Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Thanks, guys.

Okay, that episode was amazingly E/C! First with the hot stuff, then with Eric going straight to Calleigh when he got into trouble, then Calleigh seeking him out at the end -- so beautiful! When she told him she has his back he grinned like an idiot. Definitely one of the best E/C scenes so far. Poor Eric, but you could tell Calleigh's support meant everything to him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Dude, that was so worth waking up at 4am to find out. That sounds awesome! And one of the best things about it is Calleigh probably just gave us several new thread titles to work with. :lol: Get posting, people!

Now we need some caps. *eyes the beautiful and wonderfully talented Leela* :D

And Caro's back! Glad to hear you survived hun, now go get plenty of rest (which I really should be doing as well) What a kick ass night. I'll talk more in the morning, I really, really, need to go back to sleep now.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

And to think I had NO hopes for this episode at all. And then it turns out to be about the best thing since Jealous Calleigh. :D

Seriously though. Hot stuff. I don't think I've squealed out loud like that since "...With every fiber."

Did anybody else feel like at times Calleigh was more worried about Eric than Eric himself was? Aww. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I loved this ep, mainly for the E/C scenes. Especially the end when Cal said that she has his back, it feels like season 2 again:) I was hoping at the very end when Eric turned around Calleigh would be looking back as she was walking away.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Jessica237 said:

Did anybody else feel like at times Calleigh was more worried about Eric than Eric himself was? Aww. :D

She certainly was more frustrated than him, especially in that last scene. Poor Eric. Calleigh needs to give him some booty tonight.

Was I the only one hoping Papa Duquesne would be the one to help Eric out? Damn, what a fucking great thing that would've been!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Welcome back, Caro!

Awww I haven't seen the episode yet. But now I can't wait. I actually don't really care about the cases or the story (to hell with them) - I just wanna see The Eric and The Calleigh! Come on lunch-break! Faster faster!

I LOVELOVELOVE your fanvid, Ali! It's awesome! Song's perfect as well!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Hi everyone, it's seems like ages since I've been last here.. probably because it has been ages :(
I haven't forgotten about my favorite ship, how could I when they look so cute together? :D In fact I've been living in my own little E/C world for the last months writing all kind of stories I don't post anywhere :lol:
And with season 5 being a little friendlier to us I'm all smiling again and ready to look at actual CSI Miami again. I haven't seen last Monday's episode but from what you're saying I can't wait now!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I loved the hotstuff part, I totally squealed! They are so cute and it makes me have high hopes for next episode I just hate how we're always waiting one week before new ones.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Ok, lunch-break is over! I only managed to make one cap...
From their last scene:


Awww, she's all worried and touched and awwwww...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I can't wait to friggin' see this now, it sounds so awesome! I nearly peed my pants just reading about it, can you imagine how I'm going to react when I see it? :lol:

Leela, you're so right. Why would anybody give a damn about the cases when E/C is all up in your face? And I'm glad you liked the video :D, was it really that good? It was just a little something I knocked up in about 2 hours. Since you mentioned it, I may as well pimp it again. I've put it on the E/C LJ page as well. Please watch it, I made it for you guys anyway. :)

Aww, caring/worried Calleigh. God, I missed her. If anybodies got any more caps I'd appreciate it. I need them to survive! And they can warm me up, we're expecting snow this week over here.

Elicia I remember you, hun. Welcome back! And don't you dare go into hiding again or I'm taking your Hip Huggers jacket. :p You seriously should post some of that fanfic, the more the better. Yay! I feel all happy now. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

This episode rocked. And all I have to say about E/C is THEY'RE BACK!!! :D :D It seems the writers finally went back to the old chemistry formula in this episode.

The "hot stuff" comment was great and did anyone see the up/down look Eric gave Calleigh when he said the bar wasn't really someplace she would fit in? He was totally checking her out!! :devil:

I especially love the moment at the end when she tells him she has his if there was any doubt that she wouldn't be there for him. :)

It's just nice to finally see these two having some meaningful screen time together and sharing that commraderie that drew me to this pairing in the first place.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Oh my.. there is a video somewhere? I love E/C Videos :D I need to see...
I hate it when RL takes over. I won't be able to see the episode before late tomorrow because I'm on a business trip, dammit!!
I know I need to post my fics. I have about 60 stories at different stages of completion. And I should pdefinitely post the last 3 chapters of the porn fic I started almost a year ago at Two are almost completely written... What a waste... :rolleyes:
Talk about not being able to finish anything :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

60 different E/C stories?? :eek: Sweetheart you soooooo need to post them even though they aren't done...maybe posting them will help you finish them? ya know getting creative feedback always helps :D Let's put it this way: Any E/C fic you it to Especially the porn one...what was the title of the one you started but didn't finish?

These two need to be represented especially after the happy scenes we got last night :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Elicia said:
Oh my.. there is a video somewhere? I love E/C Videos :D I need to see...

Yes, you can get the link through my profile. I've set it as my homepage. Enjoy! :)

Ha, you remind me of myself, I never used to finish or post anything, because I was too critical of my work and ended up hating it. I got over it after I finally posted a story (about two years into my shipment of this couple :lol:). Yeah, you totally need to post them. Freaking 60 stories? That's probably about as much as we have all written combined (expect maybe Jess). ;)

Dude, I really need to see this episode now. I should get it by tomorrow, if the wait doesn't kill me first. It's been so long since we've had some good E/C. Who wrote this episode? We need to send them a muffin basket pronto.

I love that Calleigh's putting herself out there for Eric again. When has she ever done that for anybody else? I don't even think I could picture her doing that for Horatio, I mean. she'd stand by him, but never go as far as to lie for him like she did for Eric in 'Shattered'. She just has such complete faith in him, and the overwhelming need to always be there for him. Calleigh just doesn't do that for anybody. And of course, Eric does it for her too. They are so made for each other.

God, listen to me, I'm pratically giddy. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Dude, Elicia, you HAVE to post your stories! I remember your porn fic from and I loved it! Complete it! NOW! *Hehehe*
I made some more caps:

"Hey Hot Stuff":


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