Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

8 mintues left!

The comedy show 'Air Farce' is on right now. And they were talking about the SuperBowl, and insulted DC! They said

"SuperBowl Officials decided not to coin toss this year but to shoot CSI Miami Star David Caruso out of a cannon!"

And then this crude little stupid comic of a cut and paste photo of DC getting shot out of a cannon, and landing ontop of George Bush. I. AM. SO. PISSED. RIGHT NOW.
Alright, I know y'all are excited for this episode (So am I! :D) but let's tone down the countdowns please. :) This is a thread for discussion about the episode, so the countdowns should be done on y'alls watches and clocks. ;)

Hunter, it's a shame that they said that about DC. :eek: Although, I should point out that this is the thread discussion about 'No Man's Land'. Any discussion about David Caruso (that doesn't have to do with this episode) can go into the DC/Horatio thread. :)
Woah! now THAT is how you do sweeps! Loved the eppy! It was really great, and next week's look even better!
Okay, normally I love anything Calleigh wears...

But, what the hell is up with those boots?

She looks like an evil superhero this evening.

Hair is good though.

Dang...Clavo's bitter.
And I agree...I'm not digging Cal's boots in this ep...and the whole all-black thing coupled with the boots make her look like a comic book villain.
God I can't wait. You all are soooo lucky! I have 2.5 hours left here in LA! *foams at mouth* My pulse is quickening...I've waited since December for this ep! God...OK, I'll leave now. I'll come back when it's about to start!
Jesus christ, I really have nothing to say. Other then I'm probably going to kill myself before next week, because it's going to take way too long. cliffhangers are the real murderers.
All I can think is...


The song keeps playing in my head over and over and over. I can't make it stop.


I'm semi-drunk.
