Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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I love that song too, but it doesn't really work for the angst side of E/C. If I get through this one and enjoy making it, I plan to do one angsty and another fluffy. Somersault would totally work for the fluffy one.

I love your idea Caro. I've been thinking about it alot, and Calleigh will try to be the strongest for everyone. I can imagine her trying to keep everyone calm and focused on the case, then making an excuse to leave the room, to go to the ballistics locker or something, and just silently crying on her own. Then she'd come out a few minutes later seemingly fine. I hope her and Alexx get some interaction, because Alexx reads Calleigh really well, and she'll know how bad she's actually hurting about the whole ordeal. It should be Calleigh who's the most affected of the group, if they make it all about Horatio I will scream. I was also thinking that at the end of episodes where big things happen, they kind of have a montage with a clip of each of the main characters doing something that shows how they have been affected by what has happened. I imagine Calleigh going to visit Eric in hospital, alone, and just sitting there holding his hand. She doesn't even have to cry at that moment, and the scene would still speak volumes. I can't imagine Horatio doing something like that, I see him more visiting Speed's grave.
I agree with Ali. I can see Calleigh taking it hard but I don't see her totally breaking down and crying....she's never been that type of character/person. I can't wait to see if the writers use this situation in the way we are all hoping or if they swtich it around and make it a Ryan/Eric buddy buddy storyline and totaly neglect any Calleigh/Eric scenes. I can picture Calleigh sitting with him in the hospital but I can more picture her throwing herself into work and while not ignoring what happened to Eric not really emotionally acknowledging it. Of course that would eventually backfire and she could and I use this loosely because again she has never been the type of character to breakdown, have an emotional breakdown in front of Eric and we get a great E/C moment. Definately crossing my fingers for that one!! :)
I think Calleigh's a much more emotional person than it seems on the surface. She's very guarded, and not one to wear her emotions on her sleeve, but on the odd occasion she has opened up she has been pretty emotional. She feels alot more than she lets her coworkers know. If anything was going to upset her enough that she would let her guard down, it's something like Eric getting shot. Like I said, she probably isn't going to break down in front of an audience, but in private or to a select confidant, she should have a strong emotional reaction. Of course, there's what should happen, and what the Miami writers actually do :lol:

Since I decided to do a video, I've been trawling through lots of episodes that I hadn't watched that closely before (eg. Season 4). I swear it's enough to make anyone want to take the bullet for Aerosol just to put themselves out of their misery. Anyway, I was watching Silencer, and Eric and Calleigh had a little scene towards the end that went like this:

Eric: ...someone was handling him, he mentioned a girlfriend.
Calleigh: Since he spent every waking moment at the lab...
Eric: He must have met her there.
Calleigh: I understand when lovebirds work together they steal time whenever they can.

I found the whole exchange very cute but come on you idiots! Can't you see the signs right in front of your face? Then after that line Calleigh turned around to face Eric. Hinting much? But, the thing is Ryan saw Eric with Natalia earlier, and Dumbo assumes that's what she's talking about *slaps Eric's head on desk* The convo continued like this:

Eric: Ryan say something to you?
Calleigh: About what?
Eric: Never mind.
Calleigh: No, really, what are you talking about?
Eric: Nothing. Forget about it.

Poor Calleigh. The girl didn't even have a clue that the Snake was, well, snaking her man right from under her nose :lol:. Seriously though, the thing that struck me about that scene, apart from the fact that Cal seemed far too eager to find out what he was actually talking about, is how Eric was so adamant that she not find out. I mean, Ryan already knew, so it wasn't a secret anymore, and you know he's going to tell Valera and it'll be around the lab in seconds anyway. He'd been given the perfect opportunity just to come out with it, and he didn't take it. If he was that serious about Natalia he would have. Eric didn't make any effort to hide it from Ryan, yet obviously didn't want Calleigh to know and tried really hard to keep it that way. Why? Well, you all know why :). Did anyone else see this scene?
I toally love that scene and agree...why did he care if Calleigh knew or not? Ryan obviously would probably tell Calleigh in passing. It is so obvious he didn't want her or really anyone to know b/c he didn't plan on actually having a real relationship with Natalia and that is why they never actually went out in public!! :lol:

Even Eric knows the only person he is supposed to have a real relationship with is Calleigh!! :) They so belong together!!
Just got some info on episode 16 - Broken Home. Apparently Delko's injuries in Episode 15 aren't bad. He's alive and well and working with Calleigh. They go to a mansion to question someone about a murder the night before. They also chase a suspect down (who's riding a red Ducati) in the Hummer.
I guess that's good news, but he flatlines twice and is back to work so soon? I'll be pissed if they just gloss over this and don't follow through with the story. As I said before, the only thing worse than loads of over the top emotional storylines is when they don't follow up on them. Eric working with Calleigh is great news though. Hopefully the others are working a different case, because it's been a long time since they've had a large chunk of interaction in one episode. It puts Calleigh in the perfect position to see how he's doing. I think I may actually cry if we don't get some good scenes between them from this storyline :lol:

