Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I just hope that in the end we get to see the sexings. We deserve it.

They deserve it too. ;)

I don't think it's possible for Eric and Calleigh to have just a fling. Maybe five or six years ago, but not now. Not after everything they've been through together and the way their relationship has deepened throughout everything.

I could see them hooking up, and then both of them trying to pretend that it was just casual; Calleigh because she's afraid of the real thing, and Eric because he's afraid of pushing her away. But I don't see the sheer depth of their feelings for each other going away after one night; on the contrary, I think one night would intensify it all to where it was even more undeniable. They wouldn't be able to stop it, and that's probably what scares Calleigh so much - the total lack of control she knows she's going to have.

Put either of them with almost anybody else, and sure, I could see something fun, something meaningless. But Eric and Calleigh? There's just too much there; I don't think they'd ever get over each other.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jessica237 said:
I don't think they'd ever get over each other.

Absolutely. Eric, especially. He looks like the type of guy who, when he falls, falls really hard. And with Calleigh's issues - well, I just think this pairing is absolutely fascinating. I can't believe the writers haven't explored it yet. Their potential is brilliant.

I love watching scenes like the ones in Monday's episode just to see the way they look at each other. Sometimes Eric is saying something and the camera pans to Calleigh and she has this look of pure adoration on her face. And vice versa. Usually when Eric is talking to Calleigh he's wearing a little smirk and his eyes just sparkle. For the longest time I thought Adam and Emily were into each other because of this, but it might just be something they put on their scenes on purpose. And it's funny how the camera seems to go back and forth between the two and you rarely see what's going on around them. It's like they're lost in their little world there. The world could burst into flames around them and I bet they wouldn't even notice.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hey, that was a great response from Corey! I think... ;)
And wow, you guys posted like crazy while I was asleep! Argg the timezones! Booo!
Anyway, since you all enjoyed Eric's glance at Calleigh so much, I got two more for ya:



Very subtle, Eric...


Leela: "Penny for your thoughts, Calleigh"
Calleigh: "Must.Kiss.Eric.....LIPS....Eric.Lips..."
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I'm not upset about them comparing it to GSR, because since that's the only true canon ship so far, having it compared to ours can only be a good sign. But, they are very different couples with totally different dynamics on quite different shows. I think he's just trying to say that they want to take their time before they put any of the main cast in a relationship with one another, and really E/C is the only one with the groundwork laid down already for it to be believable. But really, when added with the 'just yet' that he has said on several occasions now, all of that is good news. :)

midnight_tiptoes said:
I love watching scenes like the ones in Monday's episode just to see the way they look at each other. Sometimes Eric is saying something and the camera pans to Calleigh and she has this look of pure adoration on her face. And vice versa. Usually when Eric is talking to Calleigh he's wearing a little smirk and his eyes just sparkle. For the longest time I thought Adam and Emily were into each other because of this, but it might just be something they put on their scenes on purpose. And it's funny how the camera seems to go back and forth between the two and you rarely see what's going on around them. It's like they're lost in their little world there. The world could burst into flames around them and I bet they wouldn't even notice.

I was convinced Adam and Emily had something going on for the longest time. We know they amp it up when they're in scenes together, but there has to be some kind of spark between two people for the on-screen chemistry to be that good. Quite frankly, I'm just amazed at Emily (and Calleigh's) restraint. How can you work with that every day and not succumb to the urge to jump him at least once? :devil: Eric and Calleigh always get giddy around each other, which is amazing considering how calm and collected they are around other people. I think that's one of the reasons I assumed they already had a 'thing' when I first started watching, because they act very differently together. Often they come off as a couple of lovestruck teenagers. It's sweet. Whatever else is happening, they always seem to perk up in each other's company. They make each other happy. :) There's a definate sparkle in both their eyes when they are together, and they can never keep the goofy grins off of their faces. It's little things like that that make me adore this ship.

