Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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My favourite is in Broken from s1.
There's such a famous screencap of it. Eric and Cal are both blushing and they kind of make eye contact and then break it again because they're so embarassed. :lol:
I love it because it's so adorable and it just shows how they can have fun together ya know? :p
Sam is watching him intently and randomly walks up and tells him, "I just wanted you to know you make me really, really happy." I can totally see something like that happening between Eric and Cal during that stage where Calleigh is too scared to say I love you.
Awwwww I love WAT and I could totally see a moment like that happening between E/C! That would make me totally happy! That would definitely be Call saying "I love you" without speaking the words...which I could handle...for now! :D Heck I could handle no words for awhile at all, as long as we get some action! :devil: :lol:

Cannot wait until our new season!!! How many days now??
There are 38 days til the season premiere!

My fav eye contact moment, besides the season finale, is from Grand Prix when she blatantly feels the need to walk up to him and look at his lips and then tell him that he asking the wrong can't get much more flirtatious than that.
I've recently become addicted to this 'ship! Seriously... it's frightening.

Does anyone know a site where I can find clip downloads? I went to the CBS site, but there were only a few episode clips from each season available. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks. :)
Go on They have some good stuff on there. Also the new ec site; ask the others as I forget wht it's called has some good E/C moments :p

delkolover said:
My fav eye contact moment, besides the season finale, is from Grand Prix when she blatantly feels the need to walk up to him and look at his lips and then tell him that he asking the wrong can't get much more flirtatious than that.
I agree! They were flirting, was so evident! Especially when Eric stared at her ass… :lol:

Anyway, my favourite eppy is Death Grip, that is my first episode of CSI Miami. When they were at the funeral of the girl and they were talking about Calleigh’s eyes. I’m sure that Eric would be happy to near her to check the colour of her eyes! :D :D

hip hugger pic of the day

from Death Grip.

Btw, welcome at all the newbies! It’s always good to have new E/C shippers! :)
If you look at the picture Abby has on the signture...(see above) it says it all..
And look how close they are stood :)
OMG I LOVE DEATH GRIP!!! This is so insane. I thought Broken would be my fave but the ones you guys are all describing are all good too! I can't choose anymore!

That scene in Grand Prix is so hilariously flirtatious. You gotta love it.
I know, Death Grip is my first episode of CSI Miami and I’ve loved it since the first moment. That made me an hip hugger! :D When I saw the scene with Eric and Calleigh at the funeral I said “Yeah! The chemistry between these two is sooo evident!”. Unluckily, anyone believed me… :(I’m only waiting for them to see season 5… ;)

Jodie, now we know that Eric is sure that her eyes are green! :lol:
And they’re so close even if they have a lot of space… They have an amazing ability to find all the opportunity to be close! :D :D
I love all the E/C scenes. Even the ones in season 4 (where like NOTHING happened) they still manage to have this energy between them... its magical.:)

Abby: they really do!!!! She always steps close to him whenever she can.
And he just loves looking down to see her, :p So cutie!!!!!
You can so tell in that scene at the funeral that he wanted nothing to more than to reach out and grab her hand but he stopped himself.

That scene has sooo much potential for a post ep fic....someone soooooo needs to write one. :lol: How long has it been now that we have been asking someone to write a post ep fic for that episode??? :lol:

GOOD GOD someone bite bullet and write it please!!!
Hah, yeah we do need a post ep for that one. I'd love to like re-wite all the good EC scenes to make them more HH-ery :) Maybe not though....
There are far too many E/C moments to pick a favorite, though Death Grip when Calleigh goes to console Eric is high on my list. I'd have to say that the glass shard scene still has the best E/C eye moment!!!!

Someone did a fan vid for E/C on youtube to Something to Talk About and I think that this song says it all.

People are talkin, talking bout people
I hear them whisper, you wont believe it
They think were lovers kept under covers
I just ignore it, but they keep saying
We laugh just a little too loud
We stand just a little too close
We stare just a little too long
Maybe theyre seeing, something we dont, darlin

Lets give them something to talk about
Lets give them something to talk about
Lets give them something to talk about
How about love?

I feel so foolish, I never noticed
Youd act so nervous, could you be falling for me?
It took a rumor to make me wonder
Now Im convinced Im going under
Thinking bout you every day
Dreaming bout you every night
Hoping that you feel the same way
Now that we know it, lets really show it, darlin

Lets give them something to talk about
A little mystery to figure out
Lets give them something to talk about
How about love, love, love, love?

Lets give them something to talk about
A little mystery to figure out
Lets give them something to talk about
How about love, love, love, love?

Lets give them something to talk about
Lets give them something to talk about
Lets give them something to talk about
How about love, love, love, love?

oh and btw the E/C site is
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