Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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midnight_tiptoes said:
But wow, what a coincidence that Eric just so happens to hate all of Calleigh's boyfriends.


To be fair to Eric it's not exactly an effort to dislike those guys. Bullet Girl sure does know how to pick 'em. :rolleyes: But yeah, a part of that probably is because of their relationships with Calleigh, not just the fact they screw up cases.

The only other thing I was upset we never got in The Best Defence is to see all three in the room at the same time, so they can actually see each other's reactions. We might get that from this storyline. Is Jake lined up for any more episodes? Or night last night feel like they were done with him for the time being?

From what I hear, Jake was being a complete asshat last night anyway.
I emailed Corey Miller about our wanting an E/C romance and this what he said in reply:

Hey there, You E/C peeps are really hitting the point home lately! And don't think I don't know you've all organized to get your "wish list" out there! It's okay, I admire that. No Harm.

Does anyone else want to cry? :(

Edited...I added the spoiler box for you
(Dude, what happened to the first post you made? I was making a reply and it just disappeared on me. I was wondering if I imagined the whole thing. :lol:)

But anyway, after this I went to check my own mail and I got one too! I pretty much got the same thing you did. He told me there are no current plans to pair any of the major cast off together, but you never know. He said everyone is very aware of the huge support for the pairing, and that he passes on information from the fans whenever he can, so it's definately 'out there' as a possibility.

I think this is really good news. I mean, no writer is going to come straight out and say whether something is going to happen or not. Keeping their cards close to their chest brings in the viewers, but the fact that they are so very aware of our ship is positive. Plus, he just told us there will be more scenes coming up and the friendship will get stronger. Just another step in the evolution of their relationship baby. :) Eventually a ship is going to go canon in Miami, and E/C are the prime candidates. I truly believe that no other couple has the back story to make a relationship plausible. I think they're waiting it out as long as possible, think GSR here folks. Eventually it is gonna come full circle, I truly believe that. Maybe not this season, but the next may be quite promising if you ask me. :)

I hope you guys realise this mean we need to keep mailing Corey. Every time we do, we seem to get a little more useful information. For a while, it seemed as though we were getting drowed out by other, newer pairings, but we've stood the test of time dammit! This pairing really does have one of the biggest fan bases, and I want Mr. Miller to understand that perfectly. We have the chance to make him our E/C bitch. :devil: Seriously though, get emailing, or I'll whip you with one of those rotten celery-smelling ropes our favourite duo had in 'Invasion' :)

Jackie, just edit the post and try it again. That's happened to me before. Sometimes the spoiler box just doesn't work for whatever reason. :confused:
Okay, that spoiler made me so happy I nearly peed myself. YAYAY! I think 2007 is my year. Good things have been happening lately. Really good things! Thank God, cause 2006 sucked.

I'm not gonna e-mail Corey now, cause he'll think we're annoying or something, lol. But I will eventually.

I don't know why the spoiler isn't highlighted. 1CSIMfan, we need you!

Guys, we really need a thread title!
I sent 1CSIMfan a private message explaining what happened.

The reason my post disapeared was I was trying to edit it and put the email in a spoiler box and then all hell broke loose!! I even tried closing internet explorer and starting over but no go.

I emailed Corey again tonight but with broader questions about the show. This guy is going to get tired of me emailing him!! :eek:

I think you are right Ali if any ship goes canon on Miami it will be this one. Not b/c I love it so much but it is so obvious b/c the writers have put soooo much time in on building a backstory for these two; that and the flirting and the first two seasons alone is an indicator. Total mimick of GSR....we just have to be patient and stick with the fics....for now. :D

Worse comes to worse we can just bombard Corey and tell him to foward our emails to all the other writers on the show :devil:
Screw whatever the Chinese are on, 2007: Year Of The Hip Hugger has a nice ring to it. It really could be our year.

I know, but nothing is coming to mind. We haven't really been giving many workable quotes recently. I tried (unsuccesfully) to do something with the 'High Octane' one, but apart from that I can't think of any other good quotes to work with. Caro, you are usually the best at this type of stuff, think woman think! My muses clock out a 5 and it's already 11:30 here! :lol: I swear a while back somebody said they had one when we were talking about the picture with Calleigh sitting on the counter with Eric. I'll go back and have a look.
Dude, I've gone through 19 titles here, and 30 more titles at fanforum. I'm all titled out. I'll try to think of something, though.

