Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

xanessa i agree. also i just saw a clip of promo on youtube but and it shows someone getting shot but it is scary. and to be continued gosh well i guess or hope a the next thing i know it is monday agian
Ok, I have to say, the writers saying that he's "fatally shot" is another way of screwing with us. Either he dies (which he probably won't), or he doesn't die, making it another of the writers lies/red herrings. Unless of course he "dies" but they bring him back, in which case it still wasn't really fatal...ay writers?...

Unless of course, someone else random gets shot :rolleyes:. Oh well, I still got quite a while til I see it, but I'll be looking forawrd to hearing what you guys think of it.
Delko does at one point "die." Though after a few seconds/(moments) of defibbing, the doctors are able to revive him.

So, technically, they are right.

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Just as long as the death isn't just a dream, like that Dallas fiasco of several years ago.
carlz31 said
Ok, I have to say, the writers saying that he's "fatally shot" is another way of screwing with us. Either he dies (which he probably won't), or he doesn't die, making it another of the writers lies/red herrings. Unless of course he "dies" but they bring him back, in which case it still wasn't really fatal...ay writers?...

The writers love to play those little mind games with us during the teasers and plot summaries. It's mean, and normally it's not quite what we expected. (Thus far, most have been minor disappointments) But it's the hype that counts, and if it gets viewers, CBS and the producers have been successful. It's a sad, cruel world. :p

Plot summary
When a truck full of confiscated weapons is hijacked and the weapons are released back into the public, Horatio links the crime to Clavo Cruz, a man he put away for murder years ago. However, on the day of Clavo's arraignment, a confiscated missile is launched into the courthouse to aid his escape, with Alexx inside

I'm interested to hear everyone's take on this aspect of the episode. So many questions arise. Why is Alexx there? Why is Clavo getting an arraignment?

I find it really interesting that they decided to bring Clavo back, and his involvement in the storyline is really quite refreshing to say the least. I always found Clavo to be one of the most interesting bad guys, and I kind of missed him, lol.

So what does everyone think about Clavo being brought back? Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Is it just another attempt at continuity, or was it meant for something else?

It also seems like there will be a lot going on in this episode. I hope things don't get too chaotic to the point where I don't understand which end is up. :lol:
I've said it before- I love Clavo. Happy he's coming back, he was the kind of bad guy you love because he's so irritating. And, he absolutely hates H. I'm so excited about this ep.
I'm so excited for this ep. it's gonna be interesting, kinds like the Rio one. but Clavo, is different than Riaz cuz he's, actually kinda annoying. It's Eric that's shot isn't it?
Welcome to TalkCSI Crying_Danny. :D I hope you'll enjoy posting here. :)

I believe he'll also be shot in the chest, and face as well. But I doubt he'll die, even if he might flatline a few times. :p Adam Rodriguez didn't say anything about leaving the show, and if was leaving, there would be more of an inkling about it. :)

Also, Crying_Danny please use the 'edit' function to add more to your post, as opposed to double posting. You have up to 24 hours to edit. :)
Actually Eric is going to be shot in the leg and side of his face. He will 'clinically' die but they bring him back. Adam is not leaving the show...I've read spoilers from upcoming eps and Eric is back at work in them.

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Hmm, I read that he'd be shot three times. Maybe I need to wear my glasses more often. :lol: Thanks for the clarification. :)

I'm really excited for this episode though. I know that characters getting shot is very mean, but it's more interesting than terrorists and Horatio A.K.A. Jack Bauer for half a season. :p Plus, we'll get reactions from the team (hopefully) so it'll be a relief to see some more comraderie among everyone.
^^ :lol: I agree. They've been focusing on that way too much lately.
I'm excited about this episode.