Leela, aren't you like only an hour in front/behind me? That's no excuse for not being here young lady! :p But I'll forgive you because of the awesome cappage. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Even with me being so impatient, I think "not right now" or "not just yet..." are my new favorite phrases. :lol:

Yay! More caps! Thanks, Leela! :D That tie he's wearing still makes me laugh. :lol:
In that last cap, could she be any more obvious? He's vulnerable, he's upset, and she just wants to kiss it all away. ;)

Eric and Calleigh always get giddy around each other, which is amazing considering how calm and collected they are around other people. I think that's one of the reasons I assumed they already had a 'thing' when I first started watching, because they act very differently together. Often they come off as a couple of lovestruck teenagers. It's sweet. Whatever else is happening, they always seem to perk up in each other's company. They make each other happy. :) There's a definate sparkle in both their eyes when they are together, and they can never keep the goofy grins off of their faces. It's little things like that that make me adore this ship.

I couldn't agree more. :) Granted, Calleigh does have cute scenes with other people, but I think that's probably more her nature and her general cuteness rather than chemistry. But when she's with Eric? She's giggly, she's easily flustered in a good way, she's flirty -- everything. Same with Eric.

When they're together, professionalism all but flies out the window. They restrain just enough to keep from jumping each other at work and to keep their hands off each other (...well, mostly ;) ), but other than that, they're like two different people when they're together. The rest of the time, when they're apart, they may as well not even be alive. Cheesy, yes, but still pretty much truthful. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh. My. Freaking. God. She is so in love with him!

In case you can't tell, I just watched the ep moments ago. First scene was awesome. Fun and flirty E/C back in the house! Even though I knew it was going to happen I did squee when she said 'Hot Stuff'. I love how she so blatantly checked him out, and then he did the same to her. He was quiet sly about it, I think it was when he said the line about her not fitting in at the bar, but he definately gave her the once-over. And I didn't notice this until I made caps, but she checks him out again as she walks away. See?. It's kind of blurry, but her eyes certainly took a wander south as she walked away. ;)

Caro, you were so right, check this out:


She totally had drifted off into a daze in that look. She looks completely mesmerized. I swear, Horatio could run through the lab streaking, wearing nothing but his Ray-Bans and the girl wouldn't even notice. She was such a smitten kitten in that scene. :D

You've gotta love how Eric went straight to Calleigh when he got into trouble. She didn't even try to hide her worry (or if she was, she did a really bad job). I love that she mentioned The Duke, I bet she was already mentally calling him the second she found out Eric was getting sued. At this point, she still looked more worried than even Eric himself.

And the last scene, I think my heart may have stopped a couple of times and somehow resusiatated itself. There are no words that can describe how great that was! Couple of things jumped out at me:

The music seemed sort of romantic again. That seems to happen alot in E/C scenes.

Did anybody else notice that Calleigh seemed to be uncomfortably fiddling with a pencil. You can only see it in the first few seconds of the scene, because the camera pans in close to their faces after that, but there was something kinda awkward about that. I could have been another sign of how worried she was, or maybe she was trying to stop herself from reaching out and touching him in some way? Like if she kept her hands busy, then she could control the urge. I may just be seeing things, but something about that just struck me as a little odd.

I love how she put herself out there for him, again. I know I say this alot but hello, this is Calleigh. Closed-off, reserved Calleigh. She doesn't do this kind of thing, but with Eric, there seems to be a different set of rules. I still can't get over how utterly worried she looked. I mean, dude:


The emotion and the sadness in those eyes is just overwhelming. Eyes always give people away, and hers are clearly telling a story that states there's something a lot deeper between these two than friendship. Those are not the eyes of a platonic friend worrying over another friends but rather 'the man I love is going through hell and there's nothing I can do about it'.
That moment made me squee even more than the 'Hot Stuff' did. She was very quick to make sure he wasn't blaming himself for doing anything wrong too. God, she looks like she's about to cry in that pic.

midnight_tiptoes said:
What did Calleigh mean she'd have Eric's back? She doesn't make the schedule. Like, she'll cover for him if he makes mistakes? She'll keep him company during those double shifts? She'll give him full body massages when he comes home?

I was wondering about that too. I guess she could have been thinking about either of the first two (and the last :devil:). Maybe it was just something she said to comfort him, but it was such a wonderful gesture either way.

And they proved my point right again; they made each other smile, even if only a little bit. :)

Sorry about the incoherence of this, but that episode was so damn Godly that I can hardly think straight. Now please excuse me whilst I go and do something pain inducing in the vein hope it'll knock the dopey grin off my face. :D

(By the way, I made a ton of E/C caps for this ep. They can be found here if you're interested.)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

The only thing that really distracted me from that scene was the fact that Emily's face looked like it was painted on by raccoons. Ouch, easy on the eye shadow, guys!