Here's all the titles we ever used at ff. Maybe inspiration will strike:

#1 - No Midnight Tiptoe, Deal?
#2 - Anything Sexier Would Be Blasphemous
#3 - Looks Like Somebody's Getting Wet!
#4 - Save a Crocodile; Mount a Cuban
#5 - You Make Me Feel Less Crazy When Otherwise I’d Drown
#6 - Diving is My Passion, But You Are My Addiction
#7 - If The Hummer's A-Rocking, Don't Go A-Knocking!
#8 - Math 101: Milk Chocolate + White Chocolate = Hot Chocolate.
#9 - Once You Go Cuban, You Never Go White
#10 - The 'Look But Don't Touch' Rule Does Not Apply Within
#11 - It's Been Three Years. He Deserves to Ying That Yang.
#12 - With Calleigh as His Target, He Won't Be Shooting Blanks
#13 - A Little Dirty a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
#14 - Yes, You *Can* Get a Man With a Gun
#15 - Midnight Tiptoe. Coming Soon, to a Couch Near You
#16 - He Dives Just to Make Her Shoot
#17 - No, That's Not Her Gun. She's Just *Really* Happy to See Him.
#18 - Love is Like a Gun, If the Moment is There You Have to Shoot
#19 - Dear Santa: A Naked Eric Would Look Nice Under My Tree. Love, Cal.
#20 - Some Mistletoe, a Christmas Tree and Love Will Run Free.
#21 - No Need to Check the List Twice. They've *Both* Been Naughty.
#22 - They Took Flirting and Teasing and Turned Them Into Art
#23 - They Are Bound by Their Hips
#24 - Touch Eric. Get Shot. 18 Times. At Once.
#25 - We Just Keep on Coming. And Apparently, So Do They.
#26 - Leather or Lace? We'll Take Both.
#27 - 2005 Will Be the Year of the Hip Hugger!
#28 - What Do You Get When You Rub Hips in the Garage of Love? Sparks!
#29 - A Ropes Expert is a Terrible Thing to Waste
#30 - From Zero To Dirty in 5.2
delkolover, so you're my flashing envelope. :p

Guys, let's keep in mind that until a new episode airs in the ENTIRE United States that anything regarding that epiosde must be kept in a spoiler box or allow adequate spoiler space



because some people like to remain spoiler free. So, until it is after 2am EST, they need to stay in spoiler boxes.

:lol: Those are some awesome titles. You are a gifted soul m'dear. I was just watching 'Fade Out' where Eric is giving Calleigh a synopsis of the movie boys' script. He stops and she says 'Is that it?' to which he replies that life is too short. Maybe we could use that, something like 'If life's too short, then why aren't you jumping her?!' I dunno, I suck at this kind of thing. Did we ever use the Adam/Emily interview quotes? 'It exists, and we all feel great about it.' Dude, get inspiration for one soon and I'll give you extra Delko time all year. 2007 will be great for you! We already used the trust line didn't we. We could have had something stupid like 'She's trusts him with every fiber... of her panties.'

What happened to all the porn? We used to live on the stuff in here.
I didn't come up with all of those. Just a few. I can't believe title #27 is from two years ago! We had high hopes back then.

We can't have quotes in the titles. I have no idea where that rule came from or why it even exists, but there ya go. Or nothing that suggests sex. Or nothing about shippers. Basically that boils it down to "Eric & Calleigh #20: Yay... Go!"

I like the panties one, though, but it'll probably get us into trouble. Don't 13 year olds know what panties are? I heard the word panties a lot when I was 13 and it didn't traumatize me or anything. God, I hate how sheltered kids are these days.
We need 1CSIMFan again. Will we get in trouble for mentioning panties? All the others that have come to mind aren't very good at all. Like remember the scene in Rampage/Shock where they were talking about Gloria. Calleigh said 'yeah well you love crazy until crazy loves you' Anybody think of something good to do with that? She also said something about 'a potent combination' which we could use, but again, not very original.

I'm seriously tempted to grab the bottle of Bacardi from my cupboard and give it a swig to get my ideas going. The only other one in my head is the one I said early (Pulling much more than just his seniority card ;)) which incidentally, my sister found hilarious; must be an English thing. :lol: Ugh, where are my strokes of genius when I need them! I'm still putting forward 'She still trusts him with every fiber...of her panties'.
Calleigh said 'yeah well you love crazy until crazy loves you'

I got nothing. Well, some, but they're lame as hell. Seriously, I had some good ones when we first started this thread, but I never wrote them down and now I can't remember. If all else fails, there's always lyrics, I guess.

Jackie, part of your spoiler is gone! Can you post it again?

The Luckiest
by Bend Folds

I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here

And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

What if I'd been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?

And in a white sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
And I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you

Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
And one day passed away in his sleep
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
And passed away

I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
That I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
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