Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Yeah you remembered it right. Lol. Just finished uploading it but I don't know if it worked or not. I'm going to bed now to dream of cal and eric lol but I'll check it in the morning. Enjoy!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Well, I guess that's something, right? He also forwarded my other email to Krystal Houghton (writer of 'Throwing Heat' who I praised in the message), and he said she was very pleased. At least she knows we E/C fans are grateful for what she did for us. Seriously, if this whole 'Man Down' thing works out, we should totally send a muffin basket or a bunch of flowers or a naked barbershop quartet or something.

As least we now know we have more than one writer for the show on our side! Just think we are converting them one by one!! :lol: Soon we will take over the world :lol: Ok, so I don't know about that ^ but it will come pretty close :D

As for what Corey said:
We know many people out there would love nothing more than to have Eric and Calleigh get closer than ever. And we keep that in the back of our minds for future episodes. Keep tuning in!

All the best,

I think it is totally a good sign that Corey is being tight lipped in this case....he tends to give us a lot of info and the fact that he is being quiet more than likely, in my opinion that things are going to work in our favor.

I totally have my fingers and toes crossed on this!! :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

CSI_Ali said:

I got two email replies from Corey. He gave me nothing! He's being really tight-lipped about the end of the season. He did write this though:

We know many people out there would love nothing more than to have Eric and Calleigh get closer than ever. And we keep that in the back of our minds for future episodes. Keep tuning in!

All the best,
Was this the response to my email?

Eric has had so many opportunities to make a move on Cal, I know, that's why sometimes I want to slap him for not doing so!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

shopping_luva91, welcome to the Eric/Calleigh thread.

Please don't double or triple post. You can edit your post for up to 24 hours with the handy little "edit" button in your post right beside the "reply" button. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Wow, I have missed so much, but I am excited about monday. I think it is also a good sign that Corey is keeping really low because that means that maybe they are starting to work on it. On another note, in mondays episde I think is going to be a big step, because it's going to be for the first time that Calleigh and Eric will need to realize that one of them has to make the move, cause you never know when there will be no more time to do it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

^Exactly, she's gonna realize that life is too short(which totally sounds like Calleigh to me, by the way) and things are hopefully getting ready to change.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Either that or it will be Eric who realizes that life is too short and try and convince Calleigh of the same. And I think by that point it won't take much convincing! :D

Ya know near death experiences tend to make people realize what is important in their life. They tend to re-evaulate things...maybe this will help both of them realize they belong together
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think the lab will, or should, be brought closer after this. We hopefully might see everyone looking out for another and maybe Eric will go back to being the old Eric. Sweeter and not as pissed and angry. And hopefully Calleigh's senses it too and will want to be her old self again.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Yeah it'd be awesome if they all got closer. And I agree - near death experiences tend to make people put their priorities in order because they realise how fragile they actually are.
Sorry 1CSIMfan !!! I deleted 2 of them. Is that ok?
btw people my video is finished and up on youtube. all you have to do is type calleigh eric into the search thingy and it will come up. It's called 'lips of an angel'.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think this event will make them re-evaluate things, especially when it come to their relationship, but I don't think it's going to be as easy as 'life's too short, I love you and lets click our heels off into the sunset.' I expect it to bring the lab closer together, and Eric and Calleigh even more so (Corey Miller already confirmed that.) I'm thinking we're going to see some really significant stuff, and that this will be a pivotal moment for our pairing, but with a couple that's already as complicated as Eric and Calleigh it's never going to be that simple, even if the guy nearly bit the dust. :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Yeah the wrtiers on this show never makes things simple! If they had the option of taking the easy road or taking the ultra totally confusing, make you head spin way....they'd totally take the second one :lol:

I don't think these two will just fall into each other's arms after this but it will bring them closer both physically and emotionally. Like I said it will make them re-evaluate things and set them on the path of 'finding' eachother. Which with the writers, mean it could take another season and a half for them to stop wandering in the dark and flick on a light switch!! :p
I am just glad that we are getting what we are getting b/c it means the steps are being taken towards our ultimate goal :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

honestly, they've known each other for a few years now, can't they hurry up and realize that in their line of work things can change in a day. I agree with delkolover, they will probably get closer than ever before so maybe....
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Welcome to the thread, dying_for_delko . Just to let you know, it's against board rules to submit two posts in a row. If you have something you wanna add to your first post, just use the EDIT button at the right top of your post.

There's a bunch of pictures around. If you go back a few pages you'll be able to find a few. We haven't posted this one in a while:


Corey Miller is gonna get so fed up with us soon. That's why I haven't written to him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I haven't seen that pic in ages!! Eric looks so young!! Ahh those were the days :p Not that he isn't good looking now or anything it is just when that pic was taken we had eps like "Death Grip" "Grand Prix" "Spring Break" "Bunk" just to name a few!! :D

Hopefully after monday we will be adding more eps to that list right guys?!!
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