I don't know why,but for some reason I didn't seem to mind this scene. There are guys, that for some reason, from the time they are kids think they can fly,jumb,etc.Flack is like that on NY too,but he's had a lot more practice at it.
Yes it seems the kids on Miami and NY love the chases and jumping around all over the place. It's like they're all suffering from sugar-highs or ADD!:lol:
You never get that with the Vegas kids, they seem so much more grounded towards....well..the ground....
I'm still totally in awe of Flack in last week's NY episode where he just jumped up and pulled a suspect off one of the railing walk-ways! I was like

DAMN! Wish I could do that! Flack is very experienced indeed!
I never liked this Horatio's patronising attitude towards women . I'm annoyed that it's always him who can comfort young, very beautiful women or vulnerable children...It's just very lame and unintentionally funny after few seasons:guffaw:
Horatio's attitude was never patronizing to me, in fact, that was always what I love about Horatio, to me, that was his most redeeming quality, it was his ability to understand the victims, their families, and small children. I don't find it lame or unintentionally funny, I find it that's what makes Horatio who he is. He connects to these people who need a strong figure to guide them and look out for them, and he was never impatient or harsh with them, he understands them and it fits from Horatio's own past and background.
Horatio with children are scenes that I find precious, ever since from the first season, he has always had this innate ability to understand them and know their needs, I find that's something that's special about Horatio.
Every detective has their own niche, something that they understand and connect to, for Horatio, it's the victims, the helpless, and the children.
When it comes to CSI shows, I thought Mac Taylor gets overly aggressive, but Horatio takes the cake. He needs to chill out a bit. He is grumpy all the time it seems. But don't get me wrong, I am not bashing the show but his character frustrates me.
With Horatio, it's not being grumpy, he's just very stoic. His expressions don't show outward in his appearance, he looks and stares, but he has this ability to appear even more scary the more calmer he looks. There's this look he gets in his eyes when a bad guy is in deep trouble! Mac is more physically aggressive and a lot of the times his intensity is centered on getting the job done. With Horatio, his anger and rage is always hidden beneath a calm exterior, so a lot of the times he would just stare or look intensely, and his intensity is always centered on justice for the victims and their families.
It has been said that this season Horatio is more rough than he has been before, Jesse's death brought that out somewhat when the team was going after Jesse's killer, but some things are gonna happen later on in the season that's gonna put Horatio's normally calm exterior to the test.
I'm still mad about Jesse, and I don't think I will ever stop being mad, and it'll probably effect my enjoyment of the episodes.
Anyways, this was an interesting case and a well-done episode, but for me personally, I'm missing the spark. Yes it was nice team dynamic and everyone seems to get along and there was nice banter, but what had once given me the drive to be excited and watch every episode to see what happened is gone. Maybe one day I'll get it back, but I doubt it.
I hope they keep the team dynamic going, it would be nice for once if they kept their word. But let's just say my faith in this show is long gone.
And really, first it was Jesse was not able to be revived because "he hit his head" and now we have Calleigh and Eric broke up off-screen. Well gee, I wish it was that easily done in real life...
Overall, good decent episode despite the somewhat questionable writing in certain parts.