Leela said:
Dude! Sorry no caps yet! Was asleep and now I'm at work...
And also: I'm afraid of you all! Really! Because I probably will never finish my christmas challenge fic... Boooo...
But... wait... I don't think anyone else here finished it?
Tahaaaa! God we're all so lazy, I love it!
Dude, I'd be surprised if any of us actually get the Chrismas fic done at this rate. :lol: I've been trying, but everytime I get sidetracked by another idea. My brain is cruel like that. I'm still trying, but since the story really doesn't have much of a plot, I don't know how to move on from where I am. At least you're back in the thread though.
Ooo, caps and a fanmix, that rocks! I've been spending most of my spare time messing around with my video making software. I have a professional program, so I wanted to learn how to do all the cool stuff before I started making my video. How awesome is this? We're all actually making something. And there was me thinking we were the laziest shippers known to man.
P.S. That song kicks ass.
Oh, yes. I forgot about the thread titles. I dunno, we haven't really had many quotes that we can turn into a title this season. Hmm *thinks*. Do you remember the scene in 'High Octane' where Eric was fuming the bottles? How about 'Pulling way much more than just his seniority card'. Lame, I know, but I need chocolate for my brain to function and I'm fresh out.