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Thanks to whoever first typed this feature post up. You're amazing!
Welcome to the Eric/Calleigh thread! We love, we laugh, we angst, we laugh again, and then we love. If you like the love, the angst, and the laughter, stay, won't you? We've got free jeans for every person who comes aboard. They're Hip Hugger jeans. They make your ass look good.
-Eric/Calleigh C2 Community- at
Adam and Emily Say...
Adam: A nice, hot love scene with Calleigh. I'm imagining that it's gonna lead up to that eventually.
Emily: Yeah, that would be awesome! I love Adam. Secretly, he doesn't know.
- Adam and Emily interview with Entertainment Tonight, 2003
CSI Files: What about sexual tension between Delko and Calleigh? Do you think it's there?
Procter: I think it exists. Adam and I went through training together; he was my first friend [on the show]. I think that genuine like we have for each other shows up on screen.
- Emily Procter interview with CSI Files
CSI Files: Eric and Calleigh (Emily Procter) have a great dynamic, and a lot of fans see a romantic element to it. How do you feel about that?
Rodriguez: I feel great about it. It's something that's been underlying for a long time, and I've often been asked about it, and I've sort of been waiting to see if anything is ever going to come of it.
- Adam Rodriguez interview with CSI Files
Emily: In real life this happens, you have someone who you're very attracted to and you've got lots of chemistry (Jake), and then there's someone who you've known for so long and you love each other so much (Eric).
- Emily on the difference between Jake and Eric on The Early Show
CSI Files: We've heard rumors of a burgeoning romance between Calleigh and Delko. Can you shed any light on that?
Rodriguez: I think this is something that has been brewing for a long time. I don't know how far the show is going to take it. Sometimes we get close with something and then it [fizzles]. I don't know how far we're going to go with Calleigh and Delko. We definitely show the building it up through the next episodes. I think it's cool. It's really realistic when it comes to working this job, working a lot of hours and spending the time we do with each other. It's inevitable that romance happens. [Calleigh and Delko] will start to acknowledge [their feelings] and maybe even fall for each other. I'm excited about it. After doing a show for five years, any sort of new avenue is exciting. I hope they take it there, to an extreme place and really gives us a chance to explore it, but who knows where they're going to take it.
- Adam interview with CSI Files
Emily: Let's face it, Adam is a very, very good looking guy!
- Emily interview with Entertainment Tonight, 2007
Adam: I think we've sort of been in denial, maybe, about our affections for each other. Maybe there'll be a wedding. A CSI wedding.
- Adam on Entertainment Tonight
Emily: Here's the thing. For years I have said 'can Calleigh please have a boyfriend' and they gave her a boyfriend... and he shot himself, which is not good. And then they gave her another boyfriend and he was engaged, which is not good. And I said last year 'may I please have a boyfriend, may I please have a boyfriend' and they gave me a new boyfriend. So it looks like the introduction at the end of season 5 is that next year Calleigh will have two boyfriends.
Interviewer: Torn between two lovers.
Emily: Torn between two lovers. It's the deep connection of a friendship turned to romance and the fireworks of an old love.
Interviewer: Well, when you ask for a boyfriend and they deliver Adam Rodriguez...
Emily: I know, are you kidding me! It's kinda terrible because now in between scenes I'm like 'Adam's so dreamy...'
- Emily interview with CBS
Emily: I feel like when you're with the good guy (Eric) you can have a really solid, trusting, wonderful relationship.
Johnny: Boring. That's what she's trying to say.
Emily: That's not true.
- Emily and Johnny with ET
Emily: I usually in my real life tend to pick the nice guy.
- Emily with ET
CSI Files: Do you think Calleigh has romantic feelings for Delko, or does she just see him as a good friend?
Procter: I think she has to have romantic feelings for him. He has been consistently there for her, always coming in at the 23rd hour to support her. So I think she definitely has romantic feelings for him.
- Emily interview with CSI Files.
Adam: It's only natural, at some point you start to become attracted to people and start wondering about the possibility of things being more than what they are at work.
- Adam interview with TV Guide.
Adam: It's only so long we could probably wait to pounce on each other.
- Adam with TV Guide.
Emily: For so long, we were just staring at each other from across the table, so for me, it’s nice to see this relationship develop. I would hope for Calleigh that she can pull it together enough to recognize what a great man Delko is and commit from her side. I think she’s always a bit skittish because of her dad.
Adam: For it to finally be coming to the surface and be addressed is long overdue. I think it will be really interesting to (see them) go through the highs and the lows together. There has been this chemistry between these two characters for so long, but because the love was never explored, it’s probably stronger than it would be if it was just two people meeting on the first day of work. We have seven years of history.
- Emily and Adam interview with the Boston Herald.
Past Threads
#1 - Beautiful People Make Beautiful Couples
#5 - Somebody's Getting Wet...
#6 - From Bonding To Bondage
#7 - Divers Go Deeper
#8 - With Every Fiber of Her Being
#9 - Fangirl Tested, Adam and Emily Approved
#10 - The Adventures of Scuba Boy and Bullet Girl
#11 - I Can Love, But I Need His Heart
#12 - Spanked By The Little Green-Eyed Monster
#13 - I Would Lie For You
#14 - Has Anybody Seen Calleigh's Bracelet?
#15 - Green Eye For The Cuban Guy
#16 - Just Do It... Seriously, Do It.
#17 - Slutty Eric + Garage of Love = Hickey!
#18 - The One True Path to Shirtless Delko
#19 - Spontaneous Nudity is Bound to Occur
#20 - With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties
#21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!
#22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!
#23 - This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island
#24 - I Trust You With My Life
#25 - Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!
#26 - Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice
#27 - Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano
#28 - Soon To Become A Major Religion
#29 - slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdomfg!!!!!!!11!
#30 - Do It For Us
#31 - A Vote for E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric
#32 - Seven Years In The Making
#33 - Will You Stay With Me?
#34 - Heating Up Miami
#35 - She's His Gal; He's Her Dude
#36 - We're In This Together Now
Future Thread Titles
- Coming Soon To An Illegal DVD
- As Foretold by Nostradamus
- 80% Hotness By Volume
- Even Nuns Want To See Some Action
- Nothing Can Keep Them Apart
Picture of the Moment