I wish she'd held his hand at the end. That would've been perfect.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

They always seem like they get *this* close to touching but one or both of them backs off almost like as if they were to touch they wouldn't be able to stop touching each other :devil:

In the earlier seasons they touched every now and then and of course there was the hip hug scene but it seems when the flirting died down and they did have scenes together they rarely touched and if they did it seemed hesitant.

Just a little observation of mine....does anyone else see this or is it just me? :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yeah, I get that too. I think it's just Calleigh is afraid of having any touchy-feely type contact because of where it might lead. She is all about having control, and the only way she can control her feelings for Eric (to a degree) is not to act on them at all. I think she is afraid of revealing too much of her emotions to Eric, and one touch might just open the floodgates. The touching has gotten less as the seasons have gone by, probably because their feelings have gotten more intense with time.

midnight_tiptoes said:
The only thing that really distracted me from that scene was the fact that Emily's face looked like it was painted on by raccoons. Ouch, easy on the eye shadow, guys!

It was kind of overkill. I hate that they do that to Emily so often, the girl doesn't need ten ton of crap on her face, she is already beautiful. Still, nothing is as bad as the orange sweater on orange eyeshadow on orange Miami glow of 'Nailed', but even that can't ruin the awesomeness of the scene we got in that. :)

midnight_tiptoes said:
I wish she'd held his hand at the end. That would've been perfect.

A touch would have totally sealed the deal, but y'know, back to what I said above.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think maybe all of the potential Calleigh/Jake drama might lead into something between her and Eric next year...hopefully. At least they had some cute scenes on Monday, for once. Yeah, why do they always cake Emily's face with make up? She never wears that much when she goes to awards shows and she always looks lovely. :rolleyes:
CSI_Ali, could you PM me a link to your fic please? :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

That's what I was thinking too. Maybe lead to a love triangle between Calleigh/Eric/Jake. I also think they want to keep the best for last and if ratings for some reason go down they will imediately put E/C, at least that's what my dad said. And they probably want to keep E/C together till the end, so they don't want to get them to early so not to have to break them up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't know about a love triangle, but if it's Jake it sounds cool.

Ali, I think Adam and Emily definetly have a little spark for Eric and Calleigh to have heavy chemistry. And they know it! And it wouldn't be a fling with them either but I would like to see Calleigh waking up in Eric's bed one morning.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Ugh. Love triangles imply angst. Now I love angst...but not so much soapy angst. Now... a Eric/Cal/Jake threesome? I'd so be on board for that. :lol: I bet somebody wants to write that fic. :devil:

Still, nothing is as bad as the orange sweater on orange eyeshadow on orange Miami glow of 'Nailed'

Orange eyeshadow too?? God. :rolleyes: :lol: Why can't anything be normal colors? Or just, not orange?

The touching has gotten less as the seasons have gone by, probably because their feelings have gotten more intense with time.

And it also makes sense with the decreasing amount of screentime they have together. It hurts for her not to be around him, but she doesn't trust herself to be in the same room with him. She knows it's like, ummm, putting too much air into a balloon - eventually, there's gonna be too much air in there and the balloon is gonna burst. Just like eventually, there's gonna be far too much attraction, far too much emotion, far too much lust/love/sexual tension there, and one or both of them are gonna snap. It's not something they can resist forever; eventually they're gonna have to do something to relieve that tension. Chemistry, physics, HipHuggerology -- there's a law there somewhere about this. :lol: :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think Calleigh might let her emotions burst and it hopefully would be Eric she says it to. He is pretty much the only CSI on there who she has known for awhile and trusted.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I wonder where the whole Calleigh/Jake thing is going. Will it be just sex? Will he hurt Calleigh? I'm not too worried, though. Bad boys never stick around.

I know all the other ships love the idea of Calleigh bring in peril and their guy of choice coming to her rescue. I'm so glad we're not like that. I think we all agree it would be much hotter for Calleigh to come to Eric's rescue. Like some girl hits Eric and Calleigh smacks that bitch around and then is all, "did she hurt you, Eric?" and Eric acting all Lifetime. Heh.
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