I was shocked by Tara ,of course Ryan did mention that old shoulder injury.This looks like a story that will be continued in future episodes.WOW...Tara? Really? Goodness....I gasped.
I actually didn't mind the Kyle/Julia thing this time but I just hope we're done with Julia. Really sick of the psycho ex thing.
But H buying him that house? WHAT?!?!?! That was a load of poo! Isn't he like 16 or 17? The kid isn't that responsible! And that house probably cost about 2 million bucks! Come ON Miami!!!
Glad they didn't delve into the incest until the end. I knew from the start it had to be the kids though.
Ah, Ryan and Natalia back to their comfy inferior positions...
Love Michael Travers.
I think Kyle is 17.Yeah that was unbelievable that H got him that home.It's bigger than my home(which I call the doll house)and I'm a lot older than 17.
I somehow figured it was the kids too.
At least we know Ryan has something coming up,so I don't feel too cheated with the little screen time.I'm okay if the screen time is rotated,a little this week,more the next,but that should apply to everyone.