Ok, why was everyone wearing green? Why was the lab so green? Why was the sea green? That was beyond color coordination :scream:
I'll have to re-watch it, I was too distracted trying to find anything that wasn't green in this episode.
Seriously, what was that about? Is January the 'against global warming' month or something like that?
I think Ryan was purple, actually... speaking of which, his outfit looked quite okay, IMO. His hair was a bit weird, though.
A few other remarks:
- I couldn't figure out the amnesia-guy. I went from "ooh I fell sorry to him" to "he's lying he's lying!" and back again. And over and over. I thought the last (?) scene he had with Calleigh was quite touching, saying he would do his time if he actually killed those people, but he preferred not to remember.
- Horatio in the lab! It looks weird, really. But this was really CSI-H, not superhero-H so his score for this epi goes up
- I like it when they don't have a B-plotline if they A-line is interesting enough. Gives the episode some time to breathe.
- Delko PLEAZE! She can't be more obvious, she really just can't. She says "tell me" and he says... nothing.:wtf:
- Overall wardrobe was pretty okay in this one.