Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

It's 31 minutes into Thursday over here, and I feel no better. :lol:

I definately think Alexx is aware of what's going on between Eric and Calleigh; I have done ever since '10-7'. I can't remember the exact quote, but Alexx telling Eric that he might be the one to get through to her was quite telling. Alexx is probably the most emotional member of 'the team', and the only one I can remember Calleigh ever really seeming to open up too. She knows Calleigh well, and the fact that she feels that Eric is the one that Calleigh certainly shed light on her awareness of their potential relationship. Even without that, I think Alexx would have probably noticed something. She's a bit of a people-watcher, and she's always right. If Alexx says Eric is the one Calleigh needs, then it's damn sure the truth.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie guys sure racked up a bunch of posts since last night.

Anyway, it's time to stop with the negative Ryan talk. Some of you have crossed the line with just discussing him in relation to Eric/Calleigh to being out of line with it.

I know you see Ryan as a threat to your ship but it is time to stop saying not-so-nice things about him. Geez, Eric just got shot. Of course Calleigh, Ryan, and Horatio are going to be at the hospital and in the room with him (that seems perfectly normal to me). The entire team cares about Eric so stop blaming Ryan for cutting in on a possible Eric/Calleigh moment. Isn't Eric's well being a little more important than a shippy moment between anybody?

Let's get back to Eric/Calleigh. If you want to mention Ryan then you need to be nicer about it. There are multi-shippers and all this negative Ryan talk has upset some of them.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't necessarily see Ryan as a impedement (spelling?)maybe but a threat no and I like his character...he tends to bring the young innocence angle that the regular characters lost a few seasons ago since they have been doing the job so long. He has evolved but he is not quite as hardened as the rest of them is quite refreshing sometimes.

As for E/C...I think monday is going to be a huge turning point for us. We get something substantial in the ways of an emotional connection between these two. We had that verbal connection with the 'every fiber' line and now we are going to get the emotional part....the writers are definately taking small baby steps but they are taking the necessary steps in order to move the relationship to new heights. It's just taken them 5 seasons to do that but they seem to finally be doing that. :lol:

Just remember friends tend to make the best lovers and if they friendship is set to get stronger then wow, watch out!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Can you explain this to me? How does the show work? Do they act all year around or only summer, because that would help me determine what they are able to do with the show.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

As far as I know they shoot in the late summer through I think early or November maybe early December and then go on hiatus for the holidays and are currrently shooting eps right now. They'll probably wrap up shooting for the season in the next month or so. But don't quote me on any of is just speculation based on how and where I read my spoilers :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well if they are shooting now, then that means that we do have a chance in getting our thoughts out there. But let me say something. I know Ann Donahue can make us mad all the time(and some of the other writers on the show) but what she is doing she believes is right. So it would be really hard to convince her anything.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

At this point, I'm not even sure if I know what the word calm means anymore. :lol: I think I should start considering hibernating, or the chances are by the time Monday rolls around I'll have collapsed on the floor, shaking violently and clutching my laptop for dear life whilst 'Death Grip' plays on loop on the TV.

How about we talk about the episode, the Monday after next to get our minds off of it?

midnight_tiptoes said:
I'm also excited about the episode where Eric comes back to work. I wonder if Calleigh will hug him. We know they're working together. I hope we get protective Calleigh :D

I could see that happening, although I'm not sure if they are planning to just skip over the part about his recovery and return to work. I hope we get a scene like that. I can imagine Eric walking through the corridor, looking a little upset and agitated that people are fussing over him, and then he bumps into Calleigh and it's all smiles. I could see a very awkward hug, like they both want to but don't know they should. I could see Calleigh sort of leaning in, and then as Eric leans towards her but she kind of shying away. They'd hug eventually, and as awkward as it would be they wouldn't be able to keep their trademark giddy smiles off of their faces. :D As for protective Calleigh, I definately think they're gearing up to something, and that Calleigh will play a big role in whatever follow-up storyline they're going to do with Eric. From the looks of the spoilers so far, they are working together in every case following the shooting. That's quite surprising when you think about how they've barely worked a case together since Season 2, especially not two or more in a row. I have to say I'm very excited for the rest of the season now. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

