Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

In regards to getting them together, I think that someone else might have to set them up! Like a blind date! And then take it from there!!! I really dont have a clue to what the writters for the show will actually do though!!! Bottom line is Calleigh needs to learn to let go/ relinquish her need for control!!!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

and he'd have to drag her out of the lab and get her into bed.
Is there any way we can make him do that anyway? Except, maybe without the flu and the hormones, as well as all their clothes?
Yeah I was thinking of trying to bribe the PTB...why we'd have to I don't know cuz really with two people as hot as Adam and Emily and who have as much natural chemistry as Adam and Emily we shouldn't have to...but clearly the PTB are holding out on I was thinking bribery is worth a shot! :devil:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

YAY!!! Spoiler Boxes!!! I haven't been home and I come back to a busy thread...perfect :)!

Moriel21 said:
and he'd have to drag her out of the lab and get her into bed.
Is there any way we can make him do that anyway? Except, maybe without the flu and the hormones, as well as all their clothes?
Yeah I was thinking of trying to bribe the PTB...why we'd have to I don't know cuz really with two people as hot as Adam and Emily and who have as much natural chemistry as Adam and Emily we shouldn't have to...but clearly the PTB are holding out on I was thinking bribery is worth a shot! :devil:
If bribing the PTB doesn't work, a world-wide boycott might...and you're definitely right Adam and Emily have so much natural chemistry!!! Now if only Eric and Calleigh get together and discuss biology... :devil:

Oh, Eric being a woman :lol:...that was hilarious, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's kinda are the new women, no offense!

With that said, Eric is still a man, Calleigh's man, and our man :D!!!


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

*reappears* What? Have I scared you all away? Good...heehee :devil:

If Eric's a woman, Calleigh's a gangsta. And if Calleigh's a gangsta Ryan's a... *vanishes again*
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

fading oh yeah Eric's still very much a all the right ways! :devil: But emotionally the boy can totally turn into a woman sometimes...which is totally hilarious to me! :lol:

Xane nah you didn't scare us off...well not me at least! ;) :p :lol: Call as a gansta...hmmmm, I can almost see it! :lol: Eric might like it! ;)

I've decided I really don't care how it happens I just want E/C to get together already...the more and more I've watched of Miami reruns the more and more I've seen how close they are and how much they flirt and banter and basically fall in love with eachother! It's WAY past time for these two to get together!!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

It's funny, cause Eric is so big and Calleigh is so tiny. And yet I firmly believe she could beat the crap out of him if she so wanted.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

*fades back in* Well hello! Calleigh would so be the boss of this relationship. Eric would be her little bitch, but the good kind. Not the bad kind... *hides*
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Lol, Caro I so totally agree...Eric is like twice as tall and quite likely weighs twice as much as she does and yet I totally see her being able to kick his butt! :lol:

Yeah Xane I'm pretty sure Calleigh would be the one in charge of their relationship...

I think what I'd love to see this season I've decided is to have Eric press in on Calleigh and not let her retreat and hide behind her "we work together" excuse, ya know!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Cal is the kind of person that would take over a realtionship. She seems like she doesn't take bullshit from no one and she will beat the crap outta Eric if he does something stupid.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

And yet she's with Jake, who's such an alpha and already proved he doesn't deserve her. I really wanna know what's going on in Calleigh's head. Even the sex with Jake can't possibly be as good as sex with Eric.

An oldie but a goodie:


Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I was reading a review by that Kristine lady.

"It's impossible not to feel for Delko when he spots Jake showing Calleigh his wounds and then impulsively kissing her in the middle of the lab. The look Calleigh shoots Delko from the elevator as she leaves with Jake suggests she has some misgivings about her choice, but she does leave, setting up what will no doubt be on-going tension in season six. I'll reserve judgment until then, but I will say that it's frustrating to watch two characters who are obviously attracted to each other find excuses not to get together. So far, what's happened between Calleigh and Delko has played out well, and hopefully next season Calleigh will come to her senses."

She so knows what she is talking about. Who is she anyways?
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Top41, the moderator of the CSI: NY forum. She lives 5 minutes away from me and she's awesome. I love her to death. She's our honorary Hip Hugger, though she doesn't actively ship them. She really likes them, though.

And we owe her a lot, because every time she interviews Adam or Emily she asks them about E/C for us.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

She does, she's awesome. We dream of making our own tv show some day. Dammit, it'll happen.

Back to E/C.... I got nothing.

How much longer til the season premieres? Who's doing the countdown?
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