Hope has faded....
I checked out the pics for episode 5 and he's leaving 
The caption under the pic says that Eric & Calleigh's relationship reaches a turning point, what does that mean....:scream: I don't want him to go, please don't leave her Eric, she needs you.
I think he looks upset when he is hugging her and she is trying her best to hold it together. No, its not fair. They are supposed to live happily ever after and have lost of cute babies...
Now it makes me think of Come Back To Me by David Cook...when you find you...come back to Calleigh, Eric, she loves you.
I think he looks upset when he is hugging her and she is trying her best to hold it together. No, its not fair. They are supposed to live happily ever after and have lost of cute babies...
Now it makes me think of Come Back To Me by David Cook...when you find you...come back to Calleigh, Eric, she loves you.
oh yeah, if you wanna sneak peak at the pics, I posted the link on twitter, if not PM me
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