By the time Monday rolls around for me I will need to hibernate from loss of energy :lol:

As for Eric's return to work I don't see the writers making a huge deal but I can see everyone fussing over him to make sure he is alright. However, as far as Calleigh is concerned I could see her keeping it low key b/c she knows Eric better than anyone and while I want a hug and sappy scene between them I could see her holding in her emotions (as usual) unless something warranted her asking Eric if he was ok.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Yeah, I highly doubt we'll get a hug. I think Eric's going to be overwhelmed and quite frankly a little annoyed at all the attention. Calleigh knows him better than the others, and would know not to make a big fuss about it, because after all she'd want the same thing. And he'd have done the same for her. :) But I don't think she'll be completely be able to hide the fact that she's very happy and relieved that he's back. I expect some extreme smileyness from her, and perhaps a little comment in passing. I think we're more likely to get something like the scenario I sent you, Jackie. But I really wouldn't object if they wanted to give us a hug at all. :D

I just re-watched Monday's episode, did you guys hear Natalia say "Calleigh said you were in the print lab working some of your magic." Do you think that was a direct quote? Calleigh, dear, if you'd just jump him at work already you'd learn the true extent of the magic he can work. :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I remember that! I was like, "Natalia, I don't think Calleigh meant he was doing CSI work." Am I right?

More proof that Calleigh always knows what's going on with Eric. She always knows where he is, what he's doing, etc. He can't escape her even when they're on different hemispheres.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Eric's magic. Heh. Yeah, I caught that the first time I watched it, but I wasn't sure if Natalia was repeating Calleigh's words (though it does sound like something Calleigh would say...I could see her saying it in a lilted voice, with a bit of a smile :D) or if Natalia was just trying to be flirty again.

I doubt we'll get it either, but how wonderful would a hug be? I can see it... both of them wanting it so much, but the whole 'can I even touch you?' thing being so awkward because there's so much more there than just innocent friendship feelings. Neither of them knows where exactly the line is; it scares them both to death that they almost lost their chance, but they're scared to death of taking that chance.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

Well put, Jess! I think Calleigh's going to be extra careful around him after what happens in 'Man Down'. She lets her barriers down twice, to Alexx and to Eric (and possibly whoever else is in the room) and I think she's going to be very wary about doing it a third time in quick succession. There's a definate chance their may be a little touching, she may feel so relieved that he's okay that she just can't help herself, but I think she'll probably just say a little something to him instead. I can see them perhaps standing together at the end outside the interrogation room or in the locker room, and they have a moment talking about the case they just resolved, and then they say their goodbyes to each other, but before Calleigh leaves she's turns around and says 'Hey Eric, I'm glad you're back.' As with a lot of things between these two, I expect the subtleties to speak the volume of the emotions between them. The looks and the smiles will be more meaningful and effective than a hug would be. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

I can see Calleigh turning to Eric in this episode or whatever ep he returns and telling him welcome back. I definately don't think it would be in a public place but more of a private somber moment between them, like Ali said in the locker room or after the they catch the killer. We all know Calleigh keeps her walls up and the fact that it seems they fall twice in the ep alone I think is very significant for her character as well as any development between these two :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

CSI_Ali said:

I just re-watched Monday's episode, did you guys hear Natalia say "Calleigh said you were in the print lab working some of your magic." Do you think that was a direct quote? Calleigh, dear, if you'd just jump him at work already you'd learn the true extent of the magic he can work. :devil:

OMG, I was wondering that myself!!! I was thinking did Calleigh really say that??? Either way it was cute.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pa

omg guys all that stuff you were saying in the spoilers?? I couldn't sit still!! I'm running around squealing and that ep won't air here for MONTHS!!! :)
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