Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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which in my opinion just screams that he wants to be nice to daddy because if you are nice to daddy then the daughter will love you even more. Plus Eric is just a well mannered and raised 'young man' and daddy sees that. Every man wants that for his daughter :)
Jiffyjazzy said:
Jessica237 said:
I want Jake and Eric to fight over Calleigh. Like, OMG-faint-from-the-hotness fighting. With subsequent ripping of shirts. But that's just me. :lol:

Oh believe me, it's not just you! :lol:
That would be hot. They could fight, rip eachother's shirts off, and then, after Eric kicks Jakes ass (sorry Jake), Calleigh will be all mad at him, yet turned on, and they can have angry sex, which is the hottest sex of all! *passes out*
Is that too much to wish for?

And since we probably won't get anywhere remotely near that onscreen ( :( ), I'll be waiting for somebody to turn that into fic. *looks around* Anybody? Come on, somebody wants to write it. ;)

Ah, The Best Defense. You know Calleigh's dad is totally pushing for her and Eric. :D He's her father; he's got to hate seeing her time and time again with guys that are only gonna break her heart. But Eric is sweet; he's nice and respectful, and he'd never hurt her. And Duke knows this. He wants his little girl to be happy; and he knows in the end what'll make her happy: Eric. :D
xannesa, I got my Season 2 DVDs from

Season 2 is just full of complete awesome-ness! Even in the episodes that aren't heavily E/C, there always seems to be a scene between them which we never get now. That's how they should really do it, rotation in the scenes, that way no ship gets neglected. And even then, E/C still seem to have the most chemistry, you can't help but just get drawn into them. It's so obvious and it's wonderful, I really can't believe more writers aren't writing scenes for them. I bet they are, and are just getting edited out by you-know-who.

Does anybody get the feeling that the writers just don't know what to do with this pairing? Like they can't decide whether to put them together or not? I don't think anyone ever intended for the chemisty/relationship to be so strong, but Adam and Emily just have that naturally. I think that's why they talked about it in Season 2, out of necessity rather than out of choice. Everyone who watches the early seasons think that Eric and Calleigh are already together or have a thing going on and will get together. But the writers felt like Season 2 was too early to have a relationship between 2 of the main cast, so now they have a dilemma, what do they do? They can't keep them too close because the vibe that they give off is decidedly more than platonic, and would most likely ruin any other realationship/pairing they wanted to put the other in (even when Calleigh was with Hagen several of my family thought she had something with Eric). So what do they do? Just keep them apart as much as possible. But, even in the little amount of scenes they do get, the dynamic between them still shines through. I guess the writers and producers feel if they can just supress it enough, then they are free to explore other avenues with the characters and then still have the option of going to it later. Bad thing for us is it takes such a substantial cut in screen time to supress it!

I don't know if that actually made any sense, but does anyone else feel like that?

Oh yeah, and I emailed Miller again too. He answered me last time, so let's just wait and see if no. 2 gets the same treatment. I pretty much just rambled for a page about how great E/C is and then asked some related questions. Everyone needs to start writing him again. I also threw in a paragraph about Valera too, cause Boti rocks and needs to be added to the credits :D.
Does anybody get the feeling that the writers just don't know what to do with this pairing?

I used to get that feeling watching Grissom and Sara... and look they finally got those two together. FX had the very first CSI Vegas episode on last night and those two, from te very begining were the same way. So there is hope yet that the writers are sort of following the same pattern...At least that my opitimistic point of view!!

But you are right...sometimes I feel like the writers aren't sure what to do with this pairing so they throw little tid bits in every now and then so they can say, whether they get them together or not, that E/C had/has the chemistry to be something more...does that make sense?

In lamens terms: it gives them the option of coming back to ship and expanding on it or leaving it alone( which I hope they don't do)....yeah that makes more sense and sounds much better I'm gonna go with that explanation!! :lol:

What can I say, it's early morning over here and I had a late night of drinking!!!! :p
delkolover said:

But you are right...sometimes I feel like the writers aren't sure what to do with this pairing so they throw little tid bits in every now and then so they can say, whether they get them together or not, that E/C had/has the chemistry to be something more...does that make sense?

That's what I've always thought. And if that's what they're purposely doing, then I'm way more than okay with it. I think right now, Eric and Calleigh are the only two characters who can hook up and have an entire history to back it up. The writers can be like, 'remember that time she told him she trusts him...' and they can take it wherever they want. Because E/C scenes have always been way too, I don't know, intense. I don't think they mean nothing. The direction, even the music is always so romantic.

