Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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Yeah, I often wonder if something happened between them years ago too, to your other post. They give each other flirty looks all the time, you know they probably took it a step further.

I have to say that most people I talk to, get on with the Eric and Calleigh pairing, because of me!!!
Oh yeah I have my cousin in on the pairing too!! she totally thinks they belong together! She also thinks they have been doing it or have done it!

We need some fresh fics is looking a little stale out there!
Aww, that video was great. I love Wonderwall, it's always been one of my favorite songs, and it really fits E/C well, especially, "there are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how."

Now I wanna make a video. Actually, I've been working on a fanmix for a while. This inspired me to start working on it again.

I wouldn't mind Eric and Calleigh having a past together so long as there are unresolved issues between them (like they still have feelings for each other). I have a fic about this. I started it more than a year ago and still haven't finished it. Every time we talk about their past it makes me wanna pick it up again and try to finish it, but it's so long and complicated. Blah. Maybe some day.

Ali, I hope you feel better soon, and I hope it's nothing serious! You need Dr. House.
Yes Ali, my best wishes too that you feel better. Sorry for not including that in my post.

Totally sending you vibes to feel better!
CSI_Ali said:
I dunno. I kinda hope they don't go with that approach now. Revealing that they had an affair before might make light of the strong feelings they feel for each other now, because that's what Eric does with every girl. Calleigh is not one of his flings, she means way much more to him than that. If the writers do decide to go the E/C route (Please! I'm looking at you, Corey Miller!) I don't think bringing something like that up would be the best way to advance the relationship. Best thing would be for them to leave it up to the imagination. That scene speaks volumes on it's own, and we can let our shippery (and often dirty :devil:) minds speculate as to what else was going on :).

The only reason the tension dissapated is because they were barely in the same room for more than three seconds! But when they were, you could definately still see it there, in fact, nothing could be more obvious. Although E/C scenes in Seasons 3 & 4 were pretty lacking in volume, what we got was good stuff. Deep and meaningful. Plus, they have both been through hell since S2, it makes sense that they aren't as chirpy as before, 'cause they have issues (which they should totally could help each other out with by the way :lol:) but even though they are down in the dumps they make each other smile. Eric's been really depressed lately and miserable, Calleigh comes into the room and his face lights up. It works both ways too, and it doesn't happen with anyone else.

I don't know who here keeps up to date with what's going on at the LJ communities and stuff, but somebody posted a wonderful fanvid. Now, I don't know the rules regarding posting links to youtube, so if a mod is reading this and I broke a rule, please tell me and I'll fix it :). I don't know about you, but that made me insanely happy :D.

Edited to remove fan made video

It is against board rules to posts links to fan made videos. You can say where it is (YouTube) but you cannot link to them.

Please take a moment to read the Shipper Central Rules regarding this.
I've wanted to make a video for ages, but I just don't know if I have the patience to finish it. I think I'll try, but even picking out a song is looking like a long and arduous procedure for me. I'm so damn fussy. :lol:

I would be totally cool with that idea, but I just wouldn't trust the Miami writers to pull it off without completely going against the Calleigh character and making the relationship look like a farce. I have a feeling it'd either be 'Hey, these guys had meaningless sex before!' and they'd just leave it at that, or they'd try and convince us that all of a sudden they have feelings for each other, but didn't before, even though they were doing it. You know what I mean? Nobody would buy that shit.

You should totally try and finish that fic! You're a great writer and we need more E/C fics out and there. I've got about a thousand plot bunnies running around in my head right now, it's gotten to the point where I've had to write them all down to keep from forgetting them, but I just haven't had a chance to get started on one. I'm hoping to get a good couple down whilst undergoing my oh-so-extensive treatment of bed rest :rolleyes:.

Thanks a bunch! If I get House, I want Cuddy too though. Then they wouldn't even need to treat me, I could just sit back, watch them argue/flirt/bitch for a little bit and then blackmail them to make out. I'd be totally cured after that! I'm pretty sure anybody would be, maybe I have just stumbled on the cure for cancer? *ponders* I actually wouldn't mind popping a few of House's vicodin right now though. :D

EDIT: Read the rules, will keep in mind for future reference :).
Who wouldn't mind a couple of House's vicodin!! :lol: :D

Sorry you to be on bed rest Ali but if it means you are going to write.... :D I love your stories!
I don't think I have the patience, either, nor the necessary programs. I could be a fanvid director, though, tell people what clips and songs to use. I get the feeling that wouldn't work out.

My hard drive is FULL of stories I've started but never finished. I have E/C stories in it from 2004. It's insane. And I keep starting more and more. Eventually my computer's gonna pack its little bags and leave me. E/C are too inspiring, though. I mean, the angst alone? Jeez.

That video made me wanna watch The Best Defense again.

I love Best Defense...b/c I love daddy Duquesne.
See all those fics just sitting on the hard should post them...maybe getting feedback will help you finish them!! It's worked for me in the past...reading that people like the story makes me want to finish or spurs my muse into action.

