Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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Maybe that's why the writers have to keep them apart so. They are like Pringles, 'Once you pop, you can't stop!'

(I'm sorry, I was just eating them ;))

EDIT: Somebody posted a behind the scenes S5 pic that shows Eric and Cal working together, apparently from the 100th episode. I thought I'd post it here:


At least we'll get one scene in the 100th ep, maybe it will be after Cal's crash (if it happens then) and we'll get a little worrying or something something.
aw great pic Leela.

Dude, the Africa thing was horrible! Every time it went to a scene of Carter in Africa, I'd be like, oh good, now I can go to the bathroom or make myself a snack!

Wow I'm glad that i'm not the only one. :p
Yay, we get E/C scenes! :D

That pic is the scene right before he rips her coat off and throws her on the table and has his way with her, right? :devil:

Or maybe it's the other way around and she goes around the desk and pushes him up against the wall...I can't remember. :p Surely that's in the script somewhere, right? ;) :lol:
Jessica237 said:
Yay, we get E/C scenes! :D

That pic is the scene right before he rips her coat off and throws her on the table and has his way with her, right? :devil:

Or maybe it's the other way around and she goes around the desk and pushes him up against the wall...I can't remember. :p Surely that's in the script somewhere, right? ;) :lol:

No because Calleigh has to be against the wall so she can wrap her legs around his waist, remember? :p

'That scenes in one of the scripts Maeda wrote, that one Ann Donahue has taken from us. For what reason, we don't know. Either because she's a henious bitch who wants us all to suffer, or she is keeping them for her own personal enjoyment. More on this to follow at 11. Up next, we have shocking news in the investigation into 'Whose bracelet was that on Eric Delko's couch'. Apparently authorites have apprehended and blonde hairded, green eyed female suspect...'
I knew it! That's why they really broke up1 She must have known a soon as she saw they weren't orange stained.

Come to think of it, there's a plot bunny, the whole bracelet thing. It hasn't been done before has it? We really need to start writing fics again. I propose we resurrect the LJ drabbles community. As far as I know, there hasn't been any activity over there for a while. Anybody with me?
Up next, we have shocking news in the investigation into 'Whose bracelet was that on Eric Delko's couch'. Apparently authorites have apprehended and blonde hairded, green eyed female suspect...'

I hope those "authorities" are Eric. With handcuffs, of course. :devil:

I can't remember if I've written anything with the bracelet thing, let alone if anyone else has. :lol:

And as for the drabble community, whenever there's a new challenge, I refuse to write anything until somebody else writes something(you know, like YOU, Ali :p). I feel kinda silly being the only one that ever writes. :lol:
*fakes being offended* They're in the works, they just never get finished. I always end up starting one, then my muse carries me off somewhere else. I'm working on it though. I have so much crap floating around in brain, I have no idea how I fuction on a day to day basis :lol:. I promise the next time I finish a fic I shall dedicate it to you.

Plus, if the drabbles community was running, I probably would finish something, because the pressure of the deadline would most likely get my ass in gear :p

I'm not the only slacker around these parts though am I *eyes everyone but Jess* :D.
I'm so going to write a drabble for the challenge. Honestly. I just need to sit down for two seconds. :(

Okay, I have a new goal in life: I WILL FINISH THIS FIC TONIGHT! It's a LIFE goal, dammit!
Hell yes! You will finish this fic tonight! Go you!
I made you an inspirational angst pic:
Oooh, cool pic Leela!

So how did it go Caro? I'm still working on mine, 'cept I seem to have a bloody 24 hour bug thing or something. At least that's what my sister had, I'm hoping it doesn't go on much longer, I have loads of schoolwork (and fics ;)) to finish!
Well, it went nowhere. I'm so uptight about it, I fear I'll never finish. It's just a stupid plot, so I'm trying to get over that before I pen it down.
Meh, I got a million ideas, but I just lack conviction in putting them down on paper. It's not helped by the fact that all my free time just seems to disappear lately :(.
I quit two of my jobs, so I have time now. What I don't have is motivation.

However, I'm sure it'll come back as soon as the new season starts.
Quit your job? That doesn't sound good. Especially if you needed the money, unless you going to make money selling a Eric and Calleigh (shall I dare to say it?)porn(haha got oit off my chest)book. Good luck to you in everything.
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