Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Jessica237 said:
^ Not in my experience. I write one fic, and then I just want everybody else to write the rest. :lol:

My fav eye contact moment, besides the season finale, is from Grand Prix when she blatantly feels the need to walk up to him and look at his lips and then tell him that he asking the wrong can't get much more flirtatious than that.

That might just be the most flirty moment ever with these two, but then again, there are a lot and it's hard to pick just one. :D

I've decided lately that I love the scene on the boat in Dead Zone. There's some definite Cal-stares-at-Eric's-lips action in that scene too. And Calleigh's "Dream on, diver man." Heh. And then, when Horatio confirms that Eric did see a mermaid, I love Eric's little "Heh, told ya so" smirk to Calleigh. :D

And then I decided that Eric and Cal should just throw everybody else overboard and just have some alone-at-sea fun themselves. :D :devil:
First of all, Jess, I love you so much right now for continuing on writing fics. You should keep writing cause you have a talent for it, especially if it involves E/C. ;) Oh, and when you say to be continued, you better continue or else...I'll probably go and "borrow" Cal's gun. :lol:

Anyways, I loved your newest addition, "If Only" and I can't wait for the next update...I think! :confused:

The end is kinda getting to me, especially the line..."But if he could turn back time, Eric knew he would never have let them go, had he known it would be the last time he held them. If only he'd known." :(

I wonder what happens next...I've read your other fics and I lost count on how many times you've killed Calleigh, so I'm kinda conflicted on wanting to see the next part..but pleas, do post!

Oh, and thanks to everyone else who's been writing. I've enjoyed all of them. Sorry if I haven't reviewed all at, but I have loved all the E/C fics. From Skylar (and her penis) :lol:, shopping_luva91...sorry I don't know your name, to Jodie and others...they're much appreciated! :D

Dead Zone, Grand Prix, Burned, etc. How am I supposed to choose my favorite one? They're all my faves. Actually, the one where they were in bed together was probably my fave...wait, that hasn't happened...yet! :devil:

I just love how they stare at each other, from lips down to dangerous territories, yet I just wanna push them on top of each other cause they're not doing anything themselves. :D Wouldn't yall???

If they were to have some "alone-at-sea fun," as Jess calls it, don't yall wish we were invited. I know I'm waiting for my invite. :devil:

Well, I finally decided that I'm gonna get off my lazy ass and write :D. I'm not that lazy, but when it comes to writing fanfic, I get a little confused. Don't know why, but I don't know...I even get confused just thinking about it!

I'm hopeless...

Anywho, I've decided to continue the whole "Pic with a Fic" idea I had and I will write a story (short or long) for every episode. Gosh, that sounds crazy. So I guess, I'll get an E/C picture and write something about it. I am gonna need y'alls help finding the pics, though!

Gosh, where's everybody??? I've been gone forever and a sucks :mad:!!! And I have to go back tomorrow...


Luv yall...
Jess I loved yer story and I agree with Anne that tbc better be continued! Ah! {b]Anne[/b] where have you been?! It seems ages since you've been here and your picture stories! Did anyone else read Scars Of A Broken Childhood over at The ending was amazing!
I've been imprisoned in hell...probably Ann Donahue's idea! :mad:

School has been absolutely cruel...I sit in my first class for 5 minutes and the next thing I know is that I needed a 5-paragraph essay turned in after a half-hour...and that was just the first day! :mad:

And yeah, I read "Scars of a Broken Childhood" at and definitely agreeing with you, the end was amazing. The whole story was well-written, and although it pained to read some of the content, it was worth it. The entire fic was unbelievably great! :)


Luv yall...
lmao. Go jodie go! If only it was real...

Fadingintherain - Sorry! I don't know your name either. Mine's jenny. or Jen. whatever you guys feel like.

The pic with a fic idea is great! I have tons of Calleigh/Eric pix. there's literally a whole folder of them on my computer. I use them to make the videos you see. If anyone needs a pic I'm there!
Thank you guys so much! I'm so glad you liked my fic! You just made my day! I hope to post the first chapter of the sequel in the next couple of days, but its a little different!
That's ok! Whatever you write I'm sure it'll be awesome! It always is! We're all really excited about it. Aren't we guys?

Lol. By the way, did you guys like the post-ep I wrote for you? It's for Death Grip. Someone said a while ago that they wanted one so i wrote it and dedicated it to you guys. Anything you think I could improve on? :p
Ooooh, I did like your fic- calleighsthebest... and I am thankful you put warnings. I was talking to Jen the other day about that... people who write stories with possibly upsetting content and then don't warn you about it! Geerrr, But you did, so I smile!!

I look forward to the sequal, what will it be called? So I can look out for it!

Next chapter of my story, Kismet will be up soon. I think it's with adams_girl... not sure though, anyone know where she is?

Love yall
I read your post ep for death grip, it was so sweet i loved it!

I don't know what the title of the sequel will be yet, i usually decide when i post the first chapter! I'll post a link on here when i've posted it though! I'm going to write the first chap this afternoon when i've eaten my dinner!
Ok Jessica, you do best to get a sequel out to that little story you wrote the other day ;)

I mean how you gonna leave us hanging like that???
Oh, you were in NY?? Haha, wherr'd you stay? Have fun? I have just got BACK to NY lol. I have been in DC.

Your sequeal is really good so far!!

I am totally jealous of all who went to NY!! *glares at them* Since it is my favorite place!!
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