Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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Jessica237 said:
Surely not for just one sex scene? I want a whole episode of E/C sex before I'll plaster my computer screen with Natalia. Better yet, make that a whole season. :lol:

I know. I was only semi-serious about that, but it just smacks of desperation. If Donahue's willing to negoiate, but screen is property of the Snake. But if they were to offer us a whole episode, I can't say I would object ;).

I miss the accent too. I think the writers must have told her to tone it down, because when she's on talk shows and the like it's still very strong. Or maybe it's because Calleigh has become an emotionless, monotone, crime-solving robot :confused:. Whenever I feel the urge to hear the accent, I watch the bit on Ellen where she did the Southern quiz :D.
Oh my God, Jessica killed pregnant Calleigh? BASTARD!

I think Calleigh now sounds robotic because it's Emily's way to talk without an accent. I'm pretty sure they asked her to, too, because Emily's too proud to be Southern to get rid of her accent like that.

And I think Eric misses the accent. It turned him on.
Doesn't Cal have her accent yet??? Well, I'd like to hear her with it and without it, I've only watched a few s4 episodes in English :( and she didn't have it in s4 right? :sighs: I'd like to hear it in s1.

Jessica killed pregnant Calleigh??? What are you talking about???? I don't understand!!!!

Edited: Ah, ok, you're talking about a Jessica's fic right??? :p where can I read it Jessica??? Is it for adults??? ;)

midnight, did you finish writing your last fic????

I'm a CaRWasher too (don't hit me please) but I love Cal/Eric porn love, and their adults fics :eek: :eek: they're amazing!!! :eek: :blushes:
There's a link in her signature to her fanfic journal.

I did actually write most of my challenge fic at work today. Just have to type it. Hopefully that'll be done tonight. Pray, or something. It's not porno, though, just a short, humorous piece with some Ryan/Valera in it.
Oh my God, Jessica killed pregnant Calleigh? BASTARD!

Y'all sound shocked. :lol: I don't know why; I've killed her about five times now. :lol: I promise it had to be done for the sake of, uh, Eric angst!! Yeah, that's it! ;)

So, how's that typing going, Caro? :p

*blink* So, uh, does Calleigh not have a southern accent when Miami's in other languages? Although, I guess it'd be kinda weird, her talking in Russian or something with a southern accent. I bet Eric would be pretty amused at that though. :lol:

I was watching the Miami repeat on last night...the one where Marisol died and Calleigh expresses her sympathy to Eric robotically. That scene kills me every time because it could have been done so much better. The way that came across to me was like Calleigh was expressing sympathy to a complete stranger. :(

I really hope we get some of their old closeness back next season.
I've seen the show in Spanish, and she doesn't have an accent, neither of them do.

I'm still writing, haven't quite gotten to the typing part. I just wanna get over with so I can put up a new word.
You're right midnight I watch it in Spanish and they don't have any accent, well they talk a little bit like mexicans 'cause I think they translate the show for Latin America. At least CSI LV is translated in Mexico.

The "most mexican" is Eric BTW :lol: and Cal used to speak like a little 10-year-old girl in s1 and 2 now she speaks more like an adult :lol:
Yeah, seasons 1 & 2 were awesome. What the Hell happened? Seriously, they're ruining the show. I think they should let Adam and Emily take over the writing and directing. Then we'd get some good scenes ;)
The Hip Hugging episode is when Cal holds Eric, and she's wearing a beige shirt and he an orange one? :confused:

BTW, today's my b-day. How do I put a little cake beside my name? I've seen it before. Thanks a lot!!!! :D
Happy birthday, CalleighWolfe! I'd give you some Naked Delko Time, but I'm afraid Calleigh will shoot you. Could you handle that?

Oh, that pink shirt. Calleigh's shirt. The horror! During season one their love was so We Can't Dress For Shit.
At least their clothes were...interesting back then. What they make poor Calleigh wear now are plain, boring and just bloody horrible. I hope they glam it up for Emily soon :(.
Interesting? I thought they were downright strange sometimes. :lol:

But hey, I bet it gave them another logical reason to want to rip each other's clothes off. :D

Although, not that they need another reason, heh.
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