Hey Hcrazy

Somehow I knew you'd be psyched about that last scene, and that's cool

- H is always smokin' when he gets angry :drool: And I totally hear you with the breaking point thing (I wrote a fanfic awhile ago, based on "Man Down," but before it aired, where H was overwhelmed by everything and contemplated suicide - it was interesting to write b/c while it seemed "out of character" for H, it really doesn't nowadays. Like you said, he's got way too much on his plate. Nice observations.

Personally, I'd like to see Horatio called out for his actions, like he was in "After the Fall" (and he didn't even do anything in that ep!) I'll leave everyone w/these two thoughts in regard to my opinion on the matter.
Here's a quote from David Caruso himself about "police brutality" and a Season 6 scene that was cut - I thought this was very telling:
"For instance, initially in the episode "Inside Out," there was a version where I go in and get physical with the character of Joe LeBrock right away ... But if I was to get physical and give way to the emotions we are describing here, in today's world, not only would that not be acceptable, I would be in a holding cell, under arrest, handcuffed, sitting with an attorney. And in lock up, how would I help my son from there? The [best] thing I can do is keep as composed as possible so I can stay outside and function. It is not easy, and that's a good thing." - David Caruso, CSI:Miami Magazine (Feb. 2008)
Now that was from the man himself. I think this says it all, but just to bring up another point, let's not forget about Season 3's "After the Fall." Remember that nice scene w/Cal and H, where Cal convinces Horatio to let her look at the evidence against him when that guy on the roof claims H dislocated his shoulder? Calleigh is TOTALLY sure that Horatio didn't do anything wrong b/c she looks up to him and knows him after working w/him for so long. She KNOWS he wouldn't have hurt the suspect, at least not on purpose. That's why she pursues the matter and proves him innocent. Also, she point-blank asks Horatio: "How are you doin"? She checks up on him to make sure he's OK, which no one has really done since - big mistake on TPTB's part.
Now what would happen if this scenario played out now? Would Calleigh be so quick to run to Horatio's defense? Just three years ago, she believed Horatio was incapable of such an action of police brutality. But now, can she say for certain what H is capable of? Is that a good thing?
And if H is gonna lose it, I would've much rather seen it happen over Kyle or Calleigh's kidnapping than this. With the kidnappings, there's that sense of urgency - every minute counts - so he's gotta get the info to get to them. They could die if he doesn't. It would make more sense, anyway, even if it was wrong. Either do it or don't, but don't be inconsistent.
Horatio's actions in "All In" and this episode cheapened H's character, IMHO, and further broke the bond of trust that he had forged w/the team, especially Calleigh (since she is his second in command and is the one left holding the bag when/if he gets in trouble, besides the fact that she defended him in "After the Fall").