When they first showed the team in Ryan's place, Jesse said: "Nobody really thinks Ryan did this, right? You know he was set up, right?" And someone else said something about how they couldn't yet prove that or something. So I think they all pretty much knew.
I agree but also they needed to follow procedures if they were going to clear him.
^ Ohh, you are right. i'd forgotten that bit. But it would have been better if someone had said something reassuring when he was being carted off.
I think everyone who was there to see it, Walter, Jesse and Natalia were so shocked it was happening they couldn't say anything.
I agree. It was nice to hear Jesse verbalize that he didn't think Ryan was guilty and he was there, and hoped everyone else was also, to find the evidence that Ryan was set up. And it was really nice to see Walter yell at everyone to be careful with Ryan's stuff that he was one of them.
That actually made me feel pretty good. Usually Ryan is being jumped on with both feet.
But Ryan really needed to hear and see that kind of support when he was there. I keep wondering if he'd have looked directly at anyone other than Calleigh and asked what they thought if he'd have gotten a more comforting response.![]()
Stetler was there as well and was on top of everyone to keep searching (knowing they would find the diamonds he planted eventually). Maybe if he hadn't been there, there would have been more verbal support.
I really felt bad for him. And his fast exit after shaking Eric's hand, to me, spoke volumes. He elected not to remain in the presence of the "team" and the substantial opportunity for team healing by everyone coming together for Ryan at the end was lost in favor of another barf inducing E/C "moment."
Maybe he needed to be alone, but it would have been nice to see the team search him out, shake his hand, pat him on the back or give him a hug. No you are so right Delynn, abandon the possible "team" moment for more another needless E/C moment
Walter's statement, made in obvious disgust, "Some team!" also spoke volumes. He was right. And the disillusionment he's quickly discovered in his short time with this team I've been feeling for 4 seasons. In short - I truly sympathize with Walter. I feel his pain!![]()
Me too, me too.
I think just the simple fact that Eric and everyone else, except Walter, continued to work to clear Ryan goes to show they didn't believe for a second that he actually took the diamonds. And if it had been anybody else doing the investigation, the min. they found the diamonds they would have stopped looking, and just assumed he was guilty. So I guess it was good for Ryan that it was Eric.
Walter did express his support for Ryan though by saying "this isn't right". Where did Walter go for that matter?
I don't think it was Eric in charge of the investigation. It was Horatio. So it wasn't Eric's decision to continue investigating until Ryan was exonerated. It was Horatio's.
I think it was Horatio's baby from Day One. Rather have him in charge than anyone else. :thumbsup: