Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

shopping_luva91 said:
I couldn't sit still!!

I still can't, so you're not alone there. :D

I definately think what's going to happen in the next few episodes will be very important for both characters individually, and their relationship together. I can't help thinking there's going to be something else even more pivotal by the end of the season. I don't know why I feel that way, it's just a mixture of how the storylines are going at the moment, the spoilers we currently have, things Corey has said and just a gut feeling. Not that what's coming up isn't going to be important, because it's HUGE, but I just think there's something even bigger on the horizon. Anybody else feel like that? I'm really happy with how things are going at the moment though, I think there could be a couple of special moments in the works for us, which is awesome. The great thing about this is that we know when the writers do give us a little something, Adam and Emily are going to take full advantage of it, because they said themselves that they try and add this to their scenes. It's nice to know the actors are on our side. :)

I watched 'Slow Burn' today. 'Tis awesome. We get Calleigh worried about Eric's eyes, Calleigh looking to save Eric from the big, bad doggy, lots of standing too close, lots of those looks, etc. I love how Calleigh totally called Eric out about his eyes. You know he was just trying to be all macho around her, I bet as soon as she left the room he was curled up of the floor, weeping in pain on the phone to his mommy. ;)

Standing too close. When Calleigh turned around and looked him in the eye, I was damn sure surprised he managed to abstain from kissing her right then and there.

They were standing really close in the ballistics lab scene too, it almost looked like Cal was sitting on Eric's lap:


See? Sitting on his lap, and clearly enjoying it. Eric, on the other hand:

PDVD_063.jpg finding their current seating arrangements a little bit too hard to handle. :devil:

The top picture got me thinking. What if Eric and Calleigh had a nearly-kiss? Nothing with a huge, elaborate set-up, think along the lines of Catherine and Warrick in 'Down The Drain', just working and joking around, and suddenly thet find themselves in an awkward position that is far too close for comfort. I could see something like this happening. Not necessarily now but in the near future, sure. Eric and Calleigh have a habit of crossing the line of personal space without realising it. Although they try and be on their guard when they're around each other because of their feelings, they can't help but feel at ease and comfortable when they're together. Then they realise that they've gone too far, and things get awkward and embarrasing and they pull away. With that in mind, it's very possible that they could find themselves in that situation together. Adam and Emily would play a moment like that perfectly. How would you guys feel about that happening?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

That sucks but you can totally live vicariously through us :D No worries we will keep you posted on the lastest happenings as far as these two are concerned!!

YAY guys it is totally Friday....only two more days and then it is Monday!:)

Ali I would love to see a scene like the one Catherine and Warrick had....I think it would be perfect in the sense that they for a brief moment would give in to the attraction that has been there for years and lamost kiss but I think they would be more scared then embarassed. And the moment would be awkward but at the same time I think it would be sweet and we would get some great smiles and blushes. And the reason I think they would be scared is that they know they have such a strong friendship and with Calleigh she would be afraid of the emotions Eric elicits from her and with Eric he wouldn't want to ruin the one friendship he has with a women who he truly respects for all the assests she has but of course since they can't fight the obvious attraction they have for one another sooner or later the damn would break and some lovin' would be flowin' in both directions :lol: :D

OOOH Ali, that thought alone just made me giddy :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Slow Burn was one of the scariest episodes to me. I think it was because Eric and Alexx were about to die.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I found it scary b/c 1) Eric was in trouble and 2) I hate fire and am totally afraid of if that was me under that blanket I probably would have had a heart attack!

I thought it totally sweet how Calleigh was all protective about Eric and his eyes. One of the pics Ali posted earlier shows just how much those two want to jump each other bones or at least kiss :lol: At this point either one would give me a heart attack or die of complete joy :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

A near kiss like W/C's would be so perfect for Eric and Calleigh. Calleigh would be all pissed afterwards at herself for letting her guards down even for a second. Then she'd get pissed and blame Eric for his whorishness, and be like, "I'm not gonna be another one of your conquests," and Eric would be like, "it's not like that with you," and Calleigh would get pissed once again because he'd leave her wondering what he meant by that.

I'd kill for that scene.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa


Brilliantly put, midnight. XD I mean, I can just see the awkward little blushes and the little lusty-I-need-you looks.. and... oh! *Swoons* Of course she'd be pissed off after but I think she hates the fact that she likes it. She knows she likes it but it's crossing the "line" of the job. *sighs* I wish they'd just kiss... Or at least nearly kiss :(

I'd kill for the scene too XD
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think you're right, Calleigh does hate the fact that she likes it, but not just because they work together. I think a part of Calleigh hates the way Eric makes her feel altogether. She's so in control of everything, from her personal life to her professional life, and around Eric she's just...not. I don't think she knows how to handle that. I reckon if Calleigh had a choice right now, she'd rather not feel this way about Eric, but when the time comes when she finally gives in and follows her heart instead of her head she'll realise just how great being with him and in love can truly be. I don't think she really knows what true love is or how to deal with it, because she's never been around it. All her relationships have been bad, and he parents didn't really set the best example.

It's just, both of them deserve to be happy, and the only time they truly seem to be is around each other. *sighs* It always has to be complicated. :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think that is what makes Calleigh such a complex and difficult character. She feels things but doesn't want to admit that she feels them; probably b/c of her upbringing. Calleigh likes to keep her cards close to her chest but with Eric she tends to show them a little and let her guard down.

