Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Well the possibilities for Eric and Calleigh are endless.

I don't care what Jake does to her as long as Eric is waiting for her in the end! And how many more episodes are left to go? That could determine whether a lot is in store to happen or not.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I think there's 11 episodes left of the season, but I have yet to hear any spoilers that say Johnny Whitworth is even coming back.

I'm not a fan of love triangles. I guess one could be okay if it was handled maturely and carefully, but quite frankly I don't trust the Miami writers to do the storyline without it exploding in soap bubbles. The only thing I'd want out of this is some jealous Eric scenes.

Speaking of Jake, that reminds me of something I was thinking about to do with Hagen the other day, which I'll put to you guys. Do you think it's possible that the Hagen storyline (Season 2) was brought in with the intention to create tension between Eric and Calleigh? Originally, I just couldn't work out what the purpose behind that story was. I doubt they were planning with suicide storyline that far ahead because of the way he abruptly disappeared for the remainder of the season and only came back when it was convient; that doesn't scream out '100% well thought-out storyline' to me. When I added the fact that the writers were supposedly thinking about putting Eric and Cal together around that time, I couldn't help but think about this a little deeper. Eric was pretty much in the middle of everything that went down between them, far too many times for me to think it was a coincidence, and he was, in truth, the catalyst behind their split. It would explain why the storyline just sort of happened out of nowhere, Hagen and Calleigh were together and then they broke up and that was that in five minutes. Maybe they ended it as quickly as they started it because it was in that period of time that TPTB decided it was too soon for two of the main cast to have a relationship. It would also make sense of the fact that Eric was the first person there for Calleigh when Hagen did eventually kill himself. Perhaps the writers felt and decided that (for once) it would be in-keeping with history to have him there, instead of the omnibenevolent Horatio, and that this moment could be another one of those 'little snippets' they seem to throw to this ship for when, or if, they want to come back to the idea of having them actually start a relationship.

I'm not sure, it might be a little too far-fetched to assume the only motivation behind the story was to throw a spanner in the works of Eric and Calleigh's possible relationship, but I definately think there was something purposeful about how Eric was front and center for the entire thing. What do you guys think?

Anyway, back to the original topic, I'd like for Eric to be in the same place between Jake and Calleigh that he was between her and Hagen. That is, assuming that any of this goes ahead. Caro's right, if it does, I highly doubt it's going to last that long, but some jealous/bitter Eric would be perfect to go along with it, especially if Calleigh were to call him in on it one time. I'd love to see what his reaction would be and how he'd try to cover it up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Same here Ali. I've read a lot of spoilers at this site I go to; which unfortunately I can't name b/c of copyright infringement and I haven't seen anything about Jake returning anytime soon. Although when I read these spoilers it is only for guest characters they need to fill but sometimes the regualr characters dialogue spills over.

I emailed Corey again and asked him if he could give me some info on some of the characters, other than Eric since we know what is going to happen to him, and he replied:

I can't give you any inklings of what's in store for the latter half of the season, but I do think we've got some cool stories coming up, and hope to have each character's lives changed in some way by the end of the season. Stay tuned!

You think he could have been any more vague? Or maybe they want to keep things under wraps so that we are somewhat surprised at what happens with the rest of the season :lol: Cuz Corey does tend to give us quiet a bit of info on things

I would love to see an angsty love triangle between them but things like that tend to be played out on other shows...but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be juicy!! How are they supposed to get Calleigh and Jake together if they haven't shared a scene since 'Going, Going, Gone?' I mean there was no interaction in Internal Affairs so what was the point?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I was finally able to watch the last episode and my... am I happy!!! I'm still on Cloud 9. I was bouncing on my chair hoping my parents were too entranced by their movie to notice my antics. This is the best E/C we had in... well way too long :D

Could they have looked cuter together? No way. I love how much they were there for each other through out the whole episode. They were each other's rock, ready to help whenever possible, worried when dark clouds came in the sky.
It's great to see how much they trust each other and it goes beyond just being good colleagues. Eric went to her right away after receiving the order to discuss the issue and not to Horatio. Of course my shippy little heart read a lot in that. He needed not only good advise what H could have given him (and gave him plenty in past episodes), but he also needed comfort. When she told him at the end that she'd have his back, I understood it as she would be there for him, not only as his colleague but also as his friend. It was a hug in words, telling him he was not alone and could come to her whenever he needed (like he did when he got the order).
That's the closeness I was missing in the last two seasons. And now it's there again and that's one great step for me in the right direction.

As far as the whole Jake situation is concerned, I don't know. I'm just totally indifferent to this character (the actor is cute though). I actually liked Hagen before they turned him into a complete moron. His concern about Calleigh was genuine at the beginning and I loved the way Eric so obviously didn't like and trust him. Here I don't feel a thing. But I'm ready to sit back and wait to see what will happen next. As long as my boy Eric gets his girl at the end I don't mind ;)

Concerning my fics, I'm in a hard place with my stories. I have two separate E/C universes and I need first to sort things out. I plan to write an alternate season 6 and this new project has pushed the first storyline aside. But I will at least finish the porn, because porn always needs to be finished ;) and maybe if people are interested I'll post the following stories I have already written. Then I'll go back to my more serious but definitely very E/C story-arc :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh yes porn always needs to be finished!! :devil: :p
I vote for you to just post all the fics and work on your alternate season 6 fic....Who's with me???!!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

In my opinion, I am okay with Jake, I used to like him in the begining, but that whole deal with the Natalia stuff and how he hadle it I did not like. Anyways, I hope that the change in the characters will get Eric and Calleigh together so eventually maybe next season, they will get together.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I could care less about Jake. To me I could live without him so I don't care what the writers do with him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

