Police Officer
Oh...my fav. avatar is back....HI C.H.E.A.R
D&D I hope we agree that is our flag of the new ship?
OPSss. forgot this is AJ reporting from hiphuggercentral.:lol:
AJ, that's definitely our flag! How can you even doubt that! I'm with you all the way to the end :lol:!
Anyway, from Fantasyland back to Tvland; Sadly, tonight's the first of many ( I can't even say it!)
I might sound like a broken record, but, WE NEED PROPER CLOSURE! I'm not losing faith though; I watched some CSIM reruns on A&E over the weekend, and one of the epis was Resurrection. I'm sure everybody on this thread remembers that infamous scene when Cal & "you know who" are putting an end to their relationship? Well, if the writers gave that ship, which was neither an important nor a popular one, a proper closure, then I'm hopeful they'll do this one justice. Again, keeping my fingers crossed!