After last week's episode, this one was kind of ... eh? :shifty:
First, is anyone else becoming very tired of seeing H becoming so overprotective of these "really hot" young women w/kids? It used to be OK, but now it's starting to get a little creepy to me. He needs to get a girlfriend who can stand up for herself, although I don't know how H would handle that - he seems to only connect w/people that NEED him. Don't get me wrong, I love Horatio, but his overprotectiveness in this ep. was weird, especially the end where the perp. goes: "This is really about Sara, isn't it." At that point I would expect H to say, "No, it's about you killing a young girl." But instead he tells him not to go near Sara - I mean, the dude is going to jail and Sara is going out-of-state, so was that really necessary?
I think TPTB should really focus on why Horatio gets this way - it's a pattern w/him that's actually psychologically interesting. It's always young women w/children. Is it b/c he sees in them the family he never had. Or is it b/c he sees in them his own mother - Gosh, how I would LOVE that storyline to come back. I really want to see flashbacks of H protecting his mom, or H holding a pic of his mom, b/c it seems like everything he does is motivated by what happened back in NY when he was a kid - even the whole Marisol thing.
Anyhow, back to the episode. I really liked the Eric/Ryan teaming for once - it was very brotherly. The chase was a bit long, but I loved seeing "The Hardy Boys" together again.! :thumbsup: It was also great to see them watching the Erica Sykes thing on TV together - maybe Eric is lightening up on Ryan a bit, which to me is good and refreshing. Ryan did help hold down the fort while Eric was gone, so maybe Eric respects him more now.
And Erica Sykes - yikes!

Glad it wasn't as bad for Ryan as I thought it'd be - hope we don't see her again - she's really become worse than ever.
As has been said, the way they solved the crime was kind of far-fetched - I mean, what are the chances the chipped crown ends up in the guy's pocket - I was like

- seriously, after the police came you think he'd have the sense to ditch the jacket.
I did like the team interaction - everyone seemed really "in sync" w/each other and I loved it that they weren't "paired off" like they have been - very refreshing. Although I have to say I was disappointed that H didn't have scenes w/any of his team - did anyone else notice that? I really hate it when H is distant from them, and I guess that's one of the reasons I thought the episode was so bland.
As for the E/C thing at the end - :wtf: Personally, I wish this would be the end of it, but I have a feeling TPTB are just draggin this thing out even more, which doesn't make either side of the fence happy. Even though I personally don't like E/C, that scene didn't make a lot of sense to me, esp. since they had already "crossed the line" in the bedroom - a little more explanation and closure would've been helpful. I liked the scene as a whole b/c I've always felt that way about E/C (that they love each other "like family", but not in a romantic way), but after all TPTB have put them through, it just didn't have the kind closure I would've liked. Anyhow, I suppose we'll see...I dont' think it was aired out of order, though, if I remember the spoiler boards correctly...