Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

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Ok, so I just finished watching the premiere, and I have very mixed feeling about everything;
1) NONE of the actors looks 12 years younger :rolleyes:!
2) Contrary to the spoilers, there's no mention of Calleigh, or anybody else having Eric's medical proxy
3) When Eric gives Horatio the sunglasses, they have the same music on as the one when Alexx was saying goodbye to everyone when she left CSIM
4) At the end, when Eric wakes up, he ONLY turns to look at H. Calleigh's standing by the left side of his hospital bed, but the scene is cut before he even turns to look at her :(. I honestly have no idea what will lead up to the breakup that we're supposed to get in 8.02 :confused:! Eric won't even be in that epi! We only get to see him in the third epi, when they're both questioned by IAB! So, does this mean that we're supposed to guess about the argument they had that caused their breakup :wtf:?
5) Jesse's in a LOT of scenes! And, in the opening credits, even though he's completely at the end, he has 2 shots!

I really can't say that I liked this epi. I think they tried to fit too many concepts in the fourty some minutes they have, and they didn't go in depth in any of them. But H sure got his moment with Eric :rolleyes:! NOT CAL! :brickwall: I'm so disappointed :(! The only time she was given a moment to show her emotions is when she was crying on Alexx's shoulder, asking her if Eric was gonna be ok! It's the same (only) hiphugger moment we see in the promo.:scream: Good thing I didn't have high hopes about this epi/season! To think of all the money that the show invests on the writers, and THIS is ALL they can come up with! Sadly, I really have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end!
While it would've been nice to see a scene where Calleigh is at Eric's bedside, talking to him and telling him to fight. I think it is a good thing that it wasn't shown, as I don't want to see a rushed scene where everything is fine within a matter of minutes. Hopefully in the next episode they'll have a long talk about where things were left between them. nothing new besides what we had seen.

I loved the fact that he right away asked for her phone number. It was so cute to see Calleigh laughing. It was funny how she turned him down, but he made a total liar out of her.

Calleigh crying with Alexx about Eric damn near broke my heart. She does love him, it is obvious. I would have preferred it if Calleigh had found Eric, but we all know that'll never happen. I would have also loved to have seen Calleigh at Eric's bedside once again. They deserve another scene like that.

WTF is up with Eric looking at Horatio. He should have turned to look at Calleigh too.

The ending with all of them at the bedside was heartbreaking. I just think of how much I am going to miss Eric.

Premiere was done well...even if Eric is leaving.

PS loved how they put the kiss in the montage of Eric's flashbacks :D nothing new besides what we had seen.

I loved the fact that he right away asked for her phone number. It was so cute to see Calleigh laughing. It was funny how she turned him down, but he made a total liar out of her.

Calleigh crying with Alexx about Eric damn near broke my heart. She does love him, it is obvious. I would have preferred it if Calleigh had found Eric, but we all know that'll never happen. I would have also loved to have seen Calleigh at Eric's bedside once again. They deserve another scene like that.

WTF is up with Eric looking at Horatio. He should have turned to look at Calleigh too.

The ending with all of them at the bedside was heartbreaking. I just think of how much I am going to miss Eric.

Premiere was done well...even if Eric is leaving.

PS loved how they put the kiss in the montage of Eric's flashbacks :D

I loved that part too. It was so typical him :lol: And i loved her reaction. It was a nice scene.
Agreed....what's up with H again...Why not let Calleigh say those words that she isn't ready to let him go yet. Like he was on her bedside in season 7. I was a bit dissapointed. I know H is the supersuper guy but still. Just like in the end, he should have also looked at calleigh and maybe squeeze her hand. It was centered H and eRIC instead Of calleigh and eric.
But I loved the scene with Cal and Alexx. I guess that is what's great about miami when a character leaves, they can ALWAYS come back, even if it's for a guest appearence. One never knows ERic might return one day in the future:) wouldn't that be nice...
The past articles I've read also gives me hope in the way it will end between them. If it really ends at all...It probably will but I'd like to stay positive.
I will miss Eric a lot and I'm still very sad he's leaving. But I'm starting to come to terms with it. There's just no other choice. I just hope they'll respect him enough to keep Calleigh single..:) wishful thinking.
Overall the episode was good but I missed the Cal/eric interaction. I really think he should have woken up with her alone in the room or at least squeesed her hand... This was an ending for friends, not lovers.
I just watched the episode...

