I sort of agree with Geni. I mean this was a letdown, don't get me wrong...I wanted more than anything else to get Horatio hurt, even if it meant waiting all summer to see what happened to him, because it would just be too good...and I was extremely dissapointed. I've hired my friend Murphy to eat Ann Donahue. He's pretty good about things like that.
But, I have to say...if I hadn't heard that Horatio was going to die, I think I woul;d have placed this finale right after the season 2 finale. I might be alone here, but I liked it. First off, I loved, and I mean squeeing, fangirly madness love, Ryan doing paperwork in that hot outfit with that hot hair and those gorgeous expressions on his face and Stetler coming in and out was funny, sweet, and just incredible. Ryan was awesome in this episode, and I also loved how Boa Vista's really been there for him, even when he was so mean to her after she was revealed as the mole. When she sat down to help him at the end I melted. I am going to scream it really loud- I LOVE RYAN WOLFE!
I thought Horatio looked extremely amazing. He looked like 30, with his hair looking nice, a nice suit, he looked thinner, and not too many wrinkles...the miracle of makeup, and the Miami sun. It's the humidity, we don't have that here in LA so he looked way better with nice, more hydrated hair. :lol: I sound so weird. But I thought he looked incredible, anyway.
And a child! I screamed when Frank said 'the kid.' H got to be sort-of his old self, and we got a really sexy sitting-on-the-dock water shot. My photoshop senses are tingling. That was great, I thought the actor who played Noah was really cute and did a great job, and Horatio had a good interaction with him. Onward with the old/new H! *raises fist*
Calleigh and Eric fighting...I'll stay un-shippy but I didn't like it. I mean, Eric wasn't being fair, Calleigh and jake are friends and she'd visit her friends in the hospital. Eric should be better than that, and not let whatever feelings he may or may not (staying un-shippy) have for Calleigh stay out of the way. Though he must have had his heart broken when she kissed Jake (though it looked to me like he kissed her and she was just a bit shocked by it all, but that might just be the shipper in me talking. I don't know and I'm not going for or against a ship here, just what I thought I saw)
I really liked the lighting, the panning in and out of the cameras too. All the extra stuff was good, as in the lights, sound, camera angles, wardrobe, ect ect. Spot-on, crew. *raises thumb*
The end was great for me, and takes place second, next to season 2, among season finale enders. Of course, who would top 'Loves Divine?' No one. BUT that song was amazing, and I'm headed straight for iTunes once the net at home is back up. I loved the ending, from natalia sitting down next to Ryan, the look on Ryan's face, Alexx putting wawy the bodies, even Eric and Calleigh...and ah, Horatio. he looked majestic (this must have been the 'Rio' connection, H high and mighty) and while it migth add to the whole Super-H thing, he looked good, the music was great, and it really just made me feel good- happy, like music should make you feel, staring at an amazingly good looking guy. :lol: I actually loved that part.
Overdone on the watching the girls get murdered part, and the scene where the girl pushed her sister down the stairs was terrible acting on all of their parts, but it was still a great finale IMO.

Can't wait for next season!