I think if something like a near kiss were to happen she would immediately close off and become distant b/c that is the only emotional response she really knows. Calleigh doesn't like to not be in control and oviously her feelings for Eric make her feel the complete opposite. Which of course scares the hell out of her.

As for Eric, I think he is just as confused when it comes to them but he tends to be more in touch with his emotions. So I don't think he would as closed off and would probably be the one to suggest they talk about any kind of situation such as a near kiss.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Calleigh is... so complicated :lol: I think she thinks her life is fine, you know, simple. Job, home, job, home. She's a perfectionist and an office romance completely doesn't fit her description of "perfect". She just wants "simple" after her terribly complicated life as a child with her parent's. And you're right, they both deserve to be happy :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I agree. A near kiss would be awesome but Ithink Cal would just close up and not talk to Eric for a while and that would be bad. I think she does it because she loves him so much but she doesn't want to get hurt if it ends badly - even though we know Eric would never hurt her - but you know what I mean
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Haha, of course I know what you mean.

Ok, anyways... Have any of you wondered why Eric hasn't made an official "move" on Cal yet? I swear, I would jsut melt into a little lust puddle if he made a move... I don't expect a move from Cal, but Eric, for God's sake, make a move already! I think it'd be so cute if both of them got so heartbroken and they'd get "friendly" and then... well, you both know how it is. It's a destined rebound. Aw... I can just see him asking her out for a drink as friends and then the night leads to something more... Haha, but then Cal would never talk to him so... Oh, there kills that fantasy
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I think Eric feels that Calleigh is out of his league and he's not good enough for her. That's why I think Eric may never make a move.

I can see Calleigh making a move, but only when she sees that Eric has been laying low for a while. If she sees that he's grown a bit more serious/less manwhorish, I can see her making a move. This would put her in control of the situation and Calleigh likes being in control.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

mmm maybe. I just don't see Cal putting the moves on Eric though.
On a different note... I only need 1 more screencap for my video. I just need one more and it will be finished. Can you guys post the best screencaps you have so that I can grab one and use it please? It needs to be really good and just one picture. One of those ones that tells the story by itself. Please? As soon as I have the perfect one I shall post the video on YouTube and tell you all where to find it so you can share the joy. Lol. Hurry!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

midnight_tiptoes said:
I think Eric feels that Calleigh is out of his league and he's not good enough for her. That's why I think Eric may never make a move.

I think that's definately true that Eric doesn't feel he's good enough for Calleigh, but I'm not sure that he'd never make a move. I'm really not sure which one of them will be the first to truly act on their feelings, it really could be either one of them, or it could just be an accidental thing, something happens that forces them to make a move. Case in point, if they actually did have a near-kiss. Part of the thinks Calleigh doesn't think she deserves Eric either, because he makes her happy, and she doesn't think she deserves that. They do have a lot of issues, but eventually I think they'll be at the right place at the right time, something will happen at all of their worries will be pushed aside. They can't keep dancing around each other like this forever, eventually they will get to that make-or-break point in their relationship.

I can see Calleigh making a move, but only when she sees that Eric has been laying low for a while. If she sees that he's grown a bit more serious/less manwhorish, I can see her making a move. This would put her in control of the situation and Calleigh likes being in control.

Part of what you wrote is the reason I really think something big might happen in the aftermath of Eric's shooting. I get the sense that when they're together, they find it very hard not to think about the feelings they have for one another. It's always in the front of their minds, and that what makes things awkward between them. I think that's one of the reasons Calleigh is on guard so much around him, she's worried that if she makes the slightest advance at all, just a touch or something, that Eric will figure out how she feels about him. Something like that would be all the incentive and proof that she feels the same that Eric needs to start actively pursuing her. If that happens, then Calleigh has lost complete control, and she can't deal with that. She needs to hang on to that little bit of control, because that's all she has left to hide behind. Once the floodgates come down, they damn sure aren't going back up, and I don't think Calleigh trusts herself around Eric to be that vulnerable in front of him.

But with everything coming up, their difficult feelings are definately going to take a backseat to everything else. Eric is going to be too consumed with his recovery and all the emotion surrouding that to be focusing on Calleigh, and it seems that Calleigh's going to be distraught over the whole thing, and let her guard down multiple times. This is where something could happen. They are in a position now where Calleigh could take control and make something of a move, or more likely in my opinion, with Eric in the place he's in, Calleigh with her walls down and the sheer volume of emotion that this event will evoke from them both, something will finally give. I'm not saying they're going to break down, tell each other that's they're in love, and elope, but I think something significant is probably going to happen from this. :D

I got two email replies from Corey. He gave me nothing! He's being really tight-lipped about the end of the season. He did write this though:

We know many people out there would love nothing more than to have Eric and Calleigh get closer than ever. And we keep that in the back of our minds for future episodes. Keep tuning in!

All the best,

Well, I guess that's something, right? He also forwarded my other email to Krystal Houghton (writer of 'Throwing Heat' who I praised in the message), and he said she was very pleased. At least she knows we E/C fans are grateful for what she did for us. Seriously, if this whole 'Man Down' thing works out, we should totally send a muffin basket or a bunch of flowers or a naked barbershop quartet or something. :lol:

I can't wait to watch your video, Jenny! (I hope I remembered that correctly, I suck something awful at remembering names). :D
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