Oh yeah. It's coming.
I agree. Whatever it is, I kinda get the vibe that the writers are up to more than they let on. It's either that or they really don't care about it at all. But that's really hard to believe when you see scenes like the 'with every fiber' line. If there was nothing, why would you throw that in there? Maybe that's why they keep them apart. If it was (or was like) Season 2 and the writers said 'Hey, we're putting Eric and Calleigh together' would anybody have been surprised? Hell no! Plus, they seem to want to draw it out as long as possible. If you think about it, we all find it really hard to believe that Eric and Cal haven't had a thing in the past or won't inevitably have something, even if it was just a one night thing. Can you imagine how much harder it would be to believe if we still got as many scenes as we did before? This way, it doesn't get old either. If they kept shoving the tension and chemistry down people's throats without there ever being the pay-off of them getting together everyone would start to hate it. Like somebody said before, think of the Luka/Abby thing and you might see where I'm coming from.

Oh yeah, I think it's coming too. I've always had a feeling it was just destiny that the writers would go that way. I've always had the feeling it's more 'when' than 'if' with this pairing. And you know what rocks the hardest? It's going to be all the more sweet for us, because we've suffered for this ship on countless occasions (and for years) Bigger sacrifice = bigger payout :D.

I think I found the song for my vid! I was stuck between two, both had good vibes but neither really suited E/C, then this jumped out at me. Tell me what you think. An Eric POV

The Calling - Anything
I will be there
Always waiting
Waiting for you
To let me inside
Where your fire burns
In a city of angels
Just like a river rushing straight into the sea
I'm the one thing meant for you and you for me

Whatever you want
Whatever you need
Whatever it takes, I'll do anything

And as you sleep
Eyes to the window
I'm watching you dream
Well are you dreaming of me?
So why can't you see
You're all that matters
You know if this earth should crack
I'll be your solid ground
I will be there to catch you when you fall down


If I have to crawl
Get down on my knees
Whatever it takes, I'll do anything

I'd take the stars right out of the sky for you
I'd end the world give you the sun, the moon
For all of time, forever loving you

Whatever you need
Whatever it takes, I'll do anything
If I have to crawl
Get down on my knees
Whatever it takes, I'll do anything

I've got a fic on the way within minutes. I really hate it, but the idea wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to write it just so I could get it out of my system and move on to the stuff I actually want to write. :)

EDIT: Don't mind me. Clickage
Ali, that fic was 17 different flavors of awesome! I loved it. Eric is so sweet. I want one for myself.

That song is perfect. Good luck with the video.

I can't pretend to know what's going on in the writers' minds. They're all over the place, mostly. I'd like to think that they want to be extra careful with E/C, just because it's already the closest ship to canon. Too much can be a bad thing, and so can too little. My guess is that's why we usually get one big moment in every season, because they need to keep the ship alive, but they don't wanna go there just yet.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
First off... Ali loved the was great.

Secondly, Midnight_Tiptoes I agree with you on the point that too much would be a bad thing especially if they don't intend to do something with it. Which brings me back to my earlier point that the writers can at least say they tried!

Of course in this forum too much E/C is never a bad thing!! :p I really do think something is coming for us with these two either this season or next. I'm not sure what but I think and hope it will be significant
Like the song says, maybe they're saving the best for last. I'm excited and hopeful about the new spoilers. Hopefully these new episodes will finally give us what we've been waiting for.
delkolover said:
I really do think something is coming for us with these two either this season or next. I'm not sure what but I think and hope it will be significant

Like Caro said, we always seem to get one significant thing a season, but I've been thinking ever since the end of Season 4 that something really big was going to happen within the next few seasons, something that was going to change things between them. I mean, right now there's really nothing pushing them together. They've got far too comfortable with being in denial. Knowing them, they probably figure it's just easier that way.

If it were me, the events of 'Man Down' would be that thing. Something that serious should shake them up enough for them to realise they need to go after what they truly want. Of course, it's not up to me, but I'd be willing to put money on the fact that this episode or the aftermath of this episode will be where we get our big moment of this season.

Love is...jumping into a dumpster of ants. Who else loves Wannabe? Calleigh's ant phobia was a really interesting little side story. She's usually so calm and collected, and bad ass, I mean, she argues with killers for christ's sake, but something as trivial as ants unnerves her? The whole B story between them was so sweet and funny. We can't forget them in the club with their new sex toy either. :lol:
What I loved about Wannabe was how encouraging Eric was about Calleigh confronting her fears. I think if it were Hagen or any other man, he would've tried to rescue the tiny widdle girl from the big, mean ants. But Eric just stood there and allowed her to do her thing, knowing that she could, too. I loved his proud smile when she told him she was going in the tank. I think some times Eric is the only man who doesn't condescend Calleigh or undermine her. Even Jake does that, and he dated her! Hagen was the king of it. Eric lets her be who she is, but also knows her limits (even when she herself doesn't [Pro Per]).

It's also fun to imagine them going back and Eric trying to make sure that all the ants are really off her.

Eric: I mean, those little suckers can be sneaky, Calleigh.
Calleigh: Eric, you're not seeing me naked.
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