I really liked the fact they incorporated the relationship from the beginning. Eric's eyes checking Calleigh out was really cute. I still didn't like her answer about messing with anyone who she works with, though. Little did she know...:shifty:

Anyway, I will be sad to see this relationship go, but now that the season has premiered, all I could think of is what's going to happen with them next? when is "IT" (closure, ending, etc.) going to happen? :(

I really wish they kept them together even though he's leaving. Maybe she'll come in and say they broke up and then move on? I hate sad goodbyes :(:(:(:(
You know I used to envie you so much....But now
as the end is coming"][/
"SPOILER] I am quite glad to lack behind.

I wasn´t surprised to hear H was Eric "go to guy" when he woke up. He is leaving shortly and have bond to H, so that the note scene will make sense. I am wondering whether or not the breakup is "more" set now as he is leaving. If he were staying they could have spend a couple of episode on the reunion and perhaps use the ship when she was going on maternatyleave. Or was the break-up planned to be final anyways?

D&D Have you come up with new clan name yet?:lol:
Just watched the episode and here is what I thought:
loved how Cal and H went through the swamp waters to find Eric but in the Hospital they were completely clean,:lol:, they must keep the same outfits in the Hummer in case they get into situations like that.
-I thought everybody was pretty much dressed 97ish xcept for Jesse. The outfit he was wearing is similar to what Togo has been wearing last season.
-FRANK!!! loved the look! It was the same look he sported in the first Rush Hour! check it out, you'll see.
-Love Alex
-Now they may not have done much of anything to Em's look but she did act real giddy......i miss that side of her a lot!
-Love how we were able to see how H got the sunnies and his pose! I laughed so hard when he did the Super H pose....priceless.
-Would have loved to see Cal by Eric's side in the hospital holding his hand or something! They ARE still together at this moment so why not show just them two together for just a quick moment.:scream:
-Liked the H/E scene...very emotional but as stated above, I would have loved to see a E/C hospital scene.
-It would have been nice to see Eric look at Cal at the end.
-I liked Jesse....I just hope TPTB dont hook him up with Cal.To me it seems as if they will make good partners rather than lovers...I dnt think they will, thats if im reading into what Adam has stated before correctly. He did say something about the book not being totally closed on the two so that gives me hope that the relationship will live on or they may take a "break" from it? who know:confused:.
I had posted this in the Spoiler thread but decided to add a little more to it and post it favorite thread:)
Just a thought... Our couple is not outed yet! Except for Alexx, who witnessed Eric's reaction to Calleigh's near death experience in SGIYCSI's, and Cal's reaction to Eric's in last night's epi, there's no indication that anybody knows about them. The only reason why we think that they are outed is
because we're going by the 8.03 spoilers. But we all know how "reliable" and "accurate" those spoilers can be :rolleyes:! I mean, half the stuff that we were supposed to get in 8.01 didn't happen! Who's to say that the IAB investigation is really going to take place? Or, even if there is an investigation, that Eric is going to refer to Calleigh as his "former" girlfriend? I'm too curious and anxious to stay away from spoilers, but I am not going to take them at face value from now on.

