Police Officer
Ok, so I just finished watching the premiere, and I have very mixed feeling about everything;
1) NONE of the actors looks 12 years younger
2) Contrary to the spoilers, there's no mention of Calleigh, or anybody else having Eric's medical proxy
3) When Eric gives Horatio the sunglasses, they have the same music on as the one when Alexx was saying goodbye to everyone when she left CSIM
4) At the end, when Eric wakes up, he ONLY turns to look at H. Calleigh's standing by the left side of his hospital bed, but the scene is cut before he even turns to look at her
. I honestly have no idea what will lead up to the breakup that we're supposed to get in 8.02
! Eric won't even be in that epi! We only get to see him in the third epi, when they're both questioned by IAB! So, does this mean that we're supposed to guess about the argument they had that caused their breakup :wtf:?
5) Jesse's in a LOT of scenes! And, in the opening credits, even though he's completely at the end, he has 2 shots!
I really can't say that I liked this epi. I think they tried to fit too many concepts in the fourty some minutes they have, and they didn't go in depth in any of them. But H sure got his moment with Eric
! NOT CAL! :brickwall: I'm so disappointed
! The only time she was given a moment to show her emotions is when she was crying on Alexx's shoulder, asking her if Eric was gonna be ok! It's the same (only) hiphugger moment we see in the promo.:scream: Good thing I didn't have high hopes about this epi/season! To think of all the money that the show invests on the writers, and THIS is ALL they can come up with! Sadly, I really have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end!
2) Contrary to the spoilers, there's no mention of Calleigh, or anybody else having Eric's medical proxy
3) When Eric gives Horatio the sunglasses, they have the same music on as the one when Alexx was saying goodbye to everyone when she left CSIM
4) At the end, when Eric wakes up, he ONLY turns to look at H. Calleigh's standing by the left side of his hospital bed, but the scene is cut before he even turns to look at her
5) Jesse's in a LOT of scenes! And, in the opening credits, even though he's completely at the end, he has 2 shots!
I really can't say that I liked this epi. I think they tried to fit too many concepts in the fourty some minutes they have, and they didn't go in depth in any of them. But H sure got his moment with Eric