Click here. From Internal Affairs. Jake and Eric with what appears to be Calleigh (kinda hard to tell because of the shadow, but who else would it be wearing rubber gloves and holding a fingerprint brush?. It will be interesting to see this exchange, and Eric's reaction to Jake. Might I get the Eric jealousy scene I've been hoping for? From that picture, it totally looks as though they are trying to out-macho-pose each other. I can see them at sniping each other to try and make the other look bad in front of Calleigh. I'm actually pretty intrigued by this eppy now :D. If that's not Calleigh i'll cry
Thanks for the spoiler, 1CSIMfan! That makes me so happy.

Even if Eric is back on the job (what a rip off!) at least he's working with Calleigh, and at least I hope we get concerned Calleigh here. Like her asking him if he's sure he's okay to come back, etc. And they're working together! God, it's been decades.

For the first time since the Johnson administration, I'm excited about an episode of Miami. How lame is that?
Dude, me too. It's a shame it's so far away, but I think it's going to air near my birthday, what a great present!

It does feel like literally ages since they worked a case together, and not with everyone else or not at all. Maybe it's because Miami hardly ever has B stories. But yeah, compassionate Calleigh has to make an appearance in that episode, and she needs to be the one Eric confides in. I hope we get something similar to Pro Per, where they have an angsty scene early in the episode, and a cute one later on. Oh, and it turns out I may have gotten a little overexcited about that picture. I assumed it was Cal because of the gloves/brush but it turns out it may be some woman from the night shift. Still, I haven't felt this optimistic about an episode in a long time :).
I think some people might be confused...the pic that was posted was from the upcoming epsiode "Internal Affairs" which is episode 12...the info that I posted is from the ep following "Man Down" which is episode 16 and has nothing to do with the pic that has Eric, Jake and possibly Calleigh in it. if you guys aren't confused and I'm the one who is the confused party....I apologize ;)

I'm hoping for some Calleigh/Eric interaction and maybe a little angst about Jake from Eric!!
I want Jake and Eric to fight over Calleigh. Like, OMG-faint-from-the-hotness fighting. With subsequent ripping of shirts. But that's just me. :lol:

So Eric is back at work right after nearly getting his beautiful face blown to bits? What? Although, I am excited to hear he'll be working with Calleigh. That makes me happy. And yeah, it's the perfect time for her to be as concerned/caring/I love you-ish as Eric has always been for her in her bad times. I'd like to see Calleigh catching him wincing a bit in pain. I'd like to see the scene that might come from that; Calleigh watching him like a hawk, and Eric insisting he's fine but Calleigh not really believing him, etc. ITA; perfect opportunity for compassionate Calleigh. :D
I really want to see them fight too, but with Eric already squaring off with Nick, and the gunshot to the face (why, God, why?), I don't want to risk any more damage to his pretty-ness, so maybe he and Jake can just had a heated argument that looks like it's about to descend into a brawl but Calleigh steps in to break it up. I'd love them to get all snipey and bitchy at one another over Calleigh. After their telling-off, they can just stare daggers at each other across the room. Imagine all that tension, it would be just as hot. Oh, and as much I can't wait to see shirtless Delko, the only one ripping it off should be Calleigh. If they give it to us now, that's one less reason for the writers to give us our E/C sex scene :D.

Haha, I love how we've all perked up at this news! I hope it doesn't disappoint, the writers do owe us big time, and it looks as though this ep might be pay day :). Anybody remember which episode the spoilers about Eric helping Calleigh on his day off were?
that episode is the one after "Internal Affairs" and it is called "Throwing Heat" it is also the episde where Frank steps on a land mine!!

I guess you are right about a fight between Jake and Eric probably not happening because he would have already fought with Nick. Plus I can't see Eric starting a fight in front of Calleigh...he knows she doesn't like things like that...Men being overlly macho I mean. Then again I wouldn't mind if two hot men were fighting over me! :p
I got a chance to look into this more. It appears they whole team is working the same case. From what I can tell, Eric and Calleigh work together. Ryan and Natalia work together. There's one scene I know of where Calleigh is talking to Ryan. Horatio works like usual, here and there. I didn't see anything about Eric's injuries from the previous episode but I'm hoping they don't just ignore it.

ETA: The projected airdate for episode 16 is February 19th.
It will be nice to see the whole team working on the same case for a change....sometimes when there is more than one case going on I get confused!! :p

February sweeps are shaping up to be awesome!! :)
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