Love the pic by the way....she sooo wants him! :lol: then again who wouldn't!!!! :D
Oh, I can't do WIPs. They totally kill my soul. I never finish them. I have this two chapter R/V story that I was supposed to finish in two days. Two days has turned into two weeks, and those two weeks will most likely turn into two decades or something.

Right now I'm working on the Christmas challenge. You know, we really need to go ahead and start setting up a Valentine's Day challenge so this doesn't happen again. I'm gonna post this story and everyone's gonna be like, "wtf? Christmas was over two years ago, dude." Alas.
I love The Best Defense also. When Cal's dad called Eric "Boy!" I was cracking up!!!

Get well Ali!!!

I love that pic too!!! Watching that video made me want to see the episode again, too. I like how close she is to him.
Didn't he call him 'young man?' I remember laughing cause that's usually what dads call their daughters' boyfriends. I'm gonna pop the DVD in right now and watch that episode again. I wonder if Calleigh will ever realize Eric is partly responsible for her break up with Hagen.

Season 1 is only 25 bucks at Should I get it?
Thanks to everyone who wished me well. I feel special :cool:.

At that price, I'd grab it. Season 1 is pretty good, you may even see Horatio do *gasp* CSI work. Who would have thought it? Seriously though, there's plenty of E/C moments to keep you satisfied, and everybody in the world needs the 'Midnight Tiptoe' scene at their fingertips 24/7 :).

midnight_tiptoes said:
I don't think I have the patience, either, nor the necessary programs. I could be a fanvid director, though, tell people what clips and songs to use. I get the feeling that wouldn't work out.

Dude, you can help me if you'd like. It'd be great for someone to help keep me motivated, and I do need help in picking out a song and making sure I don't forget any great scenes. It'll take a decent amount of time, but I do have all the programs and episodes I need.

In fact, everyone can help me. Let's start by picking out a song. I was thinking of doing separate videos, one angsty and one fluffy, but then I remembered this is me and not to bite of more than I can chew, so it's going to be an amalgamation of both. So the song needs to work both ways, for both angsty and happy E/C. It needs a decent tempo too. The first song I thought of was of course 'Gabriel' but it's too slow for what I had in mind. Any suggestions?

According to CSI Files sources, in the opening sequence of “Man Down,” Delko is shot in the right thigh and left side of the face. Horatio is with him and immediately summons medical assistance. He tells Delko to stay with him, but when the paramedics arrive Delko’s heartbeat slows, then fades out. The paramedic tells Horatio he’s dead. Delko arrives at the hospital barely alive, after flat lining twice in route. He flat lines again as he’s being wheeled into the emergency room. Electric paddles fail to revive him. Intracardiac epinephrine is administered Pulp Fiction-style. His heart begins to beat again. Horatio flashes back to Speedle in a pool of blood with his head cradled in Horatio’s hands. Horatio next flashes back to Delko, with his head jerking to the side as he’s shot in the face. Ryan and Calleigh rush to the hospital, but are unable to get a clear answer as to Delko’s condition.

The full article in on the CSI Files main page, but I took the important stuff out. I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news. Getting shot in the face is probably better than getting shot in the head, but is Eric going to have a scar on his face for the rest of Miami? They sound to me like injuries you could recover from, but Eric is flatlining so damn much. Good news is we might get some extremely worried Calleigh out of this at the hospital. If they make Ryan seem more worried, I'll be pissed off, because it doesn't make sense. Not only have they not known each other as long, they haven't always seen eye to eye. Of course, I'm sure even Ryan wouldn't want to see him hurt, but it always got on my nerves that in 'Shattered' towards to end, Ryan seemed more worried about Eric than Calleigh. 'Delko had to pee into a cup because of you!' Because you sqealed like a little fairy boy Wolfe! :lol:. I think there's a chance we might get some decent Calleigh stuff, and of course, this is going to stretch beyond one episode. New topic: What do you want/expect to see in terms of emotional reaction from Calleigh after this event?
I was thinking Somersault by Zero 7. I heart that song.

I read some of the script pages for the episode. What we know so far is: Calleigh is the first one to arrive at the hospital. She's the one who wants to donate blood. Ryan is really pissed through the episode. Calleigh is keeping it together. She takes a sample to Valera - Valera says 'I'll page you', but Calleigh wants to wait for the sample right there. Valera says 'I knew you'd say that'.

I think this really depends on Emily. I kinda get the feeling Calleigh is being the strong one, but in the end she'll be the most affected, maybe. We don't have a lot of information, though. Natalia is working with Horatio. Calleigh and Ryan are working together. I think they're working Eric's case, while Horatio keeps working the case that he and Eric were investigating. So Calleigh is in a place where she might get really affected by what happened. I just hope that they don't make this all about Horatio. I really, really, REALLY hope we get something good. Like at the end they close the case and they hear everything's gonna be fine, and everyone's happy and celebrating, and THAT'S when Calleigh loses it. I get this image of Alexx walking into the locker room and finding her there, crying to herself. That would kick all kinds of ass.
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