And AJ, I'm working very hard to come up with a clan name worthy of its two members :lol:
I thought it was one of the most poorly written and disappointing episodes, ever. It was Horatio, Horatio, Horatio. I know that it was from his perspective, but I really wanted more present day scenes. How anything in the episode affected HIM. Boring, boring and boring and unnnecessary, despite the logical angle of the flashback sequences. I can already tell, from the dialogue, that Horatio's "emotional" scene at Eric's bedside was not originally meant for him. That scene was originally written for Calleigh. DC must have pulled one of his infamous and famous fits ( I have an on site and fighting blow-up DC witness so I can now believe his antics are true, as well as his demands for things he desires, which are out of control and I wonder why the producers put up with him. He's a narcisstic jerk as far as I'm concerned after my friend bearing first hand witness to a publicity controlled of a near explosion <pissed off at an extra five line actor and would have unloaded but for the public venue.> for to get things suited to him and to get things changed to him, which he over acted and was unbelievable. Cheese. Should have left it with the original actor. Being a former reputable journalism major I hesitated until more than my personal observations and opinions were confrimed and not for the better. No I will, being a former journalistic major,myself, I will not reveal my sources only to say that they don't know each other yet back up the same facts between each other.) The series would only better itself without him (D.C.). He thinks he's God's gift to thespians. So very not true.

Emily, however, was stellar. I loved the deep emotional moment that Calleigh had with Alexx, allowing us all into the trust and deep unguarded friendship Alexx and Calleigh share.The actresses were brilliant and the fear and deep concern/love from Calleigh shone through and that Alexx already understood Eric and Calleigh's secret relationship and how deep it already went showed in the way she treated Calleigh, almost as a wife. It was brilliant. Kudos to Khandi and Emily for making us all well with tears. Khandi was wonderful. It was our dear, beloved Alexx all over again. I miss Khandi, but I understand.

I didn't appreciate the whole bromance angle between Horatio and Eric. It pissed me off in infinite degrees That Eric ONLY focussed on Horatio and noone else. What about his girlfriend? Does he remember that he has her? What about Calleigh? What happened to the scene where she find out she has his power of attorney? Didn't happen.

Like I've said, I was disappointed beyong excuse. The writers rewrote Eric and Calleigh's backstories yet again. This time they need to be reminded that stupidity gets uproar. I'm not happy because the screwed with Eric and Calleigh, althouth they made Calleigh even more knowledgeable in thatarea, yet, I'd rather as a functioning Lab member before Delko came in.
QUOTE=D&Daddict;993505]Just a thought... Our couple is not outed yet! Except for Alexx, who witnessed Eric's reaction to Calleigh's near death experience in SGIYCSI's, and Cal's reaction to Eric's in last night's epi, there's no indication that anybody knows about them. The only reason why we think that they are outed is
because we're going by the 8.03 spoilers. But we all know how "reliable" and "accurate" those spoilers can be :rolleyes:! I mean, half the stuff that we were supposed to get in 8.01 didn't happen! Who's to say that the IAB investigation is really going to take place? Or, even if there is an investigation, that Eric is going to refer to Calleigh as his "former" girlfriend? I'm too curious and anxious to stay away from spoilers, but I am not going to take them at face value from now on.

On whom and what do they try out their ideas? Would make sense someone is overriding them in some aspects? Delkolover Mayby that one is more for you. Who say go or no go to ideas in spoiler before the episode is completely written?

And AJ, I'm working very hard to come up with a clan name worthy of its two members :lol:[/QUOTE]

:guffaw::guffaw:If that´s all member included. You can be president and I´ll vicepresident and manager AND they could invite us to the wedding and/or sent us photos -as you are the headhuntio and I am your wing man/lady.....Who do you see as our Jesse ?:guffaw::guffaw:.

BTW I wonder who and when they set up a tread for him. Seems he has a couple of fans in spoiler and episodetreads.....

I can already tell, from the dialogue, that Horatio's "emotional" scene at Eric's bedside was not originally meant for him. That scene was originally written for Calleigh. DC must have pulled one of his infamous and famous fits

My thoughs too. See previous post. Which in turn makes it hard to understand the sneak preview. They are hyping a storyline but don´t follow through???

..... witness to a publicity controlled of a near explosion <pissed off at an extra five line actor and would have unloaded but for the public venue.>

You got that stuff on tape? Wow someone hinted at him being difficult but that sounds bad.