11 episodes seems like a lot. So we could have some good E/C time coming for us!!! You know what Carolina, I think that next season could be it for us. I mean, it has to be. Doesn't the characters work all summer or are they working right now?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Elicia said:
Could they have looked cuter together? No way. I love how much they were there for each other through out the whole episode. They were each other's rock, ready to help whenever possible, worried when dark clouds came in the sky. It's great to see how much they trust each other and it goes beyond just being good colleagues. Eric went to her right away after receiving the order to discuss the issue and not to Horatio. Of course my shippy little heart read a lot in that. He needed not only good advise what H could have given him (and gave him plenty in past episodes), but he also needed comfort. When she told him at the end that she'd have his back, I understood it as she would be there for him, not only as his colleague but also as his friend. It was a hug in words, telling him he was not alone and could come to her whenever he needed (like he did when he got the order). That's the closeness I was missing in the last two seasons. And now it's there again and that's one great step for me in the right direction.

Totally. If it were all just about solving a problem, then Eric would have gone to Horatio because let's face it, the dude can fix everything. He sought out Calleigh for a reason, and that was because she would also be there to comfort him. It wasn't a friendly kind of thing either, their level of trust and caring goes way beyond platonic lines; that episode really refreshed the fact in my mind that this goes way deeper than being 'just friends'. They really couldn't have been any cuter (or Calleigh any more smitten in the first scene :)) in this episode. It has renewed my faith that the writers do see something in this ship. It is by far the best thing we've had since jealous Calleigh over a season ago, and it really is a great step in the right direction, especially with what's coming up soon.

11 episodes is more than enough time for us to come away from this season with something good. We know we've got some pretty decent stuff coming up after the events of 'Man Down', with, in the words of Corey Miller, Eric and Calleigh's friendship becoming 'stronger than ever'. :D I've been saying that sometime within the next few seasons would be it for us, they really can't hold out that long. They need to get the balance right between making sure they've waiting long enough to have laid the groundwork, and make it really mean something when they get together, but at the same time making sure people don't lose interest because of there never being a pay-off to all the hinting, tension and flirting. Since Corey keeps using GSR as an example, we can assume that TPTB think holding out for six season is an adequate amount of time to wait. Well, Miami is nearing in on that milestone. I'm definately optimistic about the rest of the season, cautious, but still optimistic. I've got a feeling that this season is going to end on a high note for us, setting us up perfectly for the next season to be the one where E/C finally takes the leap. It's definately coming; sooner rather than later.

Here's something I was wondering about, I thought we could use it as our next topic. What other ships do you guys ship? Do you see any similarities between them and this ship? I'll let somebody else start. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Ali...I have no idea how to follow your post! You pretty much summed up and said everything I would've so all I am going to say is: I SECOND THAT! :D

Next season is our season people!! I see this season as 24 episodes of setting up, in one way or another, to get our couple between the sheets!! :lol: It will happen, I know it will!

As for other ships that might mimmic our ship...I think Catherine/Warrick comes the closest. For obvious reasons of it being an inter racial couple but also you can see the frienship similarities there and that Warrick looks up to Catherine and she trusts him like Calleigh trusts Eric!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I totally agree, there is going to be an episode next season when their relationship is going to explode into something deeper.

As for other ships I also like the Catherine/Warrick
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Where the hell has everybody been the past couple of days?

Anyway, to answer my own question, the only other pairing I actively ship besides this is Nick/Sara. I've never really thought about it much before, but they do seem to have quite a bit in common. Both of the women are closed-off, introverted types, whilst the men quite social people. I think this is probably one of the reasons these are so good together, their differing personalites compliment each other well.

But the only real similarity between them is the fact that they both have very natural chemistry, although I think there is a slight difference; Nick and Sara have a quality that in some cases make you just view them as friends, whilst Eric and Calleigh's mutual attraction is undeniable. Come to think of it, I don't actually why that is, maybe it's because of the Grissom factor. Apart from that, the other thing they share is common is that they're both insanely hot couples (E/C has the edge though ;))

Has anybody else emailed Corey recently? I'm waiting on a couple of replies from him. I can't stress how important it is that we make our voices heard now, it's vital if we want to see them actually become canon eventually. We will not be drowned out by any of the crazy fangirls. :lol:

delkolover said:
You think he could have been any more vague? Or maybe they want to keep things under wraps so that we are somewhat surprised at what happens with the rest of the season :lol: Cuz Corey does tend to give us quiet a bit of info on things

Hmm, that makes me wonder if something big may be coming up for one of them at the end of the season. Corey is usually pretty forthcoming with information, but as Jackie said, he really couldn't have been more vague there. Keeping something under wraps possibly? Whatever it is, I hope it's something to do with Calleigh; poor Eric needs a time out!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

You talkin' to me? I've been doing a lot lately.

Other ships that I like? Well I do like Cath and Warrick or Cath and Grissom. I don't know why but I guess because Cath admitted to 'fantasizing' about Warrick and there's just something about her and Grissom that I like.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Whatever was keeping Corey vague I hope it has to do with our couple. And if it doesn't, I agree with Ali; give Calleigh someting and leave Eric alone. One would think the guy has been through enough already. Although the more he goes through, the more Calleigh 'gets his back' :devil:

Of course I wouldn't getting his back is a pretty nice backside!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I wouldn't mind getting his back, front, side, or whatever! Cal needs something to happen to her and I'm sure something will happen this season, besides wasn't this supposed to be the season for her?
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