibernate until monday (it's Saturday. About 7. which means *does some VERY SLOW mental math* 51 hours until CSIM is on. *CRY*

If we do get a kiss, won't it be the first between two csi's? I don't watch CSI: NY, so i don't know about there, but i'm pretty sure we haven't got an on-screen kiss between two CSI's yet. Just a few near misses (C/W.) And a E/C almost kiss would be awesome! Except then C would freak out and poor Ryan would be going "why are you and daddy fighting, mommy? (Sorry, i couldn't resist.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

As far as I know we have had no on screen kiss in either Vegas or Miami. I don't watch NY so I couldn't tell you about that. I think if we had an on screen kiss between E/C then I would have exploded a long time ago :lol:

I have never been so excited for a Monday to come before in my life!! And trust me it isn't coming fast enough!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Past episodes where these two are concerned *always* keep me alive!! I just wish sometimes there was more between them and hopefully after tomorrow there will be!!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think that their relationship will get stronger, and hopefully by the end of the season we will get into something deeper, I am even willing to wait for next season as long as we get something.
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

The fact that we are getting what we are getting makes me hopeful and makes me willing to wait for next season for something to happen, if that becomes the case.

The fact that the writers are taking their sweet time pisses me off to no end but if it means that they will have a substantial relationship and not a fling then I am more than willing to wait :D It may not seem that way sometimes though!! :lol:

Just the fact that they are finally acknowleding it on some level makes me happy and giddy about what the future holds
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I see, you see, we all *squee* for E/C!

Okay, so the wait may have finally knocked me off my rocker, but that's fine because IT'S NEARLY OVER!!!

I tried to avoid Miami completely because it made the wait more unbearable, and even though my new found love of Emmanuelle Vaugier helped, I caved and watched 'Dead Zone'. I am in love with that boat scene!

The whole thing kicks ass. First, there is giddy smiley Calleigh as Eric gets back on the boat. Then he walks past her, and they are way too close together. Followed by this:



:lol: Heh. And then the best bit. Calleigh is supposed to be leaning in to that camera thing, but instead she leans into Eric first, giving him a sultry look and I'm pretty sure she was staring at his lips too, and at the last second, she turns to the camera. I really thought she was going to plant one on him right there.


You do not look, or lean into a friend like that! I can't blame her though. Wet, goofy-faced Eric is a complete turn on. :devil:

Oh, and before I forget. I need someone's help. London is five hours in front of East Coast US, right? Which means if Miami airs at 10 there, that would start at 3am and finish at 4 in London time. Am I correct? I need to know what time to get my ass online and find out what's happening tomorrow.

Not long now, ladies! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Do you really think that the writers are taking their sweet time?

Damn in that last pic she is so getting turned on. Was that really on purpose?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Oh my God it's tomorrow! *squeals* :lol:

That Dead Zone scene? One of the best ever. :D Damn Horatio for standing right there and ruining their moment! :lol: Had they been alone on that boat...all the way out at sea with nobody else around for miles...Eric looking all sexy in that wetsuit...she so would've jumped him. Right there.

Seriously...where does she find all that restraint? How does she not just push him down and rip that wetsuit off him? :lol: :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

If I was her I *would have* pushed him down on the deck and ripped his wetsuit off :devil: Damn Horatio or anyone else who was there...that wet suit wouldn't stand a chance!! :lol:

I love that ep b/c she is totally leaning in towards him and then makes a sharp turn towards the camera! I totally thought she was going to plant one on him right then and there! She does sort of the same thing in the ep "Grand Prix" when she leans in and tells him that maybe he isn't asking the right way. Ever notice how she *always* leans in when they flirt!!

God these two just need to get it on already....I'm getting sexually frustrated just watching them!! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Horatio wasn't paying all that much attention, just look:


All they needed to do was throw that guy in blue overboard (he'd been fine, he's wearing a life jacket) and watch as Horatio jumps in to play hero. Everyone knows how much he loves that. And if that didn't work, I'm sure Eric could theive Ho's shades from where he's standing. If a human life isn't incentive enough, then seeing his favourite Ray-Bans sinking into the abyss might be. :cool:

Don't you just love how Calleigh's eyes roamed freely south as Eric squeezed past. ;) it Monday yet?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Oh yeah, she's likin' it!!!

Tomorrow's Monday!!! You know, I thought I'd never ever be excited about a Monday.
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