I miss Khandi, but I understand. too....:(

I didn't appreciate the whole bromance angle between Horatio and Eric. It pissed me off in infinite degrees That Eric ONLY focussed on Horatio and noone else. What about his girlfriend? Does he remember that he has her? What about Calleigh? What happened to the scene where she find out she has his power of attorney? Didn't happen.

Well for some odd reason they seem to want to downplay the ship again.
!. Are they trying to "save" the Calleigh character in order to "use" her in future ships? She will not be the breaker He will type of deal. Alexxscene show she really really care. So he will come off bad when they break?
2. if Eric relives his close connection to Horatio. Why need to say or look at some else. When leaving it will make sense that Horatio gets to give him a send off with his note.

As of now I am fearfull that other spoiler migth not come true.
Him calling Nat to tjeck on Call. And as fan of Call I wonder why they make her cry now. Act cold later - see Em´s interview. and then have her call out in the lockeroomscene? Is that our open bookending????? I certainly hope not......If that happens .....:scream::scream::scream:Bye Bye Miami.....well that might happens anyways.....Does anyone know when Criminal Minds is ...:guffaw::guffaw:
... I can already tell, from the dialogue, that Horatio's "emotional" scene at Eric's bedside was not originally meant for him. That scene was originally written for Calleigh. DC must have pulled one of his infamous and famous fits ( I have an on site and fighting blow-up DC witness so I can now believe his antics are true, as well as his demands for things he desires, which are out of control and I wonder why the producers put up with him. He's a narcisstic jerk as far as I'm concerned after my friend bearing first hand witness to a publicity controlled of a near explosion <pissed off at an extra five line actor and would have unloaded but for the public venue.> for to get things suited to him and to get things changed to him, which he over acted and was unbelievable. Cheese. Should have left it with the original actor...

Emily, however, was stellar. I loved the deep emotional moment that Calleigh had with Alexx, allowing us all into the trust and deep unguarded friendship Alexx and Calleigh share.The actresses were brilliant and the fear and deep concern/love from Calleigh shone through and that Alexx already understood Eric and Calleigh's secret relationship and how deep it already went showed in the way she treated Calleigh, almost as a wife. It was brilliant. Kudos to Khandi and Emily for making us all well with tears. Khandi was wonderful. It was our dear, beloved Alexx all over again. I miss Khandi, but I understand.

I didn't appreciate the whole bromance angle between Horatio and Eric. It pissed me off in infinite degrees That Eric ONLY focussed on Horatio and noone else. What about his girlfriend? Does he remember that he has her? What about Calleigh? What happened to the scene where she find out she has his power of attorney? Didn't happen.

Like I've said, I was disappointed beyong excuse. The writers rewrote Eric and Calleigh's backstories yet again. This time they need to be reminded that stupidity gets uproar. I'm not happy because the screwed with Eric and Calleigh, althouth they made Calleigh even more knowledgeable in thatarea, yet, I'd rather as a functioning Lab member before Delko came in.

Hey, I said the exact same thing when I first saw the sneak peak with DC!
This is what I posted on August 28,09, almost a month before the premiere aired!
"I just watched the sneak peak of 8.01, and I couldn't help but think that Horatio's part was more appropriate for Calleigh, especially after seeing her breakdown in 7.25. Do you guys think that it might've been originally written for her, and, in view of Adam's departure from the show, it was given to Horatio instead? "

And I do agree with you, Calleigh was amazing in the entire episode, especially in her very short scene with Alexx. Makes you wonder how great she would've been had she been given that part instead of DC! The scene would've at least been more appropriate and more logical!

As I said in my earler post when I commented on the premiere, I too was disappointed with the episode. It left me very confused and angry.
I am glad that I am not the only one who didnt like the premier as much as I'd like to.

1) like a lot of people mentioned, the emotional 'you are all I have left' speech could be so much better if it were delivered by Calleigh. Because Eric is prob all she has left! She isn't that close to her parents; she lives for her job, then Eric came into the picture and brought her out of the cold, calm and, to a point, emotionless Calleigh.

2) What's up with the ending!?! Eric woke up and looked to his right, or where ever, where H was standing?!?! erm...hello Eric, your girlfriend is like right on the other side!!

3) When Eric stumbled to the phone at the beginning he looked at the phone and then the flash backs showed Calleigh shooting him, then he looked down as if he's really upset then collapsed. I couldn't help but wonder if he was considering phoning Calleigh but remembered her shooting at him and decided against it. :confused: Silly Eric.

4) Why wasnt Calleigh in the ambulance with Eric?! oh, wait...cos Horatio is!!!...:shifty:

I dont get the excessive Horatio and Eric bond they are trying to show!?!

To end on a positive note, I LOVED the little scene between E/C!! it was so cute! and Calleigh was adorable in this episode!
Also, if Adam's interviews were true. I think E/C will stay together in the end but will just have a bumpy ride towards the end.
I think we have to come to terms with the fact. Adam is .... Therefore they will have to please a different group of fans then us. Ergo other characters up and front. - or front and center:). Othervise how would show survive and they have to split or downplay Eric and Call. even as you say: her past history and 1) like a lot of people mentioned, the emotional 'you are all I have left' speech could be so much better if it were delivered by Calleigh. Because Eric is prob all she has left! She isn't that close to her parents; she lives for her job, then Eric came into the picture and brought her out of the cold, calm and, to a point, emotionless Calleigh would say differently.

I am NOT pleased with emotionless Calleigh returning but do foresee it in my ;).
As I stated before, I liked the episode BUT I wasnt feeling some of the E/C scenes like the hospital room and the last scene. Eric and Cal are still together so for them not to, in some way, show that made me mad. This has always been a super H focus show and will always be until H leaves. I dont like the fact that they give him so much credit for the success of the show, but it is what it is.To me,the people who works closely with you are the ones who make you look good or bad and if it wasnt for Em,Adam,Jon,Eva,Rex and so on, This show would not have made it this far. The writers and tptb need to be replaced...imho. I mean for crying out loud, they wanted to kill off Eric cause they couldnt come to terms with Adams contract! dont they know that by doing that to such a popular character will be bad for them?? example:Speedle!!! you can also tell Emily is pretty pissed off about it, i mean she is normally hush hush about whats going on with the show but as soon as someone asked her whats going on with Adam, she blurts out bad contract negotiations :lol: Anyways, i could go all day on this but for the next few episodes....

if that scene where Eric say's ex girlfriend is not in the episode itself or he says it to throw Stettler off about their relationship. yeah they may have some issues to take care of but i would find it amusing if the writers went that rout. Also I wonder if and how this scene with Cal and Nat will really turn out.just like many of you have stated,the spoilers have not been reliable so far.
I didn't have time or even heart after reading all the comments about the episode to watch it and now when I did I have to say I don't like at all. Considering the earlier spoilers it looks that they completly changed everything in this episode:scream:. I'm so mad at them. Only one little scene with crying Calleigh, I mean come on, he's still her boyfriend and considering her emotional reaction she really loves him and all we got was one scene. Don't make me believe she wouldn't go to his room when he was in coma to sit with him and to hold his hand, because I'll never believe in something so stupid.
I didn't like the scene with H in Eric's room in hospital, because I also think it was originally intended for Calleigh, but of course they had to change it to show super H again.:(
The only one thing I liked was that little E/C scene with Eric hitting so shamelessly on Cal, so cute and funny:).
And honestly now I'm even more convinced there won't be happy ending between Eric and Calleigh. I'm pretty sure they will, as usual, deceive as long as it possible to leave everything hanging in the air at the end. I'm actually totally disappointed, that's not what I was hoping for. I feel completly betrayed. It's sad, but I don't know if it's worth to